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Russia Tightens Security After Nationalist Riot Near Kremlin

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  • Russia Tightens Security After Nationalist Riot Near Kremlin

    by James Brooke

    Voice of America News
    December 13, 2010

    Russian authorities closed Red Square and cordoned off the Kremlin
    after President Dmitry Medvedev warned race riots threaten "the
    stability of the state."

    Hundreds of riot police, dressed in black helmets and bullet-proof
    vests closed off public squares and underground rail stations around
    the Kremlin late Monday. Russia's president sternly warned against
    a repeat of last weekend's nationalist violence.

    Using the Russian word "pogrom," President Dmitry Medvedev warned
    Russians that incitement to ethnic or religious hatred could
    destabilize Russia, a multi-ethnic and multi-faith nation.

    On Monday, Russians looked in shock at the images of last weekend's
    violence in downtown Moscow: hundreds of young men raising their
    right arms in stiff-armed Nazi salutes against the red brick walls
    of the Kremlin; young men in black hoods attacking riot police with
    chunks of ice, burning flares, glass bottles and steel rods; five
    young men from Caucasus, blood streaming down their faces, cowering
    behind policemen who rescued them from nationalist attackers.

    Demonstrators chanted "Russia for Russians" and chanted "2-8-2,"
    calling for Russia to abolish a law that makes it a crime to incite
    ethnic hatred.

    Far outnumbered, police arrested only 80 of the 5,000 nationalists,
    pushing most of them into subway stations. Once in the subway, gangs
    of youths ran through trains, chanting 'White Car, White car," beating
    non-Slavic riders.By morning, gangs had shot a shop clerk from Armenia,
    shot a shop assistant from Azerbaijan, fractured the skull of another
    man from the Caucasus, and knifed to death a man from Kyrgyzstan

    A leader of the banned group Slavic Union, Dmitry Dyomushkin, said in
    an interview the Kremlin should expel the heavily Muslim republics of
    the Caucasus from the Russian Federation. He said that labor migrants
    from the Caucasus and Central Asia should remember that they come to
    Moscow as guests.

    The membership of Russian nationalist groups often overlap with
    football-team support groups. In the past six months, nationalists
    have drawn large turnouts to demonstrations protesting the murders
    of two fans of Moscow's Spartak football club. In each case, suspects
    from the Caucasus were detained, then released.

    Center for Political Technologies analyst Alexei Mukhin said that
    fans believe Russia's pervasive corruption extends to homicide
    investigations, resulting in suspects buying their way out of jail.

    Mukin said anger over police corruption fuels protests.

    Last week, after the latest murder, 1,000 Spartak fans blocked the
    main highway to Moscow's busiest airport. After this protest, one
    murder suspect was arrested. After the massive protest outside the
    Kremlin walls, police detained three more suspects.

    In recent days, thousands have turned out for nationalist protests in
    the cities of Rostov and St. Petersburg. In Rostov, 1,000 students
    were joined by paramilitary units of Cossacks, a group that carried
    out many pogroms against ethnic and religious minorities during the
    days of Czarist Russia.

    In light of this history of inter-ethnic violence, Russian Orthodox
    Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin has called for authorities, migrant workers
    and native Russians to take "immediate steps" to keep football violence
    from becoming an "ethnic war."

    From: A. Papazian