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OpenLeaks To Be Launched Soon

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  • OpenLeaks To Be Launched Soon


    December 10, 2010 - 18:12 AMT 14:12 GMT

    Former WikiLeaks staffer Daniel Domscheit-Berg has always considered
    Julian Assange's whistle-blowing site a two-pipe operation: One pipe
    takes submissions in from anonymous leakers, another publishes them
    out to an uncensorable web site.

    But since defecting from WikiLeaks in September and watching the
    global controversy build around the secret-spilling organization,
    he's taking a different approach with his own leak-focused project:
    Keep the anonymous submissions channel. Ditch the controversial and
    resource-draining publishing piece altogether.

    The German Domscheit-Berg, along with several other former Wikileaks
    staffers, plans to launch a website they're calling OpenLeaks as
    early as next week, Domscheit-Berg told Forbes in an interview. Like
    WikiLeaks, the new site will allow leakers to anonymously submit
    information to a secure online dropbox. But unlike its parent site,
    it won't publish that information itself. Instead, it will allow the
    source to designate any media or non-governmental organizations he or
    she chooses and have that information passed on for fact-checking,
    redaction and publication. That difference, argues Domscheit-Berg,
    will allow OpenLeaks to accomplish much of the transparency achieved by
    WikiLeaks, without drawing the same political fury and legal pressure.

    "To constrain the power of the site, we're splitting submission from
    the publication part. We won't publish any documents ourselves. The
    whole field is diversified," says Domscheit-Berg. "No single
    organization carries all of the responsibility or all of the workload."

    From: A. Papazian