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BAKU: Nowadays Occupation Of A Country's Lands By Another One Cannot

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  • BAKU: Nowadays Occupation Of A Country's Lands By Another One Cannot

    Aug 13 2010

    Abdullah Gul APA interviews Abdullah Gul, Turkish President who will
    visit Azerbaijan on August 16.

    Turkish-Azerbaijani relations are based on the brotherhood. Your
    Excellency attaches great attention to Azerbaijan and keeps friendly
    relations with the President of Azerbaijan. What would you like to
    say about the Turkish-Azerbaijani relations on the eve of your visit?

    As a president, I made my first foreign visit to Azerbaijan. Only this
    fact is a good sign of my attention to Azerbaijan and love for our
    Azerbaijani brothers. We are regularly meeting with President Ilham
    Aliyev. We discuss the relations between our countries and exchange
    views on the regional situation. There is an undeniable truth that
    we are the parts of one nation. This nation exists like different
    countries, but all of people of those countries are our brothers and
    compatriots. We want to see our brothers in richness and welfare. I
    attach great attention to the Turkic countries within this framework.

    Thank to them that they also attach same attention to us. Their
    sorrow is our sorrow and their happiness is our happiness. It
    was so throughout the history. What did the Caucasian Islamic
    Army under the Nuri Pasha's command? The Azerbaijani people know
    all of these. Thanks to Allah, the world was changed today and we
    have independent countries in this world today. We have to develop
    our friendship and brotherhood, to assist each other to solve the
    problems and to be proud of our achievements. I visited Nakhchivan last
    year. We established the Turkic Council in Nakhchivan together with
    the leaders of other Turkic countries. His Excellency Aliyev hosted
    us there. We had a multilateral meeting there. We seek an opportunity
    to visit Baku because we shouldn't visit each other once a year or
    several years. We have to create opportunities to meet for several
    times a year. We will meet at the UN General Assembly in September
    and we would like to exchange view on the regional issues before
    visiting New York. Peace and stability in the Caucasus is the most
    important problem of the region. We considered it necessary to visit
    Baku to strengthen our bilateral relations and to exchange views on
    the solution of regional problems as well.

    You shook stones in the region making important breakthrough in
    September, 2008. The main thesis is that existing status-quo will
    complicate the solution of Nagorno Karabakh problem. What a phase
    are your initiatives now? Will you make another breakthrough after
    the consultations in Baku?

    In fact, all of these events can happen. I am speaking very openly:
    I have worked hard over this problem since my presidency because I
    believe that this status-quo in the Caucasus is not in favor of anyone
    - Azerbaijan, Turkey or Armenia. The world is changing and we need
    to solve the problems. If we freeze the problems, they can arise again.

    What is duty of the authorities? They have to solve the problems.

    There are UN resolutions. The Minsk Group is doing serious efforts, but
    unfortunately it couldn't achieve concrete results during 18 years. If
    18-20 years pass since the occupation, it is not a good case. Turkey
    was the first to recognize the independence of Azerbaijan. Then we
    recognize Armenia. The territorial integrity of every country should
    be respected in the contemporary world system.

    Armenia can establish good relations with its neighbors and reach
    access to sea and join the communication systems. Turkey is a great
    country. While reaching "zero problem" in the relations with our
    neighbors, it is not good to have problems with Armenia. Therefore fair
    solution of the regional problems is in favor of all of us. We would
    like that the Minsk Group approaches the solution of the problem,
    but now the Minsk Group's visits to the regions are characterized
    among the people as the "tourist travels". Therefore we need in new
    breakthroughs. I put forward this initiative in 2008.

    First I visited Yerevan and then Sargsyan visited Turkey. We informed
    President Ilham Aliyev about the details of these processes. Putin and
    Medvedev also participated in these processes. Russia is an important
    country in the solution of this problem. Therefore we had detailed
    consultations around these issues. Such heavy problems can not be
    solved under the pressure of one country. These problems can be solved
    by the serious efforts of the interested and regional countries. I
    took it into consideration and made this breakthrough and as you noted
    the stones were shaken. It was an important issue, but we couldn't
    reach long distance. There were wrong understandings in Azerbaijan,
    in Armenia and in Turkey as well. If the difficult issues are solved
    easily they will not have a chronic character. I address all leaders:
    we will not stay put and we will work unceasingly for the solution
    of the problem. The solution and peace are not easy. We have to work
    insistently. I will discuss these issues with my brother President
    Ilham Aliyev during my visit. I believe it will be a useful visit
    from this point of view.

    You mention the Russia's role in establishing the peace in the region.

    You had a dialogue with President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin.

    There have been reports about the development o military relations
    between Russia and Armenia recently. On the other hand, there is a
    question of sale of Russian missiles to Azerbaijan. What would you
    like to say about that?

    I don't think that these processes will prevent the solution of the
    problem. I know that Medvedev, Putin, Aliyev and Sargsyan don't believe
    that the status-quo will not continue so. They also want the issue
    to be solved. During the "cold war", the conflicts were in favor of
    some countries. But now there is different situation. Everyone makes
    serious efforts for the solution of the problem. Everyone should work
    hard to find the optimal point because the problem gets very chronic
    character. I am hopeful for stability in the Caucasus. Why not? These
    issues can be solved through diplomacy and the discussions.

    Nowadays occupation of a country's lands by another one cannot
    last long. If the problems are not solved there can be uncontrolled
    problems. Therefore we need to work insistently to solve the issue. We
    need in a "silent diplomacy". Last year shaking the stones kicked up a
    raw. The misunderstanding of the issue created problems in Azerbaijan,
    in Armenia and in Turkey.

    Now we have reached the period of silent, but resolute diplomacy. I
    hope for excellent processes.

    On July 30, 2007, you passed a decision to abolish visa regime for
    the citizens of Azerbaijan traveling to Turkey. But the visa problem
    between the two brotherly countries has not been solved. Will you
    decisively bring the solution of the visa issue to the agenda?

    We could not accept the visa travel with the brotherly countries
    while we abolished visas with other countries. Therefore, when I
    was Foreign Minister I abolished the visa travel for our brothers
    from Turkic-speaking countries. We wish it to be mutual. Our
    foreign ministers are holding discussions about it. We also respect
    Azerbaijan's assessments in this field. But if this issue is solved,
    we will be pleased.

    Turkey's power is backed by free market economy and multi-party
    democracy. Free Turkish media has a great role in the democratization.

    What would you like to recommend to Azerbaijan viewing from Turkey's
    democratic experience?

    Turkey is the founding member of the Council of Europe. To be the
    member of the Council is to accept its principles and realize them
    in your country. The Council of Europe has been established basing
    on the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. But
    the member states can not always fulfill these standards on the equal
    level. Before, we also had shortcomings. Though we were founding
    member of the Council of Europe, we had been under monitoring by 2004.

    We got rid of the monitoring by the reforms and a Turkish
    parliamentarian was elected chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of
    the Council of Europe. Of course, the countries getting democracy late
    have shortcomings in these issues. Accepting the shortcomings does
    not cast shadow on these countries. Turkey still has some shortcomings.

    There are spheres in Turkey, where we should raise the standards of
    law and democracy. Countries do not become perfect soon after gaining
    independence and democracy. It is realized step-by-step. Of course,
    we will encourage the fraternal countries to raise their standards of
    democracy. The more democracy develops, the healthier the structures
    of the countries are. I was parliamentarian at the Council of Europe
    for ten years and attached great importance to the deepening of
    the democracy in my country. During my activity as Minister, Prime
    Minister and President I have done my best for the deepening of the
    democracy in Turkey and will continue doing it. I want to underline
    that deepening of the democracy in the fraternal countries needs time.

    If the late President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev and incumbent
    President Ilham Aliyev had not had these targets, they would not
    have made the country the member of the Council of Europe. The role
    of media in the democracy is very important. Without media we will
    be unaware of everything. I believe that as time passes, free media
    will strengthen and democracy will deepen in Azerbaijan.

    Will you have new initiatives on the peace issues in the region in
    autumn or will the "silent diplomacy" continue?

    Of course, "silent diplomacy" will continue. We are implementing
    very important projects. Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan, Baku-Erzurum and
    Baku-Tbilisi-Kars projects. We will inaugurate Baku-Tbilisi-Kars
    railroad in 2012. This railroad unites three countries. We have border
    with Nakhchivan - this is our border with Azerbaijan. We unite the
    highways from Europe to Georgia through the Black Sea. Road is being
    constructed between Batum and Tbilisi. The road leading from Tbilisi
    to Ganja is being extended. All this unite us more. Azerbaijan has
    splendid future. Every time when I visit Baku I see it more developed
    and I am proud of it. All these are the achievements of Honorable
    President Ilham Aliyev. During my previous visit I traveled to Ganja
    and liked it very much. I visited the house, where Nuri pasha stayed
    in Ganja. This time there will be an opportunity to visit Shaki.

    Azerbaijan has splendid future. We want Karabakh problem to be solved
    by political and diplomatic ways. We will do our best for it. The
    world will not accept the continuation of the occupation of the
    brotherly country's territories, either. There are the decisions of
    the UN. First of all Karabakh problem must be solved so that Armenia
    can establish normal relations with the region. We are concerned over
    the state of one million refugees. Everybody should put himself in
    other's place and help it. These are national issues. Parties should
    not use these issues for their interests. In this issue Azerbaijan
    should trust in Ilham Aliyev, Turkey in me and Armenia in Sargsyan.

    Honorable Medvedev and Obama should give more support to this
    issue. I hope for the solution of these issues. I send my regards to
    my Azerbaijani brothers.

    From: A. Papazian