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McKinsey & Company: it is high time to tell the world about Armenia

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  • McKinsey & Company: it is high time to tell the world about Armenia

    McKinsey & Company: it is high time to tell the world about Armenia

    August 28, 2010 - 16:15 AMT 11:15 GMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    Member of the National Competitiveness Foundation of Armenia (NCFA),
    McKinsey & Company Belgium office's partner Pierre Gyurjian said that
    though the crisis has affected Armenia's economy, large-scale projects
    are implemented in the country to improve its competitiveness, and
    their results will be observable in several years.

    `Armenia is an unknown pearl and it is high time to tell the world
    about it,' Gyurjyan said after the August 28 sitting of the NCFA Board
    of Trustees.

    NCFA is implementing a range of projects aimed at improving Armenia's
    competitiveness, including Tatev Revival project on tourism
    development in the southern part of Armenia.

    For his part, newly appointed leader of advanced industries sector at
    McKinsey & Company New York office, member of the NCFA Board Andre
    Andonian said that a discussion will be held on the trends of the
    country's development in the framework of Armenia 2020 project.

    `The world has changed considerably over the past ten years and we
    should determine the directions, which Armenia needs for its
    development,' he said.

    Andonian added that he is going to develop projects on increasing
    Armenia's competitiveness to be presented to investors.

    Referring to Armenia's tourism availability, NCFA CEO Bekor Papazyan,
    for his part, noted that the Foundation is exerting efforts to present
    new products, which may arouse interest of the international
    community, as a single set.

    Armenia 2020 project is aimed at organization of discussions on
    outlooks of the country's long-term development with further
    elaboration of scenarios for Armenia's development until 2020. The
    main idea of the project is to unite Armenians across the globe.

    From: A. Papazian