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ANCA Urges Speaker Nancy Pelosi To Schedule Vote On H.Res. 252

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  • ANCA Urges Speaker Nancy Pelosi To Schedule Vote On H.Res. 252


    AZG DAILY #227

    Armenian Genocide Update: 2010-12-09 00:15:09 (GMT +04:00)

    Armenian National Committee of America has urged outgoing U.S. House
    Speaker Nancy Pelosi to schedule a vote on the Armenian Genocide
    Resolution (H.Res.252). "The Honorable Nancy Pelosi will have
    the unique opportunity to end her term as Speaker of the House
    of Representatives with a strong moral stand. She holds the power
    to schedule a floor vote on legislation urging the United States
    President to accurately characterize the systematic and deliberate
    annihilation of 1,500,000 Armenians as genocide, to recall the proud
    history of United States intervention in opposition to the Armenian
    Genocide, and to make sure that the lessons of this atrocity are used
    to help prevent future crimes against humanity. The Armenian Genocide
    Resolution (H.Res.252) introduced by Representative Adam Schiff and 76
    of his colleagues in March 2009 was approved by the Foreign Affairs
    Committee chaired by Representative Howard Berman in March of this
    year. The resolution was reported out of committee on September 22nd
    for consideration by the entire House of Representatives. H.Res. 252
    has gained the co-sponsorship of 148 House members. The actual
    number of House members willing to vote for the measure is much
    higher. This past summer, Speaker Pelosi, consistent with her long
    record in support of Armenian Genocide recognition, committed to
    schedule a vote on H.Res. 252 - a vote that she described as an
    expression of the American conscience - as soon as it was clear
    this human rights measure enjoyed the support of a majority in the
    House of Representatives. The spirit of the victims of Genocide and
    the voices of the survivors and their progeny are calling on the
    Speaker to bring this resolution for a vote before the 111th Congress
    adjourns in the next 10 days. Armenians and all the world deserve to
    know where each member of the U.S. House of Representatives stands
    on this vital expression of our common American conscience. There are
    some members of the House who do not want to face their conscience and
    would prefer avoiding having to take a stand against a clear case of
    genocide. As in the past, they will offer every manner of excuse -
    some old and others invented for this occasion. The fact remains,
    however, that none of these excuses should be allowed to prevent the
    elected representatives of the American people from the long overdue
    opportunity to vote up or down on the Armenian Genocide Resolution.

    The Speaker's decision to bring H.Res. 252 to a vote will represent a
    victory over the forces of denial, just as its adoption by the full
    House will stand as a triumph of the truth. As you know, a vote on
    Armenian Genocide resolutions by the entire House or Senate has been
    blocked for more than a quarter century. Every manner of obstacle
    has been thrown in the way of their adoption in 1985, 1987, 1990,
    2000 and 2007 - ranging from foreign threats and domestic pressure
    to parliamentary tactics and procedural motions. We look to the
    Speaker to make sure that 2010 is the year this measure is brought
    to the floor and adopted by the full House of Representatives. We
    know Speaker Pelosi to be a woman of conscience and call upon her to
    schedule a vote on H.Res.252 before the House adjourns," reads the
    letter of ANCA Western and Eastern U.S. leaders.

    From: A. Papazian