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Sukhumi Wants To Declare Georgians A Criminal Nation

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  • Sukhumi Wants To Declare Georgians A Criminal Nation


    Experts' club
    Aug 23 2010

    Levan Kiknadze , President of the Club of Experts

    "Abkhazia will have to live in accordance with international law",
    - said head of Abkhazian puppet regime Sergei Bagapsh in one of
    his speeches. He said this... and formed, together with Moscow, a
    joint Russian-Abkhazian commission. Apparently, they really are very
    concerned about complaints of Russians who lived in Abkhazia before
    the conflict and who rightly demand return of property appropriated
    by Abkhazian armed formations. To permanently resolve this rather
    controversial and contentious issue, the commission did not take long
    and has developed the so-called "concept". But it was not such a simple
    matter, as it seems at first glance. It turns out that after seeing
    final version of the draft of the concept envoys of Bagapsh had to
    make efforts in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the document to be
    signed. Abkhazians did not agree with the basic formula: "protection
    of property rights of Russian citizens". They demanded it to be
    changed it as follows: "protection of property rights of citizens of
    Russian nationality" (or something similar) to avoid possible claims
    to property by citizens of Russia of Georgian nationality.

    In fairness it should be noted that Moscow did not go as far as formal
    recognition of obvious manifestations of Nazism which is the foundation
    for the entire pseudo-Abkhazian "statehood". Sukhumi can do anything
    - Russia nurtured the Abkhazian ethnocracy in order to use them to
    carry out the ethnic cleansing of Georgian population and to maintain
    the status quo while itself to remain aside as if it had nothing to
    do with it. But the signature of Russia under the flagrant violation
    of fundamental human rights is quite another matter. And at that the
    Hague Court starts to consider a lawsuit by Georgia against Russia
    for violations of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
    Racial Discrimination ...

    Therefore, the first version of the wording was left in the concept.

    But under the condition that the wording of the concept will not be
    decisive, and the main and decisive factor will be that was long ago
    decided by the separatists regarding Georgians - to prevent their
    return to Abkhazia. Naturally, the adoption of the concept in this
    not very encouraging form and, especially, its public discussion is
    not good for the regime of Bagapsh. But despite this, the separatist
    leader did not prevent "leakage" of information. First he ordered
    to publish in the Nuzhnaya newspaper published in Abkhazia " first
    letter of a certain Nesterenko who expresses her fear of a possible
    return of Georgians on the basis of this concept (perhaps she had taken
    possession of property of a Georgian) and then supposedly oppositional,
    but in fact anti-Georgian, article written by a man with uncertain
    origin under the pseudonym of Jij Sayer Gech was also published.

    The author calls this draft concept developed by a joint Abkhaz-Russian
    commission as anti-Abkhazian. Besides, he does not rule out that
    representatives of the Georgian side took part in drafting of this
    document. In his opinion, it should appeal to Georgia in signing a
    document on the non-use of force under Russian occupation discussed
    within the Geneva process and which did not produce results desired
    by Moscow.

    Mr Gech! You seem very naive if you really believe that the document
    on non-use of force signed between the Georgian and Abkhaz sides can
    be a guarantee that Russia will not repeat the aggression against
    Georgia like the one that happened in August 2008. We never thought
    to resolve the conflict by force and are not going to do it now. So
    do not put yourself in a stupid position and do not blindly follow
    instructions of your masters. Creating the image of the enemy out
    of Georgians is the main component of the ideology, inspiration and
    driving force of which is the Russian government and the puppet regime
    in Sukhumi. And you with his rhetoric are not any different from them.

    So your efforts to convince us that you're fighting zealously for
    salvation of the Abkhazian ethnos are vain. If this were so, then
    in the first place you would call for restoration of relations with
    Georgians and for their dignified return and not for deepening of
    the confrontation. Neither should you try to convince us in your
    being a radical opposition. You and people like you are in the same
    boat with your puppet regime and are being carried away into the
    abyss. It serves you right. And we would not care, if not for the
    fate of Abkhazian ethnic group future of which you so purposefully
    are endangering. No sensible and knowledgeable people would believe
    this absurd of which you speak ...

    Georgia is ready to sign a document on the non-use of force only
    with Russia, and it has nothing to do with the so-called "concept"
    that the Georgian side does not need. We do not need it because
    we have a more substantial document on the unconditional return of
    refugees. The document, backed by UN resolutions and, incidentally,
    signed by authorized representatives of Russia and Sukhumi regime. In
    addition, there are a number of international conventions on private
    law and humanitarian law (i.e. Convention on the Status of Refugees of
    1951, the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
    of 1950, the UN Convention of 1974, etc.). Therefore, your assertion
    that "there is a feverish search for legal grounds for the return
    of Georgian refugees" is absolutely groundless. And you link this
    issue to a noise that was raised in your "parliament" with regards to
    issuance of Abkhazian "passports" to the Georgian population of the
    Gali district. You are so poisoned by separatist ideology that you
    deny a third of the population of Abkhazia even such elementary human
    right as an adoption of identity document. You cannot even allow an
    idea that indigenous inhabitants of this land may be entitled to vote
    even in your pseudo-elections and all just because they are Georgians.

    It's so natural for you that you cannot even forgive your leadership
    for its attempts to put all this in the framework of international
    norms - the leadership that had time to wise up a little over 17 years
    and tried to avoid expressing such thoughts in public in order not
    to appear fascist savages before the international community. You
    are more stupid than them and thus openly state the true cause of
    your animal fear: "hamper the process of destruction of our state
    and Abkhazian people ... do not let us turn into the minority again ".

    But we can understand you. It was people like you by hands of which
    ethnic cleansing of Georgian population of Abkhazia has been carried
    out. For the sake of building a puppet ethnocracy you get your hands
    dirty with the blood of your relatives and neighbours, violated all
    human and divine laws. And you know perfectly well that you will be
    able to justify the depth of your fall, at least in your own eyes,
    as long as the current situation persists. By acknowledging that a
    Georgian is also a human being and has the same rights, you have to
    recognize all arising from this truth - the truth, putting an end to
    your "case".

    But let's return to the Russian-Abkhazian commission and the project
    that, in your words, were "thrown in" by the Foreign Ministry of
    Russia. Moscow was indeed faced with the need to create this concept as
    the process of illegal deprivation of property in respect of Russians
    and their expulsion from their homes became irreversible.

    Verbal instructions to remedy the situation do not bring the desired
    results. Not only the Club of Experts, but the Abkhazian and Russian
    media as well wrote about this many times. While you, Mr. Gech, have
    never said even a word about it. We are confident that this "concept"
    that is so unacceptable for you (and which, in our opinion, is an
    empty piece of paper, concocted to mislead people) will not improve the
    situation, will not satisfy appetites of the "prodigal sons". You and
    your puppet government is well aware that if the said document works,
    the mentioned "Russian citizens" will refer only to people of Russian
    nationality and will not apply to people of other nationalities,
    especially to Georgians. Armenians also should not entertain much
    hope as their property rights have also long been violated and whose
    number has already exceeded the number of Abkhazians...

    It seems, Mr. Gech, that could not grasp the real objectives of the
    said "concept", and you do not understand that this document. If it
    was really prepared in such an important body as Foreign Ministry,
    it was impossible to enter restriction on just Russian citizens of
    Georgian nationality. Otherwise, this would be a gross violation
    of fundamental human rights. All this should be clear to you and
    you should not be raising much noise. But illusory, "irreconcilable
    opposition" is a mandatory attribute for Bagapsh government on their
    road to building of "a democratic state" . And from time to time it
    is necessary to remind the remaining population of Abkhazia about "
    image of the enemy" in the face of Georgians ...

    I would like to add that we think that shameless interference of some
    people of unknown origin who have recently settled in Abkhazia in the
    issue of return of indigenous Georgian population on their native land,
    is unacceptable for us and it is a great shame for the Abkhazian
    people . Moreover, they allow themselves to urge the government
    of Russia and the de facto authorities of Abkhazia to announce the
    Georgians as practically a criminal nation. We consider this fact
    a great disgrace for the Abkhaz people who himself was declared a
    criminal people by the Russian tsarist authorities and who today
    are preaching the same through some Sayer Gechs and it all is done
    through such authoritative newspaper as Nuzhnaya.

    The Club of Experts is very interested to see what reaction will
    follow this appeal, signed by the pseudonym Gech on the part of the
    Abkhazian opposition leaders and generally what will happen to the
    mentioned project. Then we will decide whether to publish the opinion
    of Georgian refugees and their descendants, and their plans regarding
    property claims that they mention in their letters. Maybe then Sukhumi
    will stop publishing such articles, so annoying to Georgians.

    From: A. Papazian