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Genealogist Tracked Roots Of Substantive Family Trees

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  • Genealogist Tracked Roots Of Substantive Family Trees

    by Timothy R. Smith

    The Washington Post
    Suburban Edition
    December 12, 2010 Sunday

    William Addams Reitwiesner discovered that presidents Warren G.
    Harding, Richard M. Nixon and Jimmy Carter were cousins; that the
    singer Madonna is related to Camilla Parker Bowles, consort to Prince
    Charles; that President Obama had ancestors who were slave owners;
    and that at least one U.S. senator was related to Elvis.

    Mr. Reitwiesner (RITE-weez-ner), who held a series of low-paying jobs
    at the Library of Congress to be near the source of his research,
    spent almost all of his spare time devotedly cataloguing the pedigrees
    of U.S. political figures, European royals and celebrities.

    Almost every day the library was open, he would do research in
    its genealogy reading room, working at a long wooden table as he
    single-mindedly entered data into a laptop computer.

    "Some stay for 10 minutes," said one reference librarian in the
    genealogy reading room. "He stayed all day."

    On Saturdays, Mr. Reitwiesner worked the entire day at the library.
    Weeknights, he would often stay until closing at 9 p.m. Then he would
    take his work home to his apartment on Capitol Hill, where he moved
    so he could always be close to the library.

    "I work eight hours a day, sleep six and spend the rest of my time
    doing genealogical research," Mr. Reitwiesner told the New York Times
    in 1983.

    He did it for fun, receiving no remuneration for his hours of work. By
    culling books, newspaper clippings, census records and the occasional
    family Bible, he would chart the family trees of the influential and
    prominent in thorough detail.

    Mr. Reitwiesner, who was 56 when he died Nov. 12 of complications
    from rectal cancer at the Washington Home hospice in the District,
    documented many of his findings on his Web site. He meticulously
    annotated where the information came from, such as slave shipment
    schedules, genealogical registers or baptismal reports.

    During presidential election cycles, Mr. Reitwiesner traced the
    lineages of candidates, and his findings often made news. Former
    senator Fred Thompson, a Tennessee Republican, is related to Elvis,
    he found. Former president George H.W. Bush's family tree branched
    into three separate royal lines. In one connection, Mr. Reitwiesner
    said Bush and James A. Baker III, his secretary of state, were
    distant cousins.

    "I've always been suspicious of far-out claims of kinship," Baker wrote
    in his 2006 memoir, "Work Hard, Study . . . and Keep Out of Politics!,"
    "and there's no way for me to judge the accuracy of Reitwiesner's work,
    other than to say that the bottom of his twelve-generation chart of
    my ancestry is consistent with Baker family records."

    When investigating Obama's background, Mr. Reitwiesner found the
    future president's familial ties to a Virginia slaveholding family.

    Mr. Reitwiesner was also an authority on continental European ancestry,
    especially Armenian and Syrian influences in the German noble houses.

    His seven-volume "Matrilineal Descents of the European Royalty" has
    more than 5,500 pages of genealogies, including French and German
    royal lines. Some of the families he recorded went back to the turn
    of the first millennium.

    William Addams Reitwiesner was born in Havre de Grace, Md., on March 8,
    1954, and grew up in Aberdeen, Md., and Silver Spring.

    He came to genealogy when he was 5. His grandfather, a board member of
    the National Genealogical Society, would conduct research in a narrow,
    book-filled study at his home in Covington, Va. On visits, William
    would explore the study, thumbing through the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

    "I think it was a passion for facts," said Gary Roberts, a Boston-based
    genealogist who co-wrote "American Ancestors and Cousins of the
    Princess of Wales" (1984) with Mr. Reitwiesner.

    Shortly after graduating from Silver Spring's Montgomery Blair High
    School in 1972, Mr. Reitwiesner joined the Library of Congress's
    Congressional Research Division as a cart pusher who fetched books
    for congressional offices and eventually became a computer technician.

    He was on call during weekends, even though he was almost always at
    work - sequestered in the genealogy reading room, sifting through

    Sometimes, Mr. Reitwiesner found that he was related to the subjects
    he was investigating. Take the case of Reubin Askew, who was governor
    of Florida in the 1970s. They were both descended from a British
    immigrant who settled in Virginia's Henrico County.

    Mr. Reitwiesner always kept a card of his family tree tucked in
    his wallet.

    He traced his direct family line back 14 generations to the late 16th
    century, listing more than 16,000 relatives.

    One of Mr. Reitwiesner's distant ancestors was Edward I of England.
    Another ancestor was elected to Congress on the Know Nothing ticket,
    an American nativist political movement before the Civil War, and
    another branch of Mr. Reitwiesner's family came from Bavaria in the
    early 20th century. Though consumed by genealogy, Mr. Reitwiesner had
    other interests, including contra dancing, a folk dance done in pairs.
    He was also an enthusiastic collector of T-shirts with risque slogans.
    He relished practical jokes, once rigging a card deck to deal royal
    flushes to each player. His snickering belied the prank.

    Survivors include his mother, Hom McAllister Reitwiesner of
    Gaithersburg; three brothers, Andrew Reitwiesner of Ellenton, Fla.,
    John Reitwiesner of Fredericksburg and Henry Reitwiesner of Colorado
    Springs; a sister, Dorothy Reitwiesner of Gaithersburg; nieces and
    nephews; and countless distant cousins, many times removed.

    From: A. Papazian