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Russian Deploy of S-300 Missiles Threatens US Interests in Caucasus

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  • Russian Deploy of S-300 Missiles Threatens US Interests in Caucasus
    Aug 14 2010

    Russian Deployment of S-300 Missiles Threatens U.S. Interests in the Caucasus

    Posted August 13th, 2010 at 3:00pm in American Leadership

    On Wednesday, Gen. Alexander Zelin, the commander of the Russian Air
    Force, announced that Moscow had deployed a state-of-the-art S-300
    (SA-20 Favorit) long- range air defense system in Abkhazia, a region
    of the Republic of Georgia that Russia has occupied since the August
    2008 war.

    Since then, Russia recognized breakaway Abkhazia and South Ossetia as
    independent republics. According to Zelin, the task of the air defense
    systems is `to prevent violation of Abkhaz and South Ossetian airspace
    and to destroy any aircraft intruding into their airspace no matter
    what their purpose might be'.

    However, there is much more than the defense of Abkhazia to the
    Russian deployment. Taken together with the S-300 base in Armenia, it
    extends the strategic air space over South Caucasus and over parts of
    the Black Sea, furthering Russian control.

    The response from the Obama Administration was faint. P. J. Crowley,
    U.S. Assistant Secretary of State and State Department spokesman said:
    `I believe it's our understanding that Russia has had S-300 missiles
    in Abkhazia for the past two years.' He later claimed that this is
    `not necessarily' a new development. This is another example of the
    Obama Administration's `don't let your missiles interfere with my
    reset policy' approach.
    However, with this move Russia is yet again flagrantly violating the
    August 2008 ceasefire agreement, negotiated by French President
    Nicolas Sarkozy. It called upon both countries to withdraw troops to
    pre-war positions and restore status-quo ante bellum. In addition,
    Russia has built up to five military bases in Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia in the past two years alone.

    Although the range of the system is about a 120 miles, the deployment
    has to be seen in the context of recent Russian policies in the
    Caucasus. Moscow negotiated a contract extension for basing troops in
    the Armenian Gyumri military base till 2044. It will assume joint
    control over Armenian borders. As the leading member of the Collective
    Security Treaty Organization, Russia controls air space over Armenia.
    Now Moscow is reportedly selling an S-300 air defense system to

    There is a clear strategy behind these actions. While Secretary of
    State Hillary Clinton hails `soft power' in the Caucasus, Moscow
    engages in a hard, classic political-military power projection in this
    strategic region, which connects the Atlantic (via the Black Sea and
    Mediterranean) with the energy riches of Eurasia. As President
    Medvedev stated in his post-war 2008 speech, this is `a zone of
    Russian exclusive interests', where it is willing to use force.

    Most importantly from the perspective of the United States, Russian
    actions are aimed at denying the United Space airspace and over-flight
    options. The surveillance aspect is no less important - depending on the
    actual deployment of the air defenses: associated radars will be able
    to picture or `paint' much of western Georgia and the adjoining Black
    Sea coastline. The ultimate objective for Moscow is to become an
    uncontested hegemon in the South Caucasus. And of course this has
    potential implications in case of an Iranian contingency.

    The Russians are committed to deployments in the Caucasus that lead to
    the strategic denial of U.S. power projection in that region. This
    bears on the U.S.'s future ability to resupply Afghanistan; to use
    power to disarm a nuclear Iran; to ensure energy supply from the
    Caspian; and to help pro-Western friends and allies. These are hardly
    great accomplishments for the Obama `reset' policy'.

    From: A. Papazian