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WikiLeaks: Azerbaijan: The Minister Of Everything Significant And Hi

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  • WikiLeaks: Azerbaijan: The Minister Of Everything Significant And Hi


    Tuesday, December 14th, 2010

    A U.S. Embassy cable from Baku, leaked by WikiLeaks, gives a report on
    Azerbaijan~Rs Heydarov family, ~Sthe second most powerful commercial
    family in Azerbaijan,~T noting the lobby efforts of Tale Heydarov,
    head of the European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS), especially in regards
    to Nagorno-Karabakh.

    According to the cable, the Heydarov family~Rs most powerful member
    is Kamaladdin Heydarov, who has been the head of the Ministry of
    Emergency Situations (MES)~Wotherwise known as ~SThe Ministry of
    Everything Significant~T~Wsince 2006. ~SObservers have said he might
    be even more powerful than the President himself.~T

    ~SThe Ministry now controls the fire departments and other emergency
    services, fire code inspections, state grain reserves, and construction
    licensing. This last area of responsibility (perhaps the most important
    for foreign entities operating in Azerbaijan) also covers building
    inspectors who can interfere with, delay, or stop any construction
    project they declare to be ~Sunsafe.~T In fact, MES staff have
    previously warned American and other foreign businessmen that their
    purview covers anything that is associated with temperature, pressure,
    or isotopes ~W categories broadly interpreted to include just about
    everything under the sun.~T

    Heydarov has two sons, Nijat and Tale. The cable states: ~SHeydarov~Rs
    son Tale is the President of the European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS),
    and has made rounds to U.S. embassies in European capitals from
    his London base. The ~Ssociety~T purports to be an independent
    advocacy group, but its talking points very much reflect the goals
    and objectives of the GOAJ [government of Azerbaijan]. In recent
    meetings, Tale and his cohorts have raised ~QArmenian aggression~R
    in Nagorno-Karabakh and ~Qdouble standards~R of U.S. human rights
    and democracy reporting in the region, and complained about efforts
    of the U.S. Congress to provide humanitarian assistance within the
    Nagorno-Karabakh enclave.~T

    The cable was written in February 25, 2010, by Charge d~RAffaires
    Don Lu, and was classified secret. It was released by WikiLeaks on
    December 6.

    The complete cable can be read here.

    Viewing cable 10BAKU127, AZERBAIJAN: WHO OWNS WHAT VOL. 2 - THE
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    Reference ID Created Released Classification Origin 10BAKU127
    2010-02-25 05:05 2010-12-12 21:09 SECRET Embassy Baku VZCZCXRO2618
    PP RUEHDBU DE RUEHKB #0127/01 0560518 ZNY SSSSS ZZH P 250518Z FEB



    EO 12958 DECL: 02/24/2020 TAGS ECON, EINV, EIND, ETRD, KCOR, PINR,
    PGOV, RS, KS, IR, TU, AJ

    C-RE9-02492) REF: BAKU 54

    Classified By: XXXXXXXXXXXX a.i., for reasons 1.4(b) and ( d).

    ¶1. (S) SUMMARY: This cable is the second in a series that profiles
    the most powerful families in Azerbaijan, both in terms of economic and
    political power. This issue features Minister of Emergency Situations
    Kamaladdin Heydarov and his family. Heydarov was previously Chairman of
    the State Customs Committee, and his hand-picked successor now operates
    that agency, one of the most corrupt operations in Azerbaijan. The
    Heydarov family, which controls a business empire in Azerbaijan
    ranging from fruit juice production to real estate development, is
    the second most powerful commercial family in Azerbaijan, after the
    Pashayev family (into which President Aliyev married). End Summary.

    The Man Behind the Power ------------------------

    ¶2. (S) Kamaladdin Heydarov is the most powerful member of this
    family, and some observers have said he might be even more powerful
    than the President himself. (COMMENT: Post does not believe this
    is true, although Heydarov controls more visible assets and wealth
    within the country than the President. End Comment.) His father,
    Fattah Heydarov, is a Member of Parliament from the mountainous Qabala
    district, which serves as a home base for the family outside Baku.

    Fattah was Secretary of the Ordubad (and later Julfa) District Party
    Committee during Soviet times, and served as Minister of the Welfare
    Service of Nakhchivan from 1976 to 1978 and later as Nakhchivanâ~@~Ys
    Minister of Culture from 1983 to 1995.

    ¶3. (S) Kamaladdin Heydarov was Chairman of the State Customs
    Committee for nine years, and since 2006 has been head of the
    para-military Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES), which acts as
    a super-Federal Emergency Management Agency, Fire Marshall, health
    and safety inspector, and overall regulator of many aspects of the
    economy. Born in 1961, he holds a degree in Geology and International
    Law from the Azerbaijan State University. He held executive positions
    in a number of private and public enterprises prior to his appointment
    at the ripe old age of 35 as Chairman of the State Customs Committee
    (SCC), an agency that is notoriously corrupt, even by Azerbaijani
    standards. Heydarovâ~@~Ys rise to power was partly a result of the
    strong relationship between his father Fattah and former President
    Heydar Aliyev (also from Nakhchivan), but also partly a result of
    Heydarovâ~@~Ys strong management skills. As he gained wealth for the
    ruling party, Heydar Aliyevâ~@~Ys respect for him grew, until finally
    he was entrusted with the valuable role of Chairman of the SCC.

    ¶4. (S) The State Customs position allowed him to gain his massive
    wealth, as significant illicit payments were paid â~@~\up the food
    chainâ~@~] in an elaborate and well-orchestrated system of payoff and
    patronage. Heydarov likely still enjoys a sizeable income from the
    SCC, as it is controlled by his loyal successor. When President Ilham
    Aliyev appointed Heydarov as Minister of Emergency Situations in 2006,
    he was replaced at the SCC by his Deputy Aydin Aliyev. Aydin Aliyev is
    not related to President Aliyev, and Heydarov is Aydin Aliyevâ~@~Ys
    sole benefactor, a symbiotic relationship in which Aliyev presumably
    gives undying loyalty (and a hefty cut) to the powerful Heydarov in
    order to retain his position. When Charge first met Heydarov in 2007,
    the Minister had been in office for less than a year but had a chest
    full of military ribbons that would rival the U.S. Chairman of the
    Joint Chiefs. Presumably he transferred them directly from his old
    State Customs uniform.

    The Ministry of Everything Significant (MES)
    -------------------------------------------- BAKU 00000127 002 OF 004

    ¶5. (SBU) The Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) has consistently
    proven itself to be one of the most powerful ministries in Azerbaijan.

    It is suspected to have the largest revenue of any Ministry. It even
    has its own para-military unit, consistent with other such ministries
    in the CIS. Heydarov mentioned to a visiting Washington VIP in 2008
    that his ministry had recently taken control of an anti-aircraft
    battery near Baku in which he had served as a young conscript during
    Soviet times. The Ministry now controls the fire departments and other
    emergency services, fire code inspections, state grain reserves, and
    construction licensing. This last area of responsibility (perhaps
    the most important for foreign entities operating in Azerbaijan)
    also covers building inspectors who can interfere with, delay, or
    stop any construction project they declare to be â~@~\unsafe.â~@~]
    In fact, MES staff have previously warned American and other foreign
    businessmen that their purview covers anything that is associated with
    temperature, pressure, or isotopes -- categories broadly interpreted
    to include just about everything under the sun.

    ¶6. (SBU) It is often said mockingly that in Azerbaijanâ~@~Ys
    judicial system, one can only win a case if one is friends with the
    judge - or if introduced by Benjamin Franklin (read: significant
    cash). Of course being known to the judge as politically powerful
    is another path to courtroom victory. The path to certifying a
    buildingâ~@~Ys safety is likely similar, and the true structural
    integrity of Bakuâ~@~Ys recent construction boom is suspect. In 2007,
    a multi-story high-rise under construction crashed to the ground,
    killing several workers. In January 2010, three workers were killed
    when they fell from a building under construction on high-rent
    Neftchiler Prospect (reftel). Suspect construction is widespread
    in Baku, as new, speculative real estate ventures in central Baku
    (including high-rise buildings) are largely vacant, while practical
    buyers bid up the prices of flats in â~@~\Stalin-kaâ~@~] buildings
    that pre-date independence. These older buildings, which tend to be
    low-rise, are thought to have had higher construction standards and
    generally be safer and more dependable.

    ¶7. (S) These types of market developments do not bode well for the
    reputation of MES, which is widely viewed as a cash cow for Bakuâ~@~Ys
    elite, and the Heydarov family in particular. If an event such as an
    earthquake led to widespread destruction of property, it is assumed
    that outrage would be private, rather than public, and would not
    boil over into attacks on contractors or corrupt bureaucrats, as was
    the case after the 1999 earthquake in Istanbul. Some less powerful
    contractors would become easy targets, but the true architects of
    disaster such as Heydarovâ~@~Ys MES would find a way to use its
    resources and the tools of the state to escape any reprisal.

    His Boys and Their Toys -----------------------

    ¶8. (S) Kamaladdinâ~@~Ys two sons, Nijat Heydarov and Tale Heydarov,
    have recently expressed a desire to purchase two Gulfstream jets,
    valued at $20 million each. The family also owns an Airbus A319
    corporate jet that is presently undergoing cabin completion in Basel,
    Switzerland. According to initial reports, ownership of the Gulfstreams
    would be shared between â~@~\Shams al Sahra FZCOâ~@~] (registered
    in Dubai to Tale and Nijat) and Mr. Manouchehr Ahadpur Khangah, with
    Shams al Sahra and Kangah each holding 50 percent of each jet. Khangah
    was not previously known to the Embassy, but according to information
    from Gulfstream appears to be a citizen of both Iran and Azerbaijan
    (unclear if he also holds other passports).

    Purportedly as part of Patriot Act compliance, Gulfstream asked the
    Heydarovs for information that would confirm the lawful sources
    of their wealth. The BAKU 00000127 003 OF 004 Heydarovs provided
    Gulfstream an overview of their family holdings, and it appears they
    own more businesses than any other Azerbaijani family, including
    companies in food canning, construction materials, concrete, asphalt,
    chemicals, bricks, textiles, CD and DVD production (since licensed
    CDs or DVDs are generally unavailable on the local market, these are
    certainly all pirated), milk processing, tourism, gypsum materials,
    leather, agriculture, pianos, alcohol and spirits, juices, banking,
    insurance, and construction.

    ¶9. (C) One Embassy contact, XXXXXXXXXXXX referred to Khangah as the
    Chief Executive Officer or â~@~\front manâ~@~] of a substantial portion
    of the Heydarov family conglomerate. This contact noted that while
    Khangah is listed as the official owner of various businesses, they
    are very much Heydarov-owned operations in which Khangah functions
    more as a manager. This source added that Khangahâ~@~Ys role was
    mirrored by an unnamed Turkish citizen who controls another segment
    of the family businesses.

    ¶10. (C) Many of the family,s operations are part of the
    â~@~\Gilan,â~@~] â~@~\Qabala,â~@~] â~@~\Jala,â~@~] or â~@~\United
    Enterprises International (UEI)â~@~] family of companies. Gilan
    Holdings is omnipresent in Baku, as the company is one of several major
    real estate developers and has been in the forefront of Bakuâ~@~Ys
    highly speculative real estate market. Observers compare Gilan to
    Dubai World or Nakheel, although admittedly on a smaller scale. The
    Heydarovs have largely cornered the fruit juice market in Azerbaijan,
    maintaining extremely high prices for locally produced juices and
    watered-down juice drinks, while making life difficult -- with the help
    of State Customs -- for cheaper competitors from Turkey, Ukraine and
    Russia. When USAID tried to support the production and distribution of
    pomegranate products in Azerbaijan, they quickly learned that no one
    sells pomegranate juice, concentrate, or derivatives from Azerbaijan
    without Heydarovâ~@~Ys permission. Azerbaijanâ~@~Ys economy is largely
    dominated by monopolistic interests, and observers suggest that the
    Heydarovs are at the top of this mountain of non-competition. It is
    rumored that the Heydarovs also have interests in the local Pepsi
    bottler, the local license for Red Bull, British American Tobacco,
    Japan Tobacco, and Imperial Tobacco. Heydarov has readily admitted
    to visiting U.S.

    delegations that he owns and operates the Caspian Fish Company which
    controls the lucrative (and previously Russian Mafia-controlled)
    Beluga Caviar production in Azerbaijan.

    ¶11. (S) The Heydarovs are also active in cultural endeavors.

    Kamaladdin Heydarov is a composer and has written a song about
    former President Heydar Aliyev that was sung by Azeri singer
    Aghadadash Aghayev. His wife is ethnic Korean, and he himself is
    quite the Koreaphile; he is President of the Azerbaijan Taekwondo
    Federation and owner of the recently opened high-end Korean restaurant
    â~@~\Shilla.â~@~] Korean diplomats have confirmed that Heydarov was
    the protector for several major business deals, but have complained
    that many of these deals have gone awry after the Korean firms refused
    to pay adequate patronage to Heydarov.

    ¶12. (C) Heydarovâ~@~Ys son Tale is the President of The European
    Azerbaijan Society (TEAS), and has made rounds to U.S. embassies in
    European capitals from his London base. The â~@~\societyâ~@~] purports
    to be an independent advocacy group, but its talking points very much
    reflect the goals and objectives of the GOAJ. In recent meetings,
    Tale and his cohorts have raised â~@~\Armenian aggressionâ~@~] in
    Nagorno-Karabakh and â~@~\double standardsâ~@~] of U.S. human rights
    and democracy reporting in the region, and complained about efforts
    of the U.S. Congress to provide humanitarian assistance within the
    Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. Tale and/or Nijat also own the Qabala
    Football Club -- perhaps as a small-scale effort to replicate the
    Chelsea antics of Russiaâ~@~Ys Roman Abramovich. The Qabala squad is
    a virtual United Nations team, with BAKU 00000127 004 OF 004 players
    from across Europe, Latin America and Africa -- the best team money
    can buy, at least for central Azerbaijan. Both sons were educated in
    London and presently live there. Tale holds a B.A. in International
    Relations and History from the London School of Economics and
    an M.A. in Security and Global Governance from Birkbeck College,
    while Nijat holds a B.A. in Politics and East European Studies from
    University College London and an M.A. in Management, Organizations,
    and Governance from the London School of Economics.

    Some newspapers have reported that Tale might return to Baku to become
    a Member of Parliament later this year.

    Itâ~@~Ys Good to Be King --------------------

    ¶13. (C) The familyâ~@~Ys influence is strongest in the regions of
    Qabala, Masalli, and Lenkeran. Postsuspects that Heydarov continues
    to control the tate Customs Committee and wield influence over the
    Ministry of Taxes, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources,
    and Ministry of Economic Development, which is now led by a former
    Ministry of Taxes official. Additionally, of course, Heydarov
    profits significantly from widespread activities of the Ministry of
    Emergency Situations. That ministry, according to observers, may be
    the most sought after employer in official Baku, as Heydarov has made a
    reputation for paying salaries on time and in full. Employees benefit
    from perks of MES employment, such as the ability to enroll children
    in one of Bakuâ~@~Ys best-looking and best-financed public schools.

    Measures like these, contacts report, create a loyal following for
    the minister among his minions.

    Turf Wars: Donâ~@~Yt Cross Kamaladdin ---------------------------------

    ¶14. (S) Embassy contacts note that Kamaladdin Heydarov is currently
    in a â~@~\fight over grainâ~@~] with Minister of Agriculture
    Ismat Abbasov, and wants Abbasov replaced by Member of Parliament
    Eldar Ibrahimov. Historically, those who have fought with Heydarov
    have always fared poorly: Farhad Aliyev and Heydar Babayev were
    (in succession) driven out as Minister of Economic Development in
    part after falling on Heydarovâ~@~Ys bad side. Both were billed as
    reformers, and the economic reforms they were seen to propose stood
    to hurt Heydarovâ~@~Ys interests at the State Customs Committee and
    the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In addition, some opposition
    newspapers had begun to call them potential candidates for the position
    of Prime Minister. Feeling threatened by their reform activity
    and growing power, Heydarov allegedly put his foot down. Both were
    removed from government and their business interests were seriously
    damaged. Rumors circulated in 2009 that Heydarov may have even
    been behind the assassination of Air Force Chief and Deputy Defense
    Minister General Rail Rzayev. The rumors point to the widely-reported
    forced landing of Heydarovâ~@~Ys helicopter after it took off without
    obtaining flight clearance.

    ¶15. (U) The next issue of â~@~\Who Owns Whatâ~@~] will profile the
    family of Ziya Mammadov, the Minister of Transportation. With so much
    of the nationâ~@~Ys oil wealth being poured into road construction,
    the Mammadovs also control a significant source of rent-seeking. His
    holdings extend to the buses that run throughout Baku. A recent
    television report asked if the Mammadovs controlled mysterious
    construction company ZQAN Holding; the reporter pointed out the
    letters of ZQAN matched the initials of father Ziya, mother Qanira,
    son Anar, and daughter Nigar. A ZQAN representative brushed this
    aside as innuendo. LU

    From: A. Papazian