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ISTANBUL: Envoy to Azerbaijan says WikiLeaks won't put strain on rel

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  • ISTANBUL: Envoy to Azerbaijan says WikiLeaks won't put strain on rel

    Envoy to Azerbaijan says WikiLeaks won't put strain on relations

    06 December 2010, Monday

    Turkey's ambassador to Azerbaijan, Hulusi Kilic, has told reporters
    that Turkish-Azerbaijani relations will not be affected by the recent
    release of sensitive US diplomatic cables that have sparked a global

    `I don't think that information published on WikiLeaks will negatively
    effect Azerbaijan-Turkey cooperation,' Kilic said just a day after
    Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev
    denied there was any truth to the content of the secret cables
    regarding Aliyev's alleged statements during their meetings in Astana.

    Cables leaked by WikiLeaks late last Sunday revealed that Aliyev had
    expressed distaste toward Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's
    government, calling Turkish foreign policy `naive' and its initiatives
    a `failure.' The Azerbaijani side asserted that Aliyev did not speak
    of third countries during his meetings with US administration
    officials. `Aliyev, as a rule, does not usually talk about third
    countries in his meetings,' said Novruz Mammadov, the head of
    international relations at the Azerbaijan Presidential Administration.

    Aliyev also denied making any of the remarks critical of Turkish
    leadership which were released by WikiLeaks during his meeting with
    Gul in Astana on the sidelines of the Organization for Security and
    Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) summit. Gul then told reporters that
    Aliyev expressed his dismay over the content of the cables and he
    responded that the Turkish leadership did not believe in the accuracy
    of these cables.

    Ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey had become strained after the
    latter took a bold and brave step to reconcile with Armenia to end
    decades of hostilities at the expense of alienating Azerbaijan.
    Azerbaijan expressed its discontent toward the reconciliation between
    Turkey and Armenia, which also included the opening of the borders,
    which Azerbaijan declared to be `conflicting with its national

    Speaking about the historic and strategic relationship between
    Azerbaijan and Turkey, Kilic said Azerbaijani-Turkish relations are
    not so vulnerable that they will be adversely affected by the
    WikiLeaks releases. `The released WikiLeaks cables cannot harm close
    Azerbaijani-Turkish relations,' Kilic concluded.

    Meanwhile, Turkish embassy in Azerbaijan deplored the speculations on
    Friday that it has any affiliation with former press attache of
    Turkish embassy in Baku, Turgut Er, following his much-cited and
    controversial book on Azerbaijan.

    The embassy said although Turkish embassy does not hold the view
    written in the book, it caused a concern. It said statements in the
    book by Er is his personal views, reiterating its respect to former
    late President Haydar Aliyev, whom Er was very critical in his book.

    Er was previously declared as `persona non grata' in Azerbaijan by
    Aliyev, accused of helping coup attempts in mid-1990s against the
    government. Er's recently published book in Turkey has caused a wide
    outrage in Azerbaijan rather than Turkey, but observers say the book
    is an incendiary, ill-intentioned and provocative and is aimed to
    cause relations between the two countries deteriorate.

    From: A. Papazian