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"Political Prisoners Became A Burden For Authorities"

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  • "Political Prisoners Became A Burden For Authorities"

    10 Dec 2010

    Former political prisoner Petros Makeyan says it is disgraceful for
    Armenia to celebrate Human Rights Day with nine political prisoners.

    Human rights protection is on the lowest level in Armenia, especially
    after the events of February 2008. We have all gone through that hell.

    We should blame for that mess not only the regime but also ourselves,
    for we have endured these authorities for years.

    What can an ordinary Armenian do to protect his rights in Armenia?

    And what are we doing today? Hundreds of thousands of people have
    gone to the street as their patience has run out.

    For the first time the Armenian National Congress has called for
    the release of political prisoners. Do you think that the political
    prisoners are being released under the press of international community
    or Armenian opposition?

    First of all, their release is determined by the activization of
    public. If everything went normal in Armenia, international forces
    would not pressurize our authorities. The international community
    is also to blame for the situation in Armenia. They view all
    post-Soviet nations as second-class peoples. Armenians should force
    the international community to cooperate with legitimate authorities
    formed in the result of free and fair elections.

    Do you share the opinion that all political prisoners will be freed by
    the yearend with the exception of Sasun Mikaelyan and Nikol Pashinyan?

    Nothing is excluded though I do not think that they will be released
    before 2011. The authorities have no other choice than to release the
    political prisoners who have become a burden on their shoulders. The
    authorities want to get rid of the burden.

    Do you think that Pashinyan and Mikaelyan pose a danger for the

    I think that the authorities simply want to settle accounts with them
    for the harm done to them.

    From: A. Papazian