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Turkey: Grotesque Co-Existence of Make-Believe Liberalism and Fascis

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  • Turkey: Grotesque Co-Existence of Make-Believe Liberalism and Fascis

    A Turkey Classic: Grotesque Co-Existence of Make-Believe Liberalism and Fascism

    Friday, August 27th, 2010


    The Turkish state recently made a simultaneously liberal and fascistic
    move on the same subject: the `Armenian issue.' The result was a
    perfect example of what makes Turkey the setting of the grotesque
    co-existence of liberalism and a fascistic mindset. First came the
    decision by the Turkish Ministry of Justice confirming that the
    recognition of the Armenian Genocide should not constitute an offense
    in Turkey. Then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared Hrant Dink a
    provocateur and a user of hate speech in the article that led to his
    sentencing and, ultimately, to his assassination. The Turkish
    establishment thereby confirmed that it endorses the court ruling that
    found Dink guilty, and that he deserved - at least, knowingly headed
    to - his death.

    Now let's take a closer look at these two incidents.

    Arat Dink and Sarkis Seropyan were sentenced to prison for Hrant
    Dink's words - `of course I say that this is a genocide' - in an interview
    with Reuters, which was republished in the June 21, 2006 issue of the
    weekly Agos newspaper. Upon Hrant Dink's assassination, the case
    against him was dropped but that against Arat Dink (the managing
    editor of Agos, and the son of Hrant Dink) and Sarkis Seropyan (the
    publisher of Agos) continued. On Oct. 11, 2007, the Sisli Criminal
    Court sentenced the defendants to one-year imprisonment. The reasoning
    that accompanied the court ruling read: `The court has concluded that
    Arat Dink and Sarkis Seropyan published news that claimed the Turkish
    nation was guilty of genocide and therefore they are given punishment
    in consideration of their personalities and the characteristics of
    their actions' (emphasis mine). The penalty was postponed because the
    two had no criminal record.

    The court ruling was based on Article 301 of the Turkish Criminal
    Code, which penalizes `insulting the Turkish People, Republic of
    Turkey and Governmental Institutions and Bodies.' The two appealed the
    decision. Upon an amendment to the law in May 2008, investigation and
    prosecution under Article 301 were made subject to the permission of
    the Ministry of Justice.

    On July 23, 2010, the newspapers wrote that the Ministry of Justice
    had refused to give permission for the prosecution, stating that
    `freedom of expression shall be applied not only to favorable news and
    thoughts that are harmless or considered irrelevant, but also to
    comments and ideas that disturb the state or part of the society. This
    is a requirement of democratic order and pluralism and the basis of
    the right to criticize. As criticism is not necessarily an expression
    of praise, it can be harsh, hurtful or injurious. Therefore, the
    statements in this case remain within the boundaries of `criticism.''

    Traditionally, one wouldn't expect this from the Turkish state. But
    the ruling AK Party likes liberal rhetoric and underlining principles
    of pluralism and democracy, although in practice it has contradicted
    this discourse in many instances.

    However, what was interesting about this story was the minimal press
    coverage it received, both in the news and commentary pieces. The
    ministry's decision did not trigger a heated debate in the media. But
    now that the threat of prosecution no longer prevails, the ball is in
    the court of the Turkish public and intellectuals when it comes to the
    issue of referring to the extermination of the Ottoman Armenians and
    Assyrians in 1915-16. Now we will see where the real pressure comes
    from: the government/state apparatus, or the racist/nationalist spirit
    deeply rooted in the Turkish society. When I say racist/nationalist
    spirit, I don't only mean the ultra-nationalists or the strong
    Kemalist current (the children of the victorious `anti-imperialist'
    republic), but also the followers of the Turkish-Islamic synthesis who
    constitute the backbone - and the founding spirit - of the AKP movement.

    Then, on Aug. 16, the newspapers reported on the Turkish Foreign
    Ministry's `defense' - submitted to the European Court of Human Rights
    (ECHR) - for the case brought by the Dink family. The ECHR had combined
    the case brought by Hrant Dink against the Turkish court ruling that
    found him guilty of `denigrating Turkishness' under Article 301 of
    Turkish Penal Code, with the action brought by the Dink family against
    the Turkish government for not taking the necessary measures to
    prevent Hrant Dink's assassination. In the course of the legal case,
    the ECHR had asked the Turkish government's defense in connection with
    the Dink family's assertions.

    The defense prepared by the lawyers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    was shocking, utterly scandalous, and insolent. `Dink insulted
    Turkishness. He used hate speech. Such articles provoke people and
    constitute a delictum publicum,' it claimed. Furthermore, the defense
    drew a parallel between Dink and a neo-Nazi leader Michael Kuhnen.
    `The ECHR has found orderly a previous ruling in Germany against a
    Nazi organization member who defended National Socialism in his
    article. In a democratic society, similar articles (like the one Hrant
    wrote) are for instigating people and harming public security and
    order. There is a decision of recommendation by the European Council
    of Ministers on `prevention of hatred remarks.' The government is in
    the opinion that sufficient and critical justifications are made
    against interruption of Dink's freedom. In the Dink case, there was
    urgent social need for criminal procedure.'

    During the first few days following this news about the defense, many
    awaited the possible response from the public, going through the pages
    of newspapers looking for comments on the issue. On Aug. 18, at the
    end of his column in the daily Taraf, Etyen Mahcupyan wrote: `Many
    readers ask why I didn't write anything on Turkey's defense to the
    ECHR. Perhaps my answer to that question should be made known: If I
    were a Turk, if I were affiliated to the same identity with those who
    killed Hrant, I would refuse to share this shame and would write on
    the subject. But I am not [a Turk] and this responsibility lies with
    `you' not me.'

    The next day, the initiative called `Hrant's Friends' released a
    statement condemning the defense. `The defense presented by the
    Republic of Turkey at the ECHR is unacceptable. Being the victims,
    witnesses, and watchdogs of the Hrant Dink assassination case and as
    the citizens of this country, we request the immediate withdrawal of
    the defense conveyed to the ECHR, and demand the launching of an
    urgent investigation on those who had prepared and approved it. We
    demand the government and all state institutions included in this
    defense to make a statement, and that the state of the Republic of
    Turkey and its government immediately, and without any delay,
    apologize to the Dink family as well as all those that are watchdogs
    of this case,' read the statement.

    Writers such as Yildirim Turker in the daily Radikal, Orhan Kemal
    Cengiz in Zaman, and several others attacked the government, bitterly
    condemning what the Foreign Ministry had done.

    In the meantime, the Turkish government was in a state of panic.
    Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said he `felt burdened' and obliged
    to defend freedom of expression. `I cannot accept that as an
    intellectual or as a minister,' Davutoglu told a group of journalists
    accompanying him on his visit to Kahramanmaras. However, he said, the
    defense could not be withdrawn, `but the state could settle with the
    victim's family.'

    In turn, President Abdullah Gul, answering journalists' questions on
    his way to Azerbaijan, accepted the state's responsibility in Hrant
    Dink's death. `Hrant Dink was killed because the necessary measures
    were not taken,' he said.

    Dink family's response came soon. As regards the minister's reference
    to a possible settlement with the Dink family, Hosrof Dink, the
    brother of Hrant Dink, said that there could be no settlement as long
    as Article 301 continues to exist. `The article's abolishment is a
    struggle of honor, since my brother was condemned because of it,'
    said. `Hrant wanted to go to the European Court to show the injustice
    of the sentence he received and to explain that he was not an enemy of
    Turkey. It was the last thing he did before he was murdered. As long
    as Article 301 is used to sentence people, it would be as though my
    brother is still lying on the sidewalk that he was shot on.' Recalling
    Gul's comment that the state had its share of neglect in the
    assassination, Dink said, `We expect the president to mobilize the
    State Supervisory Board, which directly reports to him.'

    Then the news agencies reported on Gul's invitation to Hosrof Dink for
    a meeting at the presidential office. After the meeting, Hosrof Dink,
    declining the journalists' requests for a statement, only said: `We
    discussed private issues. We shared pain and grief.'

    On the other hand, the daily Taraf, in an effort to mitigate the fury
    against the government, wrote that the Foreign Ministry deeply
    regretted the wording of the defense. According to Taraf, an anonymous
    spokesperson from the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, `The
    loss of Hrant Dink, editor-in-chief of Agos weekly, led to a profound
    sorrow in our country. The Turkish justice has been investigating all
    aspects of the killing with determination.' He underlined that there
    were some baseless and distorted accusations in several newspapers in
    the last two days about the defense. `It is totally inappropriate to
    claim that the Turkish government tried to find extenuating
    circumstances for the accused and used expressions in its defense
    keeping Dink responsible for his killing.' He honored Dink as `one of
    the most precious intellectuals raised in Turkey,' adding, `It is
    impossible to even think about justification of such a heinous
    assassination. Any implication that the Turkish government was trying
    to justify the murder is totally unacceptable.' The defense, he said,
    was drawn up `on the basis of mere legal and technical elements... It is
    both wrongful and unfair to come to some political consequences about
    the killing of Dink on the basis of the defense. The loss of Dink led
    to a profound sorrow in our country and the government condemned the
    killing in the harshest way possible. It is our only solace that the
    suspect was detained and brought to justice shortly after the killing.
    The Turkish justice has been investigating all aspects of the killing
    with determination.'

    It was these efforts of circumventing criticisms that Arat Dink, the
    son of Hrant Dink, rebuffed and fiercely dismissed, in an article
    titled `The state has remained true itself,' which he sent to Taraf.
    He begins the article by saying that `the similarity between the state
    and the killers is not limited to the similarity displayed in the
    defense. The similarity [manifested in the defense] is not the reason
    but the result of the similarity between the two [the state and the
    killers]. Moreover, the relation between these two is not one of mere
    similarity, but one of being identical.'

    He went on to sarcastically rebuff the excuses that the AKP government
    lacks the real power, that it is unable to control the actual state
    apparatus, and that it is helpless in the face of the `deep state.'

    This is a time when, on the eve of the referendum on the proposed
    amendments to the Constitution, many leftists are reluctantly
    supporting the AKP's campaign in favor of the amendments, in the hope
    that such moves will open the way to democratization. Therefore this
    debate is very critical for the government's prospective victory in
    the referendum. Hence, the government is doing its best to broaden the
    base of the left-wing, half-hearted supporters of the AKP's so-called
    `democratization steps,' with Prime Minister Erdogan frequently
    referring to the atrocities of the military rule in the 1980's,
    mourning those who suffered, and reading poems written by victims of
    the fascist regime with eyes filled with tears, swearing that the
    amendments are for democracy, pluralism, and human rights, and that
    they are the only remedy for Turkey's problems.

    Arat Dink's `open letter' refused to buy the government's excuses for
    failing to control the operations of the `real' or `deep' state. His
    last words in the letter - which are more like a cry of `I can't take
    this anymore' - will be my last words, too:

    `Words are all we have. But they have set their eyes on our words as
    well. We are asked not to name the state `the killer.' All right then,
    [how about calling it a] serial killer?' (Daily Taraf, Aug. 20, 2010)

    From: A. Papazian