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ANCA: House Panel Shines Spotlight on Turkey

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  • ANCA: House Panel Shines Spotlight on Turkey

    Armenian National Committee of America
    1711 N Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20036
    Tel. (202) 775-1918
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    July 28, 2010
    Contact: Satenik Harutyunyan
    Tel: (202) 775-1918


    -- Bipartisan Questioning Reveals Full Scope and Depth of Turkish
    Actions Aimed at Undermining U.S. Regional Priorities

    WASHINGTON, DC - Republican and Democratic members of Congress
    called into question Turkey's reliability as a U.S. ally,
    highlighted its deteriorating relationship with Israel, and
    addressed a range of issues from Armenian Genocide denial to its
    repression of Christian minorities and the occupation of Cyprus,
    during a three-hour House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing held
    earlier today, reported the Armenian National Committee of America

    In his opening remarks, Chairman Howard Berman (D-CA) outlined five
    policy areas concerns related to U.S.-Turkey ties, including
    Ankara's efforts to enhance its standing in the Middle East by
    criticizing Israel, Turkey's ties with Hamas, its denial of the
    Armenian Genocide, ongoing occupation of Cyprus, and the lack of
    press freedom in Turkey.

    `It is critical that Turkey acknowledge the genocide committed by
    the Ottoman Empire against the Armenian people during World War I,'
    noted Chairman Berman. `That's why this Committee has repeatedly
    passed measures recognizing the Genocide and calling on the
    President to do likewise. I believe that Turks, once they come to
    terms with their past, will discover that they have relieved
    themselves and their children of an immense moral burden,' he

    `We want to thank Chairman Berman and Representatives Costa, Smith,
    Royce, Sires, Bilirakis, Berkley, and Mack for shedding much needed
    sunshine on the many failings of our government's weak response to
    a leadership in Ankara that is increasingly and openly acting
    against both U.S. interests and American values,' said ANCA
    Executive Director Aram Hamparian.

    House Foreign Affairs Committee members energetically questioned
    the four panelists appearing at the hearing: Dr. Soner Cagaptay,
    Senior Fellow of the Turkish Research Program at the Washington
    Institute for Near East Policy; former U.S. Ambassador to Turkey
    and Azerbaijan Ross Wilson; Dr. Ian Lesser, Senior Transatlantic
    Fellow at The German Marshall Fund of the United States; and, Dr.
    Michael Rubin, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise
    Institute and a Senior Lecturer at the Naval Postgraduate School.
    The insights and analysis offered by the panelists on U.S.-Turkey
    ties, while frequently critical of Turkey, included two direct
    attacks on Armenian Genocide recognition. The first was by Dr.
    Rubin, who, questioned the historical truth of the Armenian
    Genocide; the second was by Dr. Cagaptay, who specifically urged
    Congress to block U.S. affirmation of the Armenian Genocide.

    Concerns about Turkey's human rights record were raised repeatedly
    during the hearing. New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith noted
    `Prime Minister Erdogan's denial of the Armenian Genocide has been
    compounded, in my opinion, by his denial of the genocide in Darfur.
    When the ICC indicted Sudanese president Omar Al-Bashir, the Prime
    Minister said, `No Muslim could perpetrate genocide.' What does
    that say about his judgment?' Ambassador Wilson's response to the
    question was simply, `I can't try to justify any of that or defend
    any of it,' sidestepping specific questions about the Armenian

    California Republican Ed Royce described Turkey's relations with
    Armenia and Greece as `very frayed,' stating that he sees `no
    rapprochement' in its relationship with these countries. `Turkey's
    blockade of Armenia remains intact; you still have 40,000 of its
    soldiers in Cyprus. Clearly you can work out some sort of an
    arrangement to take a lot of those soldiers back in Turkey,'
    continued Royce. He cited the important role the U.S. can play in
    pointing out Turkey's problems in an effort to identify positions
    that `are in the long term interest of peace and stability in that
    region of the world.'

    Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ) was blunt in his characterization of
    Turkey's foreign policy in the region, stating: `Through my eyes, I
    see Turkey as the bully in the corner, especially when it comes to
    Cyprus, when it comes to Armenia, when it comes to even Greece at
    times, and now even Israel. Is this the projection that the Turkish
    people want the government to project on the world?' When
    responding to the Congressman's question, none of the panelists
    chose to address Turkey-Armenia relations.

    Central California Democrat Jim Costa challenged Armenian Genocide
    denial remarks made by Dr. Michael Rubin earlier in the hearing. `I
    think there is pretty overwhelming historical consensus that it
    [the Genocide] actually occurred,' explained Rep. Costa, who asked
    the panelists to comment on the state of the stalled Turkey-Armenia
    Protocols. Panelists called for a recommitment by both the
    Armenian and Turkish governments to the effort, with Dr. Lesser
    emphasizing the importance Turkey's renewed efforts `without
    necessarily linking outlying issues such as Nagorno Karabagh.'

    Representative Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) focused on the lack of
    religious freedom in Turkey stating, `The U.S. Commission on
    Religious Freedom has listed Turkey on its watch list the last two
    years. In its April 2010 report that documented the persecution of
    minority religions in Turkey.' Rep. Bilirakis went on to note that
    `both the Greek and Armenian churches are not allowed train clergy,
    I think as you know, in Turkey.' He then asked: `When will
    religious tolerance become a reality in Turkey, in your opinion?'
    Panel responses were varied, with Dr. Rubin stating, tersely,
    `Shortly before Saudi Arabia gets religious freedom.'

    Rep. Shelley Berkley shared a long array of concerns beginning with
    Turkey's relationship with Israel and Iran. `Add that to the
    refusal to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide, the continuous and
    ever more lethal incursions into neighboring Kurdistan, the
    treatment of the Ecumenical Patriarch and the extraordinary gall
    for criticizing Israel when they themselves have occupied Cyprus
    for 36 years, it's become increasingly evident to me that we need
    to take a hard look at our relationship with Turkey, reassess
    whether it is in our continuing national interest to continue it,
    whether they, in fact, have our interests in mind and whether they
    can continue to be thought of as truly reliable allies.'

    Congressman Connie Mack of Florida was perhaps the most blunt in
    his dismissal of unhindered U.S. loyalty to Turkey. `A minute ago,
    we heard a question `What can we do to get Turkey back?' Give me a
    break. We need a paradigm shift in this committee and in this
    discussion. We are the United States of America - the land of the
    free and the home of the brave. I believe it is time the
    Administration takes a firm stance on the side of freedom.'
    Instead, Rep. Mack suggested, the question should be `How can
    Turkey get America back?' Later in the hearing, he clarified his
    stance on Turkey by stating `Turkey's actions are not forgivable.'

    By contrast, several Members of Congress, including Rep. Gerald
    Connolly (D-VA), Michael McMahon (D-NY), William Delahunt (D-MA),
    Dan Burton (R-IN), David Scott (D-GA) strived, in their remarks and
    questions, to present a positive view of Turkey, in the face of
    broad and growing bipartisan concerns about the Erdogan regime.


    From: A. Papazian