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LA: How two affable restaurateurs went from PAB's pals to eviction

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  • LA: How two affable restaurateurs went from PAB's pals to eviction

    LA Weekly (California)
    December 9, 2010 Thursday

    LAPD Headquarters Blues;
    How two affable restaurateurs went from PAB's pals to eviction targets

    by Martin Berg

    After Los Angeles city officials took land that was supposed to be a
    park to build the $437 million LAPD headquarters, they promised that,
    in return, it wouldn't be a fortress. The Police Administration
    Building (PAB) would fit in and be an asset to downtown and its

    Having gobbled up potential park land, the PAB headquarters promised
    to include an acre of needed green space, as well as two adjacent
    buildings on the grounds aimed at the community: a 400-seat auditorium
    and a public restaurant. But now that City Hall has its beautiful PAB
    headquarters, filled with 2,100 police and top brass and hailed as an
    architectural gem, those promises are fading fast.

    First the grass at PAB was accidentally wiped out by crowds attending
    a police fundraising event; that was followed by squabbling over who
    should restore the brown eyesore at the corner of Second and Main
    streets. The big lawn was saved, but neighborhood groups are working
    on a plan for volunteers to maintain it; word is the city doesn't have
    the money.

    Now, L.A. Weekly has learned, City Attorney Carmen Trutanich is moving
    to evict from their nearly finished restaurant two Civic Center mall
    shopkeepers who worked for months, and spent nearly $1 million,
    creating a friendship-themed restaurant in a building on PAB's grounds
    that looks out on the lawn. Called L.A. Reflections, its menu was to
    be based on the cuisines of L.A.'s sister cities.

    Would-be restaurateurs Sam Vagarshakian and Michael Simon tell the
    Weekly Trutanich's case is so weak that quiet talks have begun on a
    possible settlement. Vagarshakian and L.A. Reflections went to court
    Dec. 6 to fight eviction from their leased restaurant. But no
    settlement was reached and the legal battle continues.

    Vagarshakian is appalled and baffled. "It's like somebody comes in and
    throws you out of your house," he says. "I don't know that I have
    words to describe how I feel after two years of work."

    While City Councilwoman Jan Perry and top LAPD brass appeared
    supportive of the restaurant and wanted to sort through issues during
    its difficult planning and interior construction, Vagarshakian says,
    others seemed eager to throw up roadblocks. He singles out Police
    Administrator Thom Brennan of LAPD's Facilities Management Division
    and Reginald Byron Jones-Sawyer, director of asset management in the
    city's Department of General Services. Jones-Sawyer refused to comment
    and Brennan did not return phone calls seeking comment.

    Within key city departments, he says, "There doesn't appear to be any

    Vagarshakian and Simon are not fly-by-night characters accustomed to
    eviction threats. For years both ran shops in the mall beneath the
    Civic Center, a favorite lunch spot for government workers and police.
    Vagarshakian, the CEO of L.A. Reflections, ran a cell-phone store.
    Simon's family jewelry store was the first tenant to open in the mall,
    decades ago.

    But it hasn't exactly been brotherly love with City Hall since the
    pair won the restaurant lease in 2009. "We wanted something that would
    really reflect the diversity of the city and the Civic Center,"
    Vagarshakian says. "That's where we got the name."

    Vagarshakian says Deputy City Attorney Nancy Wax told his attorney,
    Jeff Coleman, that the city no longer wanted a restaurant on the PAB
    site, citing security concerns - for the heavily secured site.

    "My head started flying away - how they could think this after two or
    three years of work?" Vagarshakian asks. "I don't know a word in
    English to describe my reaction. It was crazy information that I got,
    that a city this big could have such a lack of information, such a
    lack of strategy, could have made such a miscalculation."

    Wax referred questions to Trutanich spokesman Frank Mateljan, who
    declined comment.

    The restaurateurs' tale is particularly jarring, coming just as Mayor
    Antonio Villaraigosa and Deputy Mayor Austin Beutner aggressively
    mount a PR campaign pledging a new "openness" to businesses and
    efforts to "streamline" development and lure companies to a city
    thrashed by 14 percent unemployment.

    Trutanich's lawsuit seeking to evict the men claims that L.A.
    Reflections is months behind in opening and accuses them of violating
    their lease - by serving alcohol without permits to people attending
    downtown's popular monthly Art Walk earlier this year.

    But a judge in September had no problem with the two partners serving
    alcohol during Art Walk, a sidewalk cultural event that draws
    thousands of people downtown.

    When the Los Angeles City Council chose this pair to develop the
    restaurant, they pointedly did not turn to someone like Wolfgang Puck.
    Nor did they choose experienced developers accustomed to bringing in
    projects on deadline

    Instead, they chose a team that boasts roots in the Armenian-American
    community, is commited to charity and has experience in areas
    including catering and restaurant work.

    According to the agreement in July 2009, the partners would get an
    empty, new city building suitable for transforming into a restaurant.
    Construction delays prevented them from starting, the partners say,
    but officials from the General Services Department appeared willing to
    work with them.

    Vagarshakian and Simon say Perry's office stepped in to smooth difficulties.

    Vagarshakian says they were supposed to take possession of the
    building in March 2009, but due to various delays, the city didn't
    turn it over until February 2010. They couldn't open by the agreed
    date of March 2010, so, he claims, city officials gave them 140 more
    working days.

    Simon says one reason they were chosen by the City Council was because
    they planned to give back to the community. And indeed, they wasted no
    time in doing so, catering an event for the Los Angeles Police
    Foundation and handling the breakfast for the swearing-in of Police
    Chief Charlie Beck a year ago. John Mack, president of the L.A. Police
    Commission, wrote to thank them: "Your work reflected nothing but
    professionalism and graciousness, and you were truly a pleasure to
    work with."

    Last spring, Vagarshakian and Simon used the unfinished restaurant to
    participate in Art Walk, which draws big crowds to cafés and
    galleries. Vagarshakian says they obtained permits. The city's General
    Services Department even provided tables for their events, which
    included art displays and live music, while council members Eric
    Garcetti and Perry provided chairs.

    But in September, an LAPD officer issued them a citation - for holding
    an unauthorized event. Vagarshakian says he went to court, showed a
    judge his permits and got the citation dismissed.

    Then on Friday, Sept. 17, with a few weeks of interior finishing to be
    done, the General Services Division notified L.A. Reflections that its
    lease was being terminated and it had three days to get out. On
    Monday, Sept. 20, they filed an objection. On Sept. 23, Trutanich
    filed an eviction suit.

    Vagarshakian says they had expected to open as soon as the finishing
    work and issues with the city over where to place a pollution control
    device - about the size of an industrial AC unit - were resolved.

    Speaking on condition of anonymity, city officials give a sharply
    different version of events.

    They say Vagarshakian could have taken possession of the space in
    October 2009, but chose not to. They deny that the city agreed to give
    the men 140 extra days last March.

    City officials accuse L.A. Reflections of inviting artgoers inside the
    unfinished restaurant during Art Walk - and serving alcohol.

    Vagarshakian says wine was served at a private event during one Art
    Walk, but not to public passersby.

    Either way, it's an interesting issue for City Hall to get its dander
    up about. Alcohol is widely served throughout Art Walk by galleries
    and boutiques. It has become a point of contention among LAPD, Art
    Walk organizers, the business community and others.

    But evicting a new company with nearly $1 million sunk into a project?

    Vagarshakian insists, "All these city officials knew what we were
    doing! Why weren't we issued citations at the time? Why was the
    citation that was issued dismissed?"

    Simon mutters darkly about "an abuse of political power." After all
    the years they've worked in the Civic Center, they're mystified by the
    way they've been dealt with.

    From: A. Papazian