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TBILISI: Armenia And Azerbaijan Compete To Buy Georgian Gas Pipeline

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  • TBILISI: Armenia And Azerbaijan Compete To Buy Georgian Gas Pipeline


    The Messenger
    Aug 13 2010

    Serious competition has begun over the issue as to who will buy the
    south-north gas pipeline connecting Russia and Armenia and passing
    through Georgia. The Georgian government has recently put this
    strategic asset up for sale. Different sources claim there is a 99%
    chance that the Azerbaijani state oil company SOCAR will purchase the
    asset; Yerevan is totally against this option. Another possibility
    is that it will be bought by Russia's Gazprom - this has caused
    concern for the Georgians as well as the Azeris. There is also a third
    possible player - Kazakhstan's Kazmunaigaz, although some think that
    the Kazakhstanis will protect Russian interests. The Turkish newspaper
    Hurriyet reports that the issue was decided between the heads of states
    during the recent visit of President Ilham Aliyev to his counterpart
    Mikheil Saakashvili. However the newspaper thinks that although from
    economic point of view the gas pipeline is not a profitable venture,
    Aliyev is straightforward and wants to keep the oil pipeline under
    his country's control. The newspaper is of the opinion that this
    energy source for Armenia will end up in Baku's possession. David
    Shahnazarian, representative of the opposition national congress of
    Armenia airing the concern of Armenian side, stated that the Azeris'
    intention to buy this pipeline does not follow any economic interest
    but is purely politically motivated. According to Shahnazarian,
    Baku's interest in the pipeline is motivated by the intention to
    further deepen the energy blockade of Armenia. This could change the
    situation in favour of Azerbaijan particularly now when it has ruled
    out launching a military attack on Karabakh. He insists that under
    these circumstances Armenia's government is obliged to take every
    possible measure to purchase the pipeline. Meanwhile Georgia thinks
    that selling this installation is not against its strategic interest
    and greedily anticipates big money coming into the coffers.

    From: A. Papazian