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Stepanakert- Sarajevo?

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  • Stepanakert- Sarajevo?

    08 Dec 2010

    The Karabakh issue settlement, after the OSCE Summit in Astana,
    turned into a process of trying to hold back Azerbaijan from war. All
    kind of statements in this connection underline the necessity of
    a peace settlement. Some experts, on the contrary, affirm that the
    international community, insisting on peace settlement, is pushing
    persistently Azerbaijan to war - "the only way to solve the NKR

    Equalization of the principles of territorial integrity (x) and right
    to self-determination (y) brought about the fact that legal arguments
    lost their significance in the settlement. No legal arguments are
    heard in the negotiations. If x=y, so x-y=0. This means that the
    issue settlement cannot be viewed at the plane of international right.

    Azerbaijan does not hide that it is no longer going to lose time on
    quarrels about the principles of the Helsinki Final Act, which even
    according to the assessments of experts, are expired. Baku prefers
    medieval methods - military revenge. The other day it was reported
    that Baku is getting ready for a "counter-terrorist operation" in
    Nagorno-Karabakh. Yesterday in Armenia the first reading of a law
    allowing Armenia to sign military and political agreements with the
    unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh was held. This means that if Azerbaijan
    encroaches on the security of Karabakh, Armenia will intervene in
    the war.

    The whole issue is what the reaction of the international community
    to such a course of events will be. Many experts think that the
    co-chairs of the Minsk group in fact opened a way to hostilities
    fixing the failure of the Minsk group activities in Astana.

    There are opinions that the international community, which recognized
    the "wear" of the principle of territorial integrity and current world
    order, decided to make a regular redrawing of borders in the world.

    Karabakh is the best "hotbed" for inspiring global military action
    as a result of which it is possible to fix new boundaries, since it
    lies at the junction of the countries, "subject to redrawing". It
    is obvious that if Azerbaijan starts a war, Armenia will intervene,
    which will entail the placement of Russian "peacekeeper-border
    guards". Iran will not stand by, who has a long border with Karabakh,
    and then a NATO "mission" will unexpectedly land on this border. This
    course of events, on a plan, should cause a reaction in Turkey which,
    in case of intervention, may be dismembered - and then the issue of
    Kurdistan will be resolved.

    This scenario, despite many parts of it are just hypotheses, is more
    than realistic. But, no one asked the opinion of Karabakh, whether it
    wants to become a new Sarajevo, from which the First World War stared.

    The Russian mass media means are lauding about the soonest possible
    war, as if war preparations are to be held in Moscow.

    From: A. Papazian