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Sibel Edmonds Attacks Matthew Bryza'S Nomination To Position Of U.S.

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  • Sibel Edmonds Attacks Matthew Bryza'S Nomination To Position Of U.S.


    July 29 2010

    WASHINGTON DC. July 29, 2010: Sibel Edmonds, author of a number of
    controversial statements about the U.S. administration officials, has
    come up with an article attacking Matthew Bryza, the ambassador-nominee
    of the Obama administration for Azerbaijan.

    Considering the fact that Matthew Bryza's nomination to Azerbaijan
    goes through an unusually delayed and complicated confirmation process,
    we decided to re-publish this article. Below is the full text:

    President Obama appears to have run out of Non-Neocon candidates
    to appoint for crucial positions. After one year with no ambassador
    to fill the position in Azerbaijan, the President reached out to and
    appointed a young neocon with a tangled web of conflicts. I am talking
    about a neocon and his wife, a duo who for the last decade and a half
    have been attached to figures such as Michael Rubin, Barry Rubin,
    Daniel Pipes, Richard Perle, Robert Novak...We have here a fairly
    young to-be-ambassador neocon, whose lavish wedding in Turkey could
    not have been possible without the generosity of those involved in the
    Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline projects, and corrupt figureheads in Azerbaijan
    politics...This is about a shady neocon figure with a shadier role in
    the almost-forgotten Georgia-Russia incident a couple of years ago...We
    are talking about neocon Matt Bryza and his more-of-a-neocon think-tank
    damsel Zeyno Baran; President Obama's choice for the ambassadorship
    in Azerbaijan.

    Last Thursday Mr. Bryza was on the defensive when he appeared before
    the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. While the general MSM
    coverage placed its main focus on Bryza's questionable actions,
    actually lack of actions, on the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflicts and
    incidents involving the desecration of ancient Armenian gravesites in
    the town of Julfa in the Azerbaijani exclave of Naxcivan, very little
    coverage was given to his even greater baggage and background. Here
    is one of those cursory coverages I'm talking about:

    Bryza also pledged to not let his personal life affect his work. His
    wife, Zeyno Baran, is of Turkish origin, which some Armenian critics
    say leads to an anti-Armenian bias. Baran, who was present at the
    hearing, has also been cited as a source of potential conflict of
    interest for Bryza in terms of energy politics. She works for the
    Hudson Institute, a Washington-based think-tank which receives funding
    from ExxonMobile and other energy companies. Azerbaijan is a key
    "southern corridor" country for planned increases in gas shipment
    from the Caspian region to Europe.


    Bryza's neocon damsel's past and present, and her various business
    and close associations are only the tip of a gigantic iceberg. But
    rest assured, our media and Congress will not go 'there', of course,
    without being forced to do so, that is.

    So who is this quietly conceived hatched Neocon Larva, Matt Bryza?

    As before I am going to start with the common pedigree chosen by our
    shallow MSM journalist friends and the like; the type that doesn't
    raise many (if any) flags, at first glance:

    Matthew J. Bryza is a diplomat who became Deputy Assistant Secretary
    of State for European and Eurasian Affairs in June 2005. Two months
    ago President Obama appointed him as the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan.

    Here is a canned description of his job as a 'diplomat':

    In this capacity, he is responsible for policy oversight and management
    of U.S. relations with countries in the Caucasus and Southern
    Europe. He also leads U.S. efforts to advance peaceful settlements of
    the separatist conflicts of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in Georgia,
    and works with the Special Negotiator for Eurasian Conflicts to
    advance a settlement to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

    Additionally, Bryza coordinates U.S. energy policy in the regions
    surrounding the Black and Caspian Seas. He also works with European
    countries on issues of tolerance, social integration, and Islam.

    In April 2001, Bryza joined the National Security Council as Director
    for Europe and Eurasia, with responsibility for coordinating U.S.

    policy on Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and
    Caspian energy.

    Bryza served as the deputy to the Special Advisor to the President and
    Secretary of State on Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy from July 1998 to
    March 2001. In this capacity, Bryza coordinated the U.S. Government's
    inter-agency effort to develop a network of oil and gas pipelines
    in the Caspian region.During 1997-1998, Bryza was special advisor to
    Ambassador Richard Morningstar, coordinating U.S. Government assistance
    programs on economic reform in the Caucasus and Central Asia.

    Bryza served at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow during 1995-1997, first
    as special assistant to Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering, then as a
    political officer covering the Russian Duma, the Communist Party,
    and the Republic of Dagestan in the North Caucasus.

    He worked on European and Russian affairs at the State Department
    during 1991-1995.Bryza served in Poland in 1989-1991 at the U.S.

    Consulate in PoznaÅ~D and the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, where he covered
    the Solidarity movement, reform of Poland's security services, and
    regional politics.

    At first glance the above description is about a good ole boring
    tie-wearing State Department bureaucrat who was docile and boring
    enough to last through four administrations: Bush Sr., Clinton,
    Bush Jr., and now, Obama; that and the fact that the guy has been
    climbing the ladder steadily and rather quickly. Taking a closer look,
    if we have enough interest and if we are paying attention, our man's
    operational file stands out a bit:

    Caucasus, Central Asia, Eurasia, Caspian Sea, Turkey, Russia, Dagestan,

    Look just a little bit closer and you'll notice even more important
    key works associated with key operations falling within the real
    interest of the key people:

    Caspian Basin, Caspian Energy, Energy Diplomacy, Islam, Oil &
    Gas Pipelines...

    You and I know that 'they' don't put just any good ole boring
    bureaucrat in positions dealing with the above key regions and
    dealing with the above key operations and issues. Right? Right. So
    back to the real question: who is this Matt Bryza? How did he get
    his start? Whose protégé was he to make it this far this fast? Who
    are his buddies? The answers to some of these questions take time and
    real effort to discover, since you won't find them by browsing through
    MSM news archives or biographical synapses posted here and there...

    Let's start with the key person leading to Bryza's acceptance and
    entry as a larva into the nest of the major neocon players, and his
    speedy ascent thereafter:

    Richard Morningstar & His Closeted Neocon Status

    >From Morningstar's commonly cited pedigree sheet we know that he
    and Bryza collected degrees from Stanford University, which later
    led to their mentor-protégé relationship. In 1997 Bryza became
    special advisor to Ambassador Richard Morningstar, coordinating U.S.
    Government assistance programs on economic reform in the Caucasus
    and Central Asia during 1997-1998. Digging a little bit more:

    In 1998 Bryza was Morningstar's chief lieutenant in managing U.S.

    Caspian Sea energy interests as Deputy to the Special Advisor to the
    President and Secretary of State on Caspian Basin Energy Diplomacy,
    where he remained until March of 2001, and he worked on developing
    what are now U.S. and Western plans to circumvent Russia and Iran
    and achieve dominance over the delivery of energy supplies to Europe.

    Interestingly, last year, one year before Obama appointed Bryza as an
    Ambassador to Azerbaijan, on April 20, 2009, Morningstar was appointed
    to the role of supporting U.S. energy goals in the Eurasian region.

    Morningstar was special advisor to the Clinton administration on
    Caspian energy; time to reunite the old mentor and his protégé for
    the next attempt on the Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline.

    Morningstar's status as one of the power player neocons has been long
    closeted.. During the 90s he was working with and serving one of the
    main agendas of Neocon players such as Elliott Abrams, Dick Cheney,
    Frank Gaffney, Paul Wolfowitz ...People tend to pay attention only to
    the top 25 signatories and contributors of Project for the New American
    Century-PNAC. Yes, that infamous list also includes the Neocons shining
    star for Central Asia & the Caucasus, Mr. Richard L. Morningstar.

    Conn Halinan's counterpunch article in 2004 aptly highlights an
    important fact when it comes to the Haliburtons, Perles and Wumsers
    and their Project for the New American Century (PNAC) as it relates
    to Central Asia:

    The recent move of oil companies and the U.S. military into Central
    Asia is a case in point. It was President Bill Clinton, not George W.

    Bush, who crafted that strategy. It was not the Republicans who
    brought Halliburton and Cheney into the Caspian region, but Clinton
    advisor Richard Morningstar, now a John Kerry point man.

    Halinan is right on target: Clinton appointee Morningstar paved the
    way for Dick Cheney's Halliburton's positioning in Central Asia,
    and did darn many other good deeds for the main signatories of the
    Neocon Wet Dream in that region.

    Morningstar is also known as one of those who take their allegiances to
    Israel above anything else. You may remember the questions surrounding
    Douglas Feith's and Rahm Emanuel's Israel citizenship status. I
    haven't seen anyone questioning Mr. Morningstar's status in Israel;
    at least not on the record, but Morningstar and his family are known
    as staunch supporters of Israel with close ties over there.

    Morningstar's mother's, the late Jane Morningstar, obituary in the
    Boston Globe provides only a little initial glimpse; others with
    far deeper knowledge of Morningstar's real Israel connections would
    currently rather whisper...Time may raise the volume on these closeted
    facts, or may not.

    The latest articles regarding Matt Bryza's connection to the Neocons
    are limited to his connection through his wife, Zeyno Baran. Either
    intentional censorship or ignorance glosses over his close neocon ties
    which started long before his marriage, going back to his early years
    under his mentor Morningstar, and accelerating steadily, assisting
    his speedy career ascent. Just check out his event calendar to see how
    his name pairs up with tneocon brand names when it comes to functions,
    speeches, think-tank gatherings...

    Matt Bryza & His Neocon Damsel

    In 2007 Matt Bryza married Zeyno Baran, a Turkish-American neocon
    who's been working for the Hudson Institute and before that for the
    Nixon Center. Here are a few of her titles and areas of expertise
    highly valued and marketed by her current neocon mentors and bosses
    such as Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Conrad Black, Abram Shulsky...:
    Director of the Center for Eurasian Policy, Director of International
    Security and Energy Programs, Director of the Caucasus Project.

    Baran and her colleagues and mentors are closely associated with the
    Turkish Ultra-Nationalist (Ulusalcis) movement and figures, including
    the military figures involved in the Ergenekon scandal:

    The think tanks actively engaging the Turkish Ulusalcıs are AEI,
    the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and the Hudson Institute.

    The institutional relations between the American neo-cons and the
    Turkish Ulusalcıs are run by the office of Dick Cheney, Richard Perle
    of AEI and Zeyno Baran of the Hudson Institute on the American side
    and, on the other side, by Mustafa Suzer, former owner of Kentbank
    and a close associate of Perle, and Ä°lhan Selcuk, "big brother" of
    Cumhuriyet. Suzer's meetings with Dick Cheney were disclosed in the
    Turkish press and never denied by either side. Selcuk is also reported
    to have spoken with Cheney's advisors and established a back-channel
    with the US vice president's office through Elcin Poyrazlar, the
    Washington representative for Cumhuriyet. Writing in the Yeni Å~^afak
    daily, Taha Kıvanc claimed that this back-channel had already been
    established before the American occupation of Iraq and that Selcuk
    had promised the Americans Turkey's support in return for American
    neo-con support for the Turkish Ulusalcıs to come to power in Ankara.


    It was also claimed that State Department diplomat Matthew Bryza,
    long-time boyfriend and, more recently, husband of Zeyno Baran,
    was the person who wrote the declaration read by Fried that gave the
    Turkish military the "green light" by saying that the Americans were
    not on any side of the discussion. The extent to which Bryza was
    influenced by his wife is not known, but the similarities in their
    rhetoric against the AK Party are striking. Baran, who was already
    a controversial figure due to her involvement in the infamous Hudson
    Institute meeting, her article in Newsweek that predicted a military
    coup in 2007 and her involvement with the colored revolutions in
    Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Ukraine...


    Despite her deranged mother, who has been calling Turkish reporters,
    harassing and asking them to write about her daughter's IQ level
    (her claim on that went from 'over 100' to '120,' and during the
    Bryza-Baran wedding to '158' IQ points!!), the overly ambitious Zeyno
    Baran's idiotic move to preempt Ergenekon by publicly 'predicting'
    the attempted coup backfired, and cast doubt on this Nuevo Neocon's
    intelligence and tactfulness. What she wanted: to grab attention and
    score points among her neocon mentors and colleagues. What happened:
    she exposed the mutually dependent relationship between her bosses
    and the ultra-nationalist rogue Turkish generals, and brought into the
    light the active role played by US neocons in the coup plot in Turkey.

    This major booboo alone was enough to take 15 points off her average
    IQ. Later in this article we'll go over another major Baran booboo
    on the financial sources of her lavish wedding, leaving her very few
    remaining IQ points...

    The Lavish Wedding, the Wedding Financiers, and the Mafia

    In 2007, after several years of a personal and close work relationship,
    Matt Bryza and Zeyno Baran were married in Turkey. The ultra lavish
    wedding and its highly interesting list of 400 plus guests made
    the front-page of many Turkish newspapers and magazines, but that
    publicity was nothing compared to the subsequent media coverage,
    and of course, the cost to two brave Azerbaijani journalists who
    exposed the 'real financiers' of Bryza-Baran's lavish wedding and
    it's true implications. Let's start with the 'highly costly' wedding,
    the 'special guests,' the exposed financiers, and those who tried to
    expose them. Here is a snapshot of the costly wedding:

    The location: In one of the most expensive club houses in Istanbul. To
    rent the space Bryza-Baran were given a 'special' discount by a 'very
    special' Turkish mafia connected friend (the infamous owner of the
    Galatasaray Soccer Team); Instead of $80K the rent was reduced to
    around $35K.

    Number of Guests: around 450; many power-players from the Caspian
    energy field, including political figureheads from Azerbaijan,
    Kazakhstan, Turkey, Georgia, and of course the USA.

    Wedding Security: 250 policemen were hired and put in place for
    protection; several K-9 police dogs were brought in for search
    purposes. In addition to all this Bryza-Baran hired 20 additional
    private bodyguards.

    The Groom's Best Men & Witnesses: One of the three best men and
    witnesses for Matt Bryza was none other than Azerbaijani Foreign
    Minister Elmar Mammadyarov.

    The Designer Gown & Suit: The couple purchased their gown & tuxedo
    from the famous designer Vakko; the total cost for this is said to
    be over $10K

    The famous quote of the wedding: This couplehood was formed by the
    Baku-Ceyhan Pipeline Project- - - Turkish Energy Minister, Hilmi Guler.

    This is just a snapshot of the ultra lavish wedding, which nearly 300
    state and private security personnel were hired to serve. The estimated
    cost for Mr. Bryza's lavish story-book wedding in Turkey ranges from
    $150,000 to $250,000. Customarily this amount would have been paid
    by the bride's parents. However, neither Mrs. Baran-Bryza's mother,
    father, or step-father could or would dish out this amount. Of course,
    a bill in this amount paid by Matt Bryza would have raised way too
    many eyebrows here in the US. So what happened? Who did finance this
    wedding extravaganza?

    Be careful. Be very careful. Because when two journalists tried to
    answer these same questions they ended up being attacked, beaten
    up, stabbed, arrested, tortured...and one of them had to escape
    the country.

    That's right. In Turkey, between Bryza-Baran's rouge powerful general
    friends and of even more powerful mafia babas, they made sure no
    journalist dared venture into these questions. Here in the United
    States no real bodily force or threat was necessary, since the State
    Department's stenographers in the MSM censored the entire episode.

    However, in Azerbaijan two brave journalists dared, and this is what
    happened to them:

    Did a high-level Azeri official pay for Matthew Bryza's 2007 wedding
    to Turkish author Zayna Baran? A swift crackdown on two journalists
    who reported at the time that the wedding ceremony for President
    Obama's current nominee for the US ambassadorship to Baku was funded
    by Azerbaijan's Economic Development minister suggests some misconduct.

    In 2007, the editor of opposition newspaper Azatliq, Genimet Zahid
    and correspondent Adil Khalil were sued over an article entitled
    "Azerbaijanis Paid for Matthew Bryza's Wedding." The article alleges
    that Azeri Economic Development minister Haydar Babayev paid for a
    significant portion of Bryza's wedding, which took place in Istanbul
    the same year. At the time, Bryza was the US co-chairman of the OSCE
    Minsk Group, the body tasked with mediating a peace deal for the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.


    During the appellate process, both of which were ruled in favor of the
    minister, Khalil was severely beaten and stabbed. Reportedly he fled
    to France. Meanwhile, Zahid was sentenced to four years in jail on a
    separate charge of "hooliganism."Zahid's lawyers last fall appealed to
    the International Court of Human Rights, arguing that charges against
    their client was a violation of Article 10 of the European Convention
    on Human Rights, which protects freedom of expression. The appeal
    to the court also charges that the journalists were not granted a
    fair trial.

    The swift action by Minister Babayev signals that the Azadliq article
    had merit. The editor's unwillingness to retract, coupled with the
    swift court rulings and the subsequent attacks on the journalists,
    suggest that there was more to Bryza's Istanbul nuptials than a mere
    wedding ceremony.


    Think about it for a second. The exposé written by the Azerbaijani
    journalist duo was most damaging to whom? In a country ruled by
    despots, father Aliyev and now Aliyev the son, riddled by corruption
    and atrocities, this piece of information does nothing in terms
    of touching, even coming close to touching, those in power; has no
    effect - one scandal among thousands. But how about Bryza-Baran? A
    neocon operator ready to be appointed as Ambassador to Azerbaijan;
    not wanting anything to interfere with his confirmation. A mini neocon
    woman working under a powerful group of Neocons whose eyes have been
    set on the region; getting ready to make their pipeline dreams come
    true-fruits of which will be collected by their upper echelon bosses.

    How did it go? Did Bryza call his wedding financiers, his best man,
    his government official guests of honor in Azerbaijan, and ask them
    to shut these journalists up before the 'facts' reach here and get
    distributed? Or was it Bryza's mentors and colleagues making the

    Don't wait for any new developments to reach here from Azerbaijan: With
    one of the journalists sitting in jail, the other one hiding in fear
    somewhere in France (where Turkish ultra-nationalist operators have
    quite a reach), and of course, the rest of the journalist community
    getting the message loud and clear, thus not willing to touch upon the
    scandal...well, it won't happen. How about here in the US? Not a single
    reporter is going to follow up on this massive scandal and it's far
    reaching implications. When it comes to State Department operatives:
    'can't touch this.'

    Matt Bryza: Highly Criticized Role in Russia-Georgia Conflict

    Let me first provide a little bit of background on Bryza's role in
    the region, especially in Georgia and Azerbaijan:

    During his four-year stint as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
    European and Eurasian Affairs he has focused on the South Caucasus,
    and during that period Georgia's war budget has ballooned from $30
    million a year when U.S.-educated Mikheil Saakashvili took power
    after the nation's "Rose Revolution" in 2004 to $1 billion last year,
    a more than thirty fold increase. In the same year, 2008, Azerbaijan's
    military spending had grown from $163 million the preceding year
    to $1,850,000,000, more than a 1000% increase. Much of the money
    expended for both unprecedented build-ups came from revenues derived
    from oil sales and transit fees connected with the BTC pipeline Bryza
    was instrumental in setting up.


    Regarding neighboring Georgia, a German press report on the second
    day of last August's war between that nation and Russia stated that
    "US Special Forces troops, and later US Marines replacing them, have
    for the last half decade been systematically training selected Georgian
    units to NATO standards" and "First-line Georgian soldiers wear NATO
    uniforms, kevlar helmets and body armour matching US issue, and carry
    the US-manufactured M-16 automatic rifle...." On the first day of
    the war the Chairman of the Russia's State Duma Security Committee,
    Vladimir Vasilyev, denounced the fact that the Georgian President
    Saakashvili "undertook consistent steps to increase [Georgia's]
    military budget from $US 30 million to $US 1 billion - Georgia was
    preparing for a military action."

    And here is how Turkey ties into this:

    An Armenian news source the same day detailed that "Most of Georgia's
    officers were trained in the U.S. or Turkey. The country's military
    expenses increased by 30 times during past four years, making up 9-10
    per cent of the GDP. The defense budget has reached $1 billion."U.S.

    military grants to Georgia total $40.6 million. NATO member states,
    including Turkey and Bulgaria, supplied Georgia with 175 tanks, 126
    armored carriers, 67 artillery pieces, 4 warplanes, 12 helicopters,
    8 ships and boats. 100 armored carriers, 14 jets (including 4
    Mirazh-2000) fighters, 15 Black Hawk helicopters and 10 various ships
    are expected to be conveyed soon."


    Bryza's assistance to the Saakashvili government has also extended
    to backing it in its armed conflicts with Abkhazia and South Ossetia,
    which in the second case escalated into all-out war a year ago.


    The following appeared in the Wall Street Journal in August 2008,
    albeit with an attempt to portray Bryza's role more positively:

    When Russian tanks rolled out of South Ossetia and into Georgia
    proper Monday, triggering fears of a full-scale invasion, a man began
    furiously shoving U.S. diplomat Matthew J. Bryza around the lobby
    of the Marriott Tbilisi, the capital's fanciest hotel. "It's your
    fault too," shouted Georgy Khaindrava, a former Georgian minister
    for conflict resolution. "If you hadn't propped up Misha Magariya
    [Misha the strong], we wouldn't have tanks here now," he said,
    referring to Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.


    The affable Mr. Bryza has developed a reputation as a hard-liner on
    Russia's actions towards the former states of the Soviet Union and a
    staunch defender of both Georgia and the 40-year-old Mr. Saakashvili,
    with whom he has a close personal relationship.Critics say that
    has complicated the U.S.-Georgian relationship, possibly diluting
    State Department warnings to Tbilisi against engaging in a military
    confrontation with Russia. Some say there were signs for months that
    Russia was laying a trap for Mr. Saakashvili.


    Do you remember the short-lived justified frenzy over Randy
    Scheunemann, John McCain's top foreign policy advisor, and his role
    involving Georgia? Guess who was one of Scheunemann's points of
    'frequent' contact at the State Department?

    So let's take a look at what Scheuneman was actually doing in that role
    -- which helped earn his firm nearly $900,000 since 2004. Lobbying
    for a foreign government is a vaguely defined task that involves
    cultivating contacts, trying to shape perception and influence key
    decisions. For Georgia, the goal was clear -- to get on track for
    NATO membership and secure western backing against Russian influence
    and aggression. Schuenemann's dual role of paid foreign agent (as
    recently as March) and key adviser to a presidential candidate is
    unusual, especially since McCain has not indicated that Scheunemann
    will recuse himself from Georgia issues.


    As a paid foreign agent, Scheunemann and his lobbying firm, Orion
    Strategies, filed disclosure reports with the Department of Justice,
    which offer some insight into the process of exercising influence
    in Washington. Scheunemann spent a lot of time working the phones,
    talking to key Bush Administration officials about Georgia's efforts
    to join NATO. He often spoke to Ambassador John Tefft who heads the
    U.S. embassy in Georgia, as well as Dan Fried and Matt Bryza at the
    State Department...


    Now let's hear from the people on the ground on Bryza; the people of
    Georgia and what they think of Matthew Bryza:


    Back in 2005, Shalva said Bryza's biased reporting on Georgia
    and support of the Saakashvili administration undermined both the
    promotion of democracy in the region and ties between the U.S. and
    Georgia. He called on the US State dept. to sack him. When he failed
    to get a visa to Great Britian in February this year, he said UK
    Ambassador Denis Keefe had conspired against him with Saakashvili,
    and also demanded Keefe's dismissal.


    Bryza's Car Accident, His Victim in a Coma & Never-Answered Questions

    In August 1997 Matthew Bryza caused yet another major scandal for the
    US government when he hit and seriously injured a pedestrian while
    driving under highly questionable circumstances:

    The U.S. State Department on 20 August announced plans to recall
    Matthew Bryza, a second secretary of the U.S. embassy in Moscow,
    who two days earlier had been driving a car that hit and critically
    injured a Moscow pedestrian. Nesterushkin said the criminal case
    against Bryza will remain open as police continue investigating
    the accident. Bryza cannot be prosecuted unless the U.S. lifts his
    immunity. In February, Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze lifted
    the immunity of a Georgian diplomat who caused a car accident in
    Washington that killed one woman. That diplomat is currently in
    pre-trial detention in the U.S.


    A U.S. diplomat has seriously injured a woman in a car accident in
    Moscow, the City Law Enforcement Department told Interfax Tuesday. The
    car, an Isuzu Trooper driven by Second Secretary of the U.S. Embassy
    Matthew Bryza, 33, hit an unidentified woman near house 13 Ul.

    Panferova, the Southwestern precinct, at 10:00 p.m. Moscow time Monday,
    police have reported. The woman, about 30 years old, was taken to
    hospital with a serious head injury. She is in a coma.


    Now, interestingly and mysteriously, the reports and results of the
    criminal investigations into this accident never came to light, and
    later quietly disappeared. By the way, the United States government
    never lifted Bryza's immunity! Based on the buzz circulating at the
    time 'they didn't want anything out there regarding Bryza's alcohol &
    narcotics status...' The rumors included dependency on cocaine and
    alcohol, but again, a tight lid was put on any media follow-up on
    this in the US. Considering the grave consequences:

    On Thursday, Matthew Bryza will face a Senate panel to begin
    the confirmation process for his nomination as US Ambassador to
    Azerbaijan. Will senators question Bryza for his role in a 1997
    car accident, which left a woman in a coma? Or, will Bryza avoid

    The Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune and other press sources at
    the time reported that on August 18, 1997, Bryza hit a woman, who
    was taken to the hospital with serious head injuries. The US response
    to this incident was to recall Bryza back to the States and express
    "regret" for the victim. James Rubin, the official spokesman for the
    State Department at the time said that the decision to recall Bryza
    from Moscow was made in connection with the fact that the diplomat "is
    no longer able to work efficiently in Moscow because of this incident."


    Again, you'd think with the location being set in Russia in the mid
    90s, the fairly high-level government status of the perpetrator, the
    serious injuries of the victim who was put in a coma, the efforts to
    keep the name of the victim out of the press, the buzz regarding drug
    and alcohol...all that would make front-page news here in the US; no?

    Well, it didn't. And, here is how Bryza was promoted later, after
    his scandalous recall from his position:

    At the time of the incident, none other than Richard Hoagland, a press
    spokesman for the US Embassy in Moscow at the time had this to say
    about Bryza: "I also want to say something about Matt Bryza who comes
    across in the press reports about this incident as all but a monster.

    Matt was one of the brightest, most polite, most promising young
    diplomats at the American Embassy in Moscow. While we have to have
    compassion for the woman who was injured in this accident, I think it's
    important we have compassion for Matt, too, who has suffered the double
    trauma of having been involved in a traffic accident and of having had
    his diplomatic career in Moscow abruptly yanked out from under him."

    Hoagland was President George W. Bush's nominee for the US
    ambassadorial post in Armenia. His nomination was blocked by Sen.

    Robert Menendez of New Jersey, due to Hoagland's continued insistence
    to deny the Armenian Genocide. Bush subsequently pulled Hoagland's

    Bryza was then appointed to be the US co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk
    Group and developed close ties with Azeri elite in Baku. News of a
    high-ranking Azeri minister allegedly paying for Bryza's wedding
    to Turkish scholar Zeyno Baran was reported by the Azeri press,
    after which the editor and reporter of the newspaper were jailed
    and attacked.


    Here is another good question: What did we give the Russians to not
    raise a diplomatic incident; to make them make 'it' go away?!

    We all know what close ties Bryza developed with the corrupt ruling
    elites, including the Aliyev clan! So is there any wonder how those
    two brave journalists who exposed the 'real financing' of Bryza's
    wedding ended up beaten up by elite hired guns, and later tortured
    and jailed? Hmmmm.

    I could triple this article's length to cover the Father & Son
    Aliyevs, the Kingdom we've groomed and planted in Azerbaijan, the
    nation we've helped turn into one of the top 30 corrupt countries in
    the world, the embezzlement and corruption cases we've helped create
    there... and, I will; it will be another lengthy piece similar to
    those on Kyrgyzstan's Bakiyev Clan, Pakistan's Bhutto-Zardari Duo,
    and Turkey's Ciller. Needless to say, the cozy ties between Bryza
    and corrupt Azeri officials, the 'contributions' he's been receiving
    from them - including making his lavish wedding dreams come true,
    his 'pure luck' in getting the Azeri journalists...certainly come
    together nicely, forming a picture that makes complete sense!


    Bryza testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on
    July 22. His grilling, while not comprehensive and tough enough,
    rattled him enough to come across as unconvincing:

    Citing Congressional Research Service (CRS), Sen. Boxer also asked why
    U.S. aid programs in Karabakh were limited to an average of $2 million
    a year, even though Congress allocated about $8 million annually.Bryza
    confirmed lower than allocated spending but did not explain it.

    Instead he said that he supported disbursal of all allocated funds,
    noting that they have gone for de-mining, housing, schools and water
    supply projects. In response to the senator's request, Bryza promised
    a detailed report on the aid program.


    So the guy doesn't know what happened to the remaining $6,000,000!

    Interesting! Is this related to being out of touch with the areas
    falling under his direct responsibility? Is it related to 'whatever'
    influences he was under in 1997 when he hit a woman and put her in
    coma? Maybe we'll find out more later, that is if the media here
    follows up on this.

    Speaking in references to his comments on territorial integrity,
    Bryza claimed that he was only following the policy language used
    by Vice President Richard Cheney in September 2008. (In fact, Bryza
    first made similar comments in August, shortly after the Georgia war
    and before Cheney.)

    There he goes again; this time blaming it on his old boss, yet
    forgetting his on-the-record record! Is he treating the members of
    this particular committee as morons? Maybe. Or is this again related
    to his 'conditions' which were never followed-up on by the press?

    Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), who chaired the hearing, referred to
    The Washington Times report that cited close ties between Bryza and
    senior Azerbaijani officials and allegations of potential conflict
    of interest. She also raised the issue of Azerbaijani regime's
    crackdown on its opponents.Bryza responded that his finances have
    been thoroughly investigated as part of the nomination process and no
    improprieties were found. He also denied an Azerbaijani media report
    that claimed that his wedding expenses were covered by Azerbaijani
    officials. (Azerbaijani journalist who originally made the claim was
    subsequently violently assaulted and has since fled abroad.)

    Can you believe how unconvincing a supposed savvy diplomat can be! Who
    investigated his finances? What was submitted? How about his wife's
    long-list of assets in Turkey where they will be protected due to
    her Turkish citizenship status and mafia backing? The financing of
    his wedding is a slam-dunk obvious, the question is who in the US
    media will dare to investigate, or at least translate those reports
    produced by other nations' gutsy reporters! And, how about his role
    in insuring the ultimate punishment for journalists in Azerbaijan
    who happened to 'expose' him and his neocon damsel?!

    We have another month or so before Bryza appears before the Congress
    again, and hopefully much more will come to light between now and
    then. By this I mean mainly the 'foreign press';-) But the real
    issue here is this newly hatched Neocon's nomination by the current
    President in the first place. Is President Obama that keen and
    committed to keeping and or bringing back known neocons? Is it that
    this President is unable to find any clean non-Neocon candidates for
    strategically very important positions like this? Is this President
    (and his advisors) simply too ignorant to disregard tons of alarming,
    improper, eye-brow raising, embarrassing ...background and current
    facts about the candidate he nominated for this ambassadorship?!

    Well, you be the judge, but please do more than that. You may
    want to call or write your representative and make sure that he
    or she gets all these facts on Mr. Matthew Bryza and his infamous
    spouse Zeyno Baran. You never know; with enough people talking,
    writing, and calling, some right decision may find its way into
    this upcoming confirmation (Azerireport reposted this articles from

    From: A. Papazian