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BAKU: Analyst Sees Growing EU Support For Azerbaijan's Territorial I

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  • BAKU: Analyst Sees Growing EU Support For Azerbaijan's Territorial I

    Aug 2 2010

    Borut Grgic News.Az interviews Borut Grgic, founder of the
    trans-Caspian initiative at the EPC in Brussels, and Institute for
    Strategic Studies in Slovenia.

    Azerbaijan has started negotiations with the EU on an association
    agreement. Could this process weaken Azerbaijan and its neighbours'
    dependence on Russia?

    Azerbaijan has always had a multiple-vector foreign policy in order
    to endure no significant dependence on any single external actor.

    Strengthening of relations with the EU is not a zero sum equation.

    Neither party sees it this way. Rather, with the EU accession talks
    progressing, Azerbaijan will have more room to press for even deeper
    cooperation with Russia, and other regional players, most notably

    Do you share the opinion that the Russian-Georgian war scared the West
    and now the US and NATO prefer not to anger the Russians by active
    military and other contacts with Georgia and other Russian neighbours?

    I don't agree. Obama's policy toward the region is still in the
    making. I would say that Washington under the new administration
    simply had other priorities. Now, we are seeing a new convergence
    between Washington and the region, including Azerbaijan. US policy
    towards Russia is a separate issue. NATO never had a political vision
    for this region - in terms of a coherent view on membership.

    The security sphere is one of the areas of EU-Azerbaijani cooperation
    in the association agreement. Do you think that Europe is really able
    to strengthen security in the South Caucasus?

    Yes, especially if we can deploy a mission to Nagorno-Karabakh to help
    secure the end deal, and help monitor the terms of this end agreement.

    Do you see any parallels between the UN International Court decision
    on Kosovo and Armenia's attempts to justify occupation of Azerbaijani

    No. The legal opinion of the ICJ in the case of Kosovo is a unique
    experience. After all, the court stated an opinion on a question
    pertaining to the legality of the declaration of independence by
    Kosovo. It said nothing about the political principles behind this

    What is the common European view on settling the Karabakh problem? Do
    the sympathies of European states lie more with the territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan or the right to self-determination of the
    Armenians, who already have their own independent state?

    I would say Europe doesn't have a clear end goal in mind, which
    probably is the reason why we remain a weak actor in this conflict
    resolution. But even here, things are changing. I would say a number
    of important events recently took place that show EU support for
    Azerbaijan's territorial integrity; most notable was the passing of
    the resolution on this issue by the EU Parliament earlier this year.

    From: A. Papazian