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OSCE Supports Preventing Human Trafficking, Assisting Victims In Arm

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  • OSCE Supports Preventing Human Trafficking, Assisting Victims In Arm

    17.12.2010 15:53

    A national forum on the implementation of the Armenian national
    referral procedure of trafficked victims organized by the
    Anti-Trafficking Support and Resource Unit (ATSRU) established by
    the OSCE office and operating within the Labour and Social Affairs
    Ministry of Armenia, started today in Aghveran.

    The two-day event brought together state officials, regional
    representatives from Labour and Social Affairs Ministry's units for
    family, children and women's protection, the labour inspectorate,
    the state employment service, police, international organizations and
    non-governmental organizations. They will discuss ways of improving
    inter-agency co-operation and co-ordination, look at existing
    challenges in combating trafficking, addressing labor migration and
    forced labor, providing better assistance to the victims of trafficking
    and developing a truly victim-oriented strategy. The forum participants
    will also examine the implementation of the 2010-2012 Anti-Trafficking
    National Action Plan adopted by the Government of Armenia.

    "For several years our office in Yerevan has been actively involved
    in combating trafficking in human beings in Armenia. Today's forum
    reflects increased awareness and co-operation among national actors
    which we have been supporting in the anti-trafficking field," says
    Doris Vogl, Democratization Programme Officer.

    "It is important to have a large-scale forum where anti-trafficking
    community members could raise priority issues and share their
    experiences. For our Unit this is an opportunity to assess the results
    achieved during the two years of work in Yerevan and all the regions
    of the country," Said Nazeli Asriyan, representative of the ATSRU. "We
    will continue our support to the state and non-governmental actors
    in the implementation of the Armenian National Referral Procedure
    prioritizing a victim-oriented approach."

    In his opening speech the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Issues
    Filaret Berikyan said that as a result of co-ordinated work of the
    OSCE Office in Yerevan, the Ministry, Armenian police and other
    stakeholders, a comprehensive picture on the situation with human
    trafficking in the country is available and regularly updated. "Within
    the framework of the ATSRU project the relevant agencies of the
    Labour and Social Affairs Ministry have strengthened their capacity
    in preventing human trafficking and assisting victims," said Berikyan.

    From: A. Papazian