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IFC develops activity in Armenia

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  • IFC develops activity in Armenia

    IFC develops activity in Armenia
    IFC Executive Vice President and CEO Lars Thunell visited Armenia this week.

    Armenia has been an IFC member and shareholder since 1995. IFC has
    been active in the nation over the years, with cumulative investments
    totaling $87 million in 18 projects across a range of industries. For
    the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2010, IFC's commitments in Armenia
    climbed to a record $35.3 million, in response to the global financial
    crisis. IFC complements its investment activity in Armenia with an
    active advisory program that focuses on banking development,
    sustainable energy and investment climate.

    August 28, 2010
    PanARMENIAN.Net -

    IFC investments in Armenia increased from $5 million in 2009 to $35
    million as of June 30, 2010. `It is a considerable growth, given the
    fact that we had been providing consultative assistance rather than
    financial until recent times,' Mr. Thunell said.

    During the visit, he met with Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan and
    Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan.

    Mr. Thunell also visited Ameriabank to meet with the bank management.
    He was accompanied by a group of IFC officials.

    Mr. Thunell has advanced growth of IFC's business and its mission to
    create opportunities in emerging markets and improve people's lives.
    As part of his visit to Armenia, Mr. Thunell visited Ameriabank to be
    presented with an account of how IFC funds are being spent under the
    bank's lending projects, including how they are being utilized by
    end-borrowers. The partners also discussed options for further

    The attendees highlighted that Ameriabank has on-lent the IFC funds
    successfully and in a time-efficient manner. The IFC facilities
    provided to Ameriabank include a 10 million US dollar credit limit for
    international trade finance and a $15 million renewable energy (small
    hydro power plant) loan.

    The trade finance facility enabled Ameriabank to promote clients'
    foreign trade transactions in Armenia. Ameriabank joined the IFC
    Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP) as an issuing bank to secure
    clients' import and export operations. This program covers, among
    others, small and medium enterprises. Participation in GTFP makes the
    bank eligible to cooperate with over 300 other GTFP member banks

    Highlighting the importance of promoting the renewable energy sector
    for overall economic development, Ameriabank is actively engaged in
    its financing through various programs, the press service of
    Ameriabank reported.

    The IFC $15 million facility is being utilized to provide long-term
    funding for 8 small hydro power plant projects in Vayots Dzor,
    Gegharkunik and Lori regions of Armenia with overall installed power
    of 26.08 MWt and expected output of 80.6 mln KWtph.

    The small hydro power plant financing project will enhance local power
    generation capacities and diversify power supply sources by reducing
    CO¬¬2 emissions and shifting from dependence on imported fuel. The
    program of the meeting also featured a short video film on the
    progress of Jermuk-2 small hydro power plant project mostly funded by
    Ameriabank under IFC renewable energy facilities.

    Both parties expect this cooperation between Ameriabank and IFC to
    expand and aid future progress of Armenia's economy.

    Besides, IFC signed an agreement with Inecobank to further expand
    access to trade finance for small and medium enterprises in Armenia.

    Under the agreement, IFC, through its Global Trade Finance Program,
    will guarantee individual trade transactions financed by Inecobank.

    `Trade is a cornerstone of economic development,' Thunell said at the
    signing ceremony. `As long-term partners and shareholders, we are very
    pleased to make support for trade finance yet another stage in our
    cooperation with Inecobank. Both the bank and its clients, including
    small and medium size companies, will benefit.'

    IFC's relationship with Inecobank began in 2006. Since then, IFC has
    provided multiple rounds of financing. Earlier this year, IFC helped
    the bank increase its microfinance capacity through a
    performance-based grants program that will enable the provision of
    more than 71,000 new micro loans to individuals and small
    entrepreneurs, mostly in rural areas of Armenia, during a three year

    `We are grateful to IFC for its strong partnership and continuous
    support,' Baloyan said at the ceremony. `IFC's Global Trade Finance
    Program will help us to further develop our trade finance activities,
    offering our clients more competitive terms, and expanding our
    international contacts through the program's global network of
    participating partner banks.'

    Victoria Araratyan / PanARMENIAN News

    From: A. Papazian