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Whither CSTO: Russian Power, Armenian Sovereignty, And A Region At R

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  • Whither CSTO: Russian Power, Armenian Sovereignty, And A Region At R

    by Raffi K. Hovannisian
    August 13, 2010

    The second anniversary of blitzkrieg between Russia and Georgia
    underscores the unresolved geopolitical undercurrents in this region
    among the seas. Landlocked by the forces of history from the Caspian,
    the Black and the Mediterranean, Armenia's pivotal position remains
    encircled by a neighborhood in strategic turmoil.

    The inherent jeopardy flowing from Turkey's now obviously disingenuous
    engagement of Armenia, the challenges posed by Azerbaijan's graduation
    from its threatening language of war to its launch of a deadly attack
    in June, and the general escalation of tension across the Caucasus
    have combined to define the greater region as one at immediate risk
    of deepening instability.

    Against this backdrop of system-wide insecurity, Armenia is now facing
    a dangerous alignment of outside interests and internal shortcomings.

    While Yerevan's "strategic" relationship with Moscow continues to
    serve as the bedrock for regional peace and security, the nature of
    the Armenian-Russian embrace is unduly lopsided.

    The asymmetry of the Russian-Armenian relationship is most manifest
    in the fundamental lack of equal and mutually respectful cooperation.

    After all, Armenia's hosting of the only Russian military base in the
    area is no simple act of kindness, and must be anchored in a shared
    regard for each other's interests.

    What is more, the Russian base is the only such facility outside
    of the Russian Federation where the host country receives neither
    rent nor reimbursement. Armenia pays for the totality of its costs
    and expenses. Such a mortgaging of Armenian national security is
    unacceptable and demands immediate redress.

    In the new era, Armenian-Russian partnership, in order to be strategic
    without quotation marks, must be sincere, really reciprocal and based
    on horizontal respect, despite the differences in size and experience
    between the two nations.

    A case in point is the information recently leaked by the Russian
    media and reactively confirmed by official Yerevan that the two
    states, either bilaterally or under the auspices of the Collective
    Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), intend to extend up to 49 years
    the treaty arrangement for the Russian base and the deployment of
    forces there. Matters of dignity aside, this flies in the face of
    Armenian sovereignty, foreign policy independence, and vital national
    interests. It also flouts the unlimited future potential of an actually
    strategic partnership between us.

    This holds especially true in view of the fact that the existing
    base agreement does not expire until 2020 and can, if necessary,
    be extended upon expiration for five or even ten years. Of further
    consternation is the Kremlin's military rapport with and sales to
    Ankara, which stands in occupation of the historic Armenian patrimony,
    has imposed a modern-day blockade of the Republic of Armenia tantamount
    to an act of war, and continues to deny and shirk responsibility for
    the Genocide and Great Armenian Dispossession of 1915.

    A more contemporary source of outrage is Moscow's military support
    for Azerbaijan, which having launched a failed war of aggression
    against Mountainous Karabagh and Armenia is today threatening renewed
    hostilities, completing its occupation of the Armenian heartlands of
    Shahumian, Getashen, Artsvashen, and Nakhichevan, and continuing with
    impunity to destroy and desecrate the Armenian cultural heritage at
    Jugha and elsewhere.

    In this connection, in the event that Russia indeed carries through
    with the reported sale of its S-300 weapon systems or other equivalent
    armaments to the aggressive, belligerent, and revisionist regime of
    Azerbaijan, Armenia should withdraw forthwith from the CSTO, of which
    it is the sole member from the region, or at the very least require
    full fair-market rent for the Russian base together with reimbursement
    for water, electricity and other relevant expenses.

    And finally, the ultimate achievement of Partnership between Russia
    and Armenia, and between Russia and the West, will necessarily entail
    an actual application of the Rule of Law-not only domestic but also
    international-and hence the recognition of the Republic of Mountainous
    Karabagh within its constitutional frontiers, as well as of Kosovo
    and Abkhazia.

    Anything else is partisan politics, petty political gain and sui
    generis dissimulation, all of which might make sense for some and for
    the moment but at bottom run counter to the aims of peace, security,
    justice and democratic values for the critical landmass amid the seas.

    Raffi Hovannisian, independent Armenia's first minister of foreign
    affairs, currently chairs the Heritage Party and represents it in

    From: A. Papazian