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US issues arms deal ultimatum to Turkey

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  • US issues arms deal ultimatum to Turkey

    US issues arms deal ultimatum to Turkey

    By Daniel Dombey in Washington

    August 15 2010 23:05

    President Barack Obama has personally warned Turkey's prime minister
    that unless Ankara shifts its position on Israel and Iran it stands
    little chance of obtaining the US weapons it wants to buy.

    Mr Obama's warning to Recep Tayyip Erdogan is particularly significant
    as Ankara wants to buy American drone aircraft ` such as the
    missile-bearing Reaper ` to attack the Kurdish separatist PKK after
    the US military pulls out of Iraq at the end of 2011.

    The PKK has traditionally maintained bases in the remote mountains in
    the north of Iraq, near the Turkish border.

    One senior administration official said: `The president has said to
    Erdogan that some of the actions that Turkey has taken have caused
    questions to be raised on the Hill [Congress] ... about whether we
    can have confidence in Turkey as an ally. That means that some of the
    requests Turkey has made of us, for example in providing some of the
    weaponry that it would like to fight the PKK, will be harder for us to
    move through Congress.'

    Washington was deeply frustrated when Turkey voted against United
    Nations sanctions on Iran in June.

    When the leaders met later that month at the G20 summit in Toronto, Mr
    Obama told Mr Erdogan that the Turks had failed to act as an ally in
    the UN vote. He also called on Ankara to cool its rhetoric about an
    Israeli raid that killed nine Turks on a flotilla bearing aid for

    While the two men have subsequently sought to co-operate over Iraq's
    efforts to patch together a coalition government, the US makes clear
    its warning still stands.

    `They need to show that they take seriously American national security
    interests,' said the administration official, adding that Washington
    was looking at Turkish conduct and would then assess if there were
    `sufficient efforts that we can go forward with their request'.

    US law requires the administration to notify Congress 15 days ahead of
    big arms sales to Nato allies such as Turkey. Although technically
    such sales can proceed ` unless Congress passes legislation to stop
    them ` resistance on Capitol Hill can push administrations to abandon
    politically unpopular sales.

    Turkey has sought drones for several years. But its drive has taken on
    greater urgencyboth because of the continuing US withdrawal from Iraq
    and the tensions with Israel, which has provided Ankara with pilotless
    Heron aircraft.

    Turkish officials characterise the military relationship with the US
    as very good but declined to comment on specific procurement requests.
    The administration has not notified Congress of any big arms sale to
    Turkey to date this year.

    From: A. Papazian