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BAKU: Official says holding peace talks with Armenia "impossible"

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  • BAKU: Official says holding peace talks with Armenia "impossible"

    ANS TV, Azerbaijan
    Dec 10 2010

    Azeri official says holding peace talks with Armenia "impossible"

    [Presenter] First Deputy Speaker of the Milli Maclis [parliament]
    Ziyafat Asgarov has commented on the current state of negotiations
    around the Karabakh problem that have reached an impasse after the
    Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents failed to meet in Astana [on the
    fringes of an OSCE summit on 1 December]. Ziyafat Asgarov believes
    that Armenia is continuing to challenge international laws. We have
    neither opportunity nor time to put up with the whimsical policies of
    [Armenian President] Serzh Sargsyan and his authorities. You will see
    this yourselves in the nearest months, end quote.

    [Ziyafat Asgarov speaking to journalists] Today the Azerbaijani
    economy has to be fully switched to a war footing to meet military
    needs. We have almost carried out a considerable amount of work to
    this end, in particular, our industrial economy has to be switched to
    a war footing as international law has once again proved its
    incapacity. It has proved that it is unable to exert pressure on
    Armenia. Regrettably, international law has turned into a law of
    reference, not compliance, since we have told them repeatedly to
    observe norms of international law, i.e. the resolutions of the UN
    Security Council. But they do not do so but only refer to [them].

    Let them refer to them and we are also referring [to them]. We are
    also referring to them but at the same we reserve the right to
    liberate our territories. You are familiar with Article 51 of the UN
    Statute and the whole world witnessed in Astana that it is impossible
    to conduct peace talks with Armenia. Sorry to say this - you know, you
    have to speak to them differently and there is a way to speak
    differently [to them] and this is allowed by international law,
    Azerbaijani legislation, economy and the Azerbaijani army. God
    willing, you will see this in the nearest months.

    From: A. Papazian