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BAKU: Time Works On Azerbaijan - Russian Deputy

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  • BAKU: Time Works On Azerbaijan - Russian Deputy

    July 29 2010

    Sergey Markov News.Az interviews Sergey Markov, deputy of the Russian
    State Duma and director of the Russian Institute of Political Studies.

    What can you say about the negotiation process on the peaceful
    resolution of the Karabakh conflict, in particular, the updated variant
    of Madrid principles? Is it possible to say that the negotiation
    process has been stalled?

    It would be incorrect to say that the negotiation process on the
    Karabakh conflict has been stallen since the negotiations have several
    goals. First is the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, second, the
    prevention of conflict freezing and start of military actions. The
    negotiation process has not gone too far on the first point while the
    second point is working and there is no war. Therefore, the negotiation
    process has not entered a deadlock. It is moving further. As for the
    updated variant of Madrid principles I think there will be a crisis
    in the negotiation process. The matter is that the shift of powers is
    observed in the region, in particular, the increase in Azerbaijanâ~@~Ys
    potential. In this situation time is working in Bakuâ~@~Ys favor
    though previously it was in Yerevanâ~@~Ys favor, since the latter
    benefits from the status quo. Yerevan will probably start searching
    some ways of avoiding this crisis though the correlation of powers has
    not changed in Azerbaijanâ~@~Ys favor too much. A number of European
    politicians believe that the correlation of powers have changed quite
    enough for the problem to be settled in Bakuâ~@~Ys favor. Though I
    think today there will appear some intentions to form some crisis.

    The UN international court in Hague has decided that Kosovo did not
    violate the norms of international law by declaring independence. For
    the first time international law recognized legitimacy of the
    secession of the province of the UN member-state. Meanwhile, Yerevan
    states that this precedent should be used for the national interests
    of Armenia. Is the application of the Kosovo precedent real in case
    with the Nagorno Karabakh issue?

    It is absolutely clear that the opinion of the international court
    on the Kosovo issue is a great victory of the United States and EU
    and a serious victory of those separatist political regimes that
    formed in most regions, in particular, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and
    Nagorno Karabakh in the post-Soviet area. Naturally, these regimes
    will actively refer to the opinion of the Hague court. Meanwhile, it
    should be noted that they cannot appeal to the court independently
    since the opinion of the Hague court was mostly influenced by the
    political pressure of Washington and EU which resulted in Kosovoâ~@~Ys
    independence rather than international law. Therefore, I think if
    Nagorno Karabakh has appealed to the Hague court, the decision was not
    the same like in case with Kosovo. But this precedent will be actively
    referred to along with the right of nations for self-determination. In
    fact, the Hague court confirmed that the self-proclaimed state will
    be able to secede from a country and declare independence.

    The temporary status of Nagorno Karabakh and the deployment of
    peacekeeping troops in the region are among the key issues in the
    updated variant of Madrid principles. Is the presence of Russian
    peacekeepers in Nagorno Karabakh possible? Does the deployment of the
    Russian peacekeepers in the conflict area meet Moscowâ~@~Ys interests?

    Moscow has a contradictory attitude to this issue. On the one hand,
    Russia does not want war and it is interested in such difficult
    conflicts as Nagorno Karabakh and others to come closer to any
    resolution. On the other hand, Moscow is not interested in carrying
    any peacekeeping burden, either financial, political or humanitarian.
    Nonetheless, Moscow is ready to assume this burden in case there are
    definite political goals. That is the guaranteed rejection to resume
    war would have become a political goal. Meanwhile, political forces
    in Armenia and Azerbaijan treat the situation with responsibility
    and war will hardly occur. On the whole, Moscow is ready for the
    peacekeeping activity only at the agreement of all parties.

    Do you really think that the key to solution of the Karabakh conflict
    is in the Kremlin?

    I think the key is only in Baku and Yerevan. These countries will
    settle the issue. Today no one can make them take any variant of
    the conflict solution. Anyway, the situation may change in the case
    if geopolitical situation in the region changes cardinally. If this
    occurs, there will emerge a new serious trend. It is difficult to
    specify the trend but now I can say for sure that time works on

    From: A. Papazian