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Armenians do not want Bryza's candidacy to be ratified

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  • Armenians do not want Bryza's candidacy to be ratified, Azerbaijan
    July 30 2010

    Armenians do not want Bryza's candidacy to be ratified
    Fri 30 July 2010 | 13:20 GMT Text size:

    Altay Goyushov News.Az interviews Altay Goyushov, Visiting Professor,
    Center for Near Eastern Studies, University of California.

    It is a pleasure to know that our countryman works at one of the
    influential universities of the United States. What exactly do you do
    at the university?

    I have been an invited professor teaching Azerbaijani history,
    literature, culture and language for the past two years. I am planning
    to continue this work.

    Is the interest to Azerbaijan and its language and culture high in the
    United States?

    I would like to note that the level of knowledge about Azerbaijan has
    increased in the United States recently. Today the number of people
    that have some information about Azerbaijan is higher compared to
    previous years. Certainly, specialists show the greatest interest in
    studying our country. The strategically important geographical
    situation of Azerbaijan, its historical ties with Iran, Turkey and
    Russia and the role of a bridge between Europe and Asia, as well as
    energy issues are raising interests to Azerbaijan.

    The interest to Azerbaijan has risen significantly with the opening of
    the general consulate of Azerbaijan in Los Angeles and the further
    activity of the general consul in different regions of California,
    especially in academic circles.

    Diaspora representatives stress the great deficit of information of
    Azerbaijan. What can you say about the attitude to independent
    Azerbaijan especially in California where you live and where the
    Armenian community is especially big?

    America is a big country and here you can come across different
    people, each with his own views. Certainly, it is possible to come
    across people who really love Azerbaijan and respect it, but at the
    same time, you also see people who have a negative attitude to our
    country under the influence of well-known circles.

    At the same time, I agree that the number of people who have
    sufficient information about Azerbaijan is still not so high in
    America. This is clear since this picture is observed not only on
    Azerbaijan. It is connected with the specifics of education and way of
    thinking in the United States. In addition, the circumstance that the
    history of Azerbaijan is relatively small also plays its role here.
    Anyway, the activity of diaspora organizations, either in California
    or in overall America, is effective. It is correct that the number of
    those coming from Azerbaijan is not so high in the United States but
    there are quite many compatriots who come from Southern Azerbaijan.
    Diaspora representatives hold sessions and the process of their
    organization is underway. As I have already mentioned, the great
    achievements in this sense are obvious and I am sure that we will
    witness greater achievements in a definite period of time.

    Do you see a political motivation in the absence of the US ambassador
    in Azerbaijan for more than a year or this is a purely technical

    Here it is important to pay attention to official statements.
    According to them, the ongoings are a purely technical moment and if
    we speak about continued absence of ambassadors, similar picture is
    observed in some other countries. On the other hand, the protracted
    appointment of the ambassador in Baku is not surprising. Azerbaijan
    maintained mutual relations with the old administration, the attitude
    of that administration and republicans, overall, proved the strategic
    nature that they attached to our region. Meanwhile, the new
    administration seems to hold studies still. It seems that the
    priorities will be chosen on the basis of this observation and this
    will take time. The ambassador will be appointed in line with this.
    These issues seem to be interrelated. This approach is demonstrated
    not only on Azerbaijan. For example, even people in neighbor Georgia
    tell us that the current leadership of the United States has a
    different attitude to them.

    Meanwhile, I think serious changes are currently felt in this
    direction. The visits of US Defense and State Secretaries to our
    region, the process of enlivening related to process of ambassador
    appointment shows that this issue is of strategic importance and the
    matter of lack of attention is already being settled.

    And what do you think about Bryza's candidacy for position of the US
    ambassador in Azerbaijan?

    We all know that Bryza is an experienced diplomat who has been working
    in our region for a long time. I believe that this is a person who
    meets our national interests. He knows the region well, he is aware of
    the processes ongoing here and I think he is one of the diplomats who
    have comparatively objective views of regional problems. It is not an
    accident that our neighbors do not want Bryza's candidacy for
    ambassador to be ratified and therefore they want to avert this
    decision by using all means of influence they have.

    In this respect, I believe Bryza's appointment meets our interests.
    His appointment means that the presidential administration really
    shows a strategic interest to our region, in particular, Azerbaijan
    and Washington knows whom to appoint for this position and how to move
    towards positive changes. Therefore, as I have mentioned, our
    neighbors want to hamper this. During the senate hearings on Bryza's
    candidacy we saw the zeal of the pro-Armenian senators in addressing
    him different, often unreal questions.


    From: A. Papazian