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KHOJALY: Ayaz Mutalibov's Interview

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  • KHOJALY: Ayaz Mutalibov's Interview


    KHOJALY: The chronicle of unseen forgery and falsification

    The first president of Azerbaijan recently gave an extremely
    interesting interview to one of the Russian TV channels in which it is
    narrated that the first president of Azerbaijan, who proclaimed the
    independence of the country, at present is living in the outskirts
    of Moscow in a state apartment, without a passport and livelihood.

    An ordinary refugee with triumphal past and rather obscure future.

    This is how the Azerbaijani treat their leaders when the power passes
    to other hands.

    According to the reportage: "The ruling class of the Alievs did
    everything so that the citizens should consider Heydar Aliev to be
    the founder of their country and

    should forget that they had ever had a first president. It is already
    15 years that Ayaz Mutalibov has been wanted by the police in his
    country. Heydar Aliev accused him of plotting coup d'etat.

    Mutalibov denies the accusation but does not return to his homeland no
    to be taken to prison. He is considered as an enemy in his motherland
    and Ayaz Mutalibov is not admitted even by the Azerbaijani community
    in Moscow".

    "He ran to Moscow two months after his resignation and two days
    after the feeble attempt to return to the President's palace. When
    the armed supporters of the opposition went out to the streets to
    demand the president's resignation, Mutalibov went to the Russian
    military airport and, leaving his family in Baku, escaped from the
    country. Now he avoids speaking about this fact, but it is certain
    that Mutalibov preferred to save himself and only after several days
     his friends took his family in cars first to Daghestan and then to
    Moscow. He has been an exile since then: a guest to Russia, an enemy
    to Azerbaijan, an enemy to Armenia".

    "The whole negative after the Khojaly tragedy was focused on me. I had
    to take the whole responsibility upon myself though I was not guilty
    of anything", - claimed Ayaz Mutalibov in the interview. Let us remind
    you that on the 2nd of April in 1992, in "Nezavisimaya gazeta"  Ayaz
    Mutalibov gave an interview to an independent Czech journalist,  Dana
    Mazalova, who afterwards  became persecuted in her own country. The
    cause of all these trials was the excessive frankness of the first
    president which cost him his impeachment. During the interview it
    became quite clear that the Azerbaijani version of the Khojaly events
    is none other than a well-planned provocation of the Azerbaijani.

    The clan of the Alievs did not forgive Mutalibov for such frankness.

    >>From the interview of the former president of Azerbaijan Ayaz
    Mutalibov to the Czech journalist  Dana Mazalova, "Njvaya Gazeta",

    Question:What is your opinion about the KHOJALY events after which
    you resigned? Dead bodies of the Khojaly inhabitants were found not
    far from Aghdam. Someone first shot at legs so that people could
    not go farther. Then he added the axe, on the 29th of February my
    colleagues took photos of all this. Then during new sequences these
    very corpses were scalped. A very strange game...

    Answer: As the Khojali inhabitants, who narrowly escaped, say, it was
    all organized in order to have ground for my resignation. Some forces
    functioned for the effort to discredit the president. I don't think
    that Armenians, who always have a distinct and competent attitude
    towards such situations, could have let the Azerbaijani get the
    documents unmasking them in fascist actions.  It could be supposed
    that somebody is interested to show these sequences afterwards,
    at the BC session and to focus everything on my person.

    If I claim the Azerbaijani opposition to be guilty in it, they might
    say that I am telling lies about them. However, the general background
    of arguments is, that a corridor by which the people could leave, was,
    nevertheless, left by Armenians. Why then would they begin to shoot?

    Especially in the territory nearby Aghdam, where by that time there
    had been enough forces to help the people. Or, just come to an
    agreement that the civil population will leave. Such practice has
    always been usual.

    I have always been told that people in Khojaly hold themselves up and
    it is necessary to support them with armaments, people and food. I
    gave a commission to use helicopters for this purpose. However, the
    pilots refused to fly there as they do not have special devices to
    avoid stingers. Nearly a week passed. An Aghdam alignment was sttked
    nearby to watch the developments there. As soon as the military forces
    encircled Khojaly, it was necessary to evacuate the population.

    Earlier such a commission was given by me concerning Shushi: to
    leave men there and to take women and children off. These are also
    laws of the war: you must save their lives. My behavior was unbiased
    and fefinite: I gave such commissions but I have no idea why they
    were not fulfilled. By the way, I spoke to Lazarian, the head of
    Military Forces in Nagorno-Karabakh, several times: "You laid several
    people on the ground. Give us an opportunity to take their bodies off
    here". But he replied that there must be no bodies, that our people
    are with them and that they are fed there, though they are short of
    provisions, and they are ready to exchange them with their hostages.

    Question: When were you informed about those lost lives?

    Answer: The next day after I was informed that there are just a few
    killed people in Khojaly. The information came from the minister of
    Home Affairs.

    Question:  Who was responsible for that information?

    Answer: The minister himself. By that time a press-centre had been
    established in the Ministry of Defense. After the story about the
    helicopters we had an agreement that nobody would spread doubtful

    Question:  Do you consider the Prime Minister Hasan Hasanov
    responsible, too?

    Answer: The head of the government, of course, is responsible for
    everything, though he refuses to have anything to do with such
    questions. Well, the government is  government.

    From: A. Papazian