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Next Session Of CIS Information Council To Be Conducted In Tajikista

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  • Next Session Of CIS Information Council To Be Conducted In Tajikista


    DECEMBER 16, 2010

    Today in Yerevan continued its works the 12th session of the CIS
    Council of Heads of State News Agencies, the participants of which
    delivered conclusive speeches. A protocol was confirmed at the session,
    in which the directions of the upcoming activity of the Information
    Council and its programs are indicated.

    In particular, it was decided to pay high attention within the
    anniversary events dedicated to 20th anniversary of CIS to uncovering
    of the 50th anniversary of the flight implemented by Yuri Gagarin to
    open universe, of the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, of
    the 25th anniversary of the catastrophe of Chernobyl atomic station
    and of other noteworthy events. On this occasion the parties were
    proposed to come forth with proposals.

    Photo exhibition entitled "The Commonwealth is 20 Years Old" is
    intended to conduct in 2011, where photos provided by CIS state news
    agencies symbolizing the development of the given country will be
    exhibited. The works implemented for the exhibition will be brought
    to an end till the May of the next year. CIS state news agencies will
    also organize space bridges in 2011. By the way, for the first time
    in the history of Information Council at Yerevan a space bridge was
    organized, thanks to which the heads of news agencies, which were
    not present at the session for some reasons expressed their opinion.

    The year of 2011 has been proclaimed a year dedicated to cultural
    heritage, within the framework of which a collection of photos is
    intended to prepare, dedicated to CIS outstanding figures of culture
    and science. All state news agencies will have their part in designing
    of the internet portal of CIS. After the session the heads of the
    state news agencies visited the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin,
    where they met with Head of the Publishing Department, Bishop Nathan
    Hovhannisyan. They walked around in the treasury, got acquainted
    with exhibits.

    The next - 13th session of the Information Council will be held
    in the spring of 2011 in the capital of Tajikistan -Dushanbe. CIS
    Information Council has been established in 1996 on the basis of the
    agreement on setting up a council of heads of CIS state news agencies
    signed in 1995 November 3 by heads of CIS member states. The council,
    the first session of which was held in 1996, is called to contribute
    to activation of the potential of CIS news agencies, to increase of
    exchange level, circulation of objective news on CIS member states,
    and to information support to programs implemented within the framework
    of cooperation.

    Director General of ITAR-TASS news agency Vitaly Ignatenko is the
    chairman of the CIS Information Council. The heads of CIS state news
    agencies are considered to be the members of the Information Council.

    Director of "Armenpress" news agency Hrayr Zoryan represents Armenia
    at CIS Information Council.

    From: A. Papazian