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'Sumgait' To Tell About Massacres Against Armenians In Azerbaijan

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  • 'Sumgait' To Tell About Massacres Against Armenians In Azerbaijan


    2010-12-20 21:47:00

    ArmInfo. "Sumgait" section of the web-site of the RA General
    Prosecutor's Office ( has been launched
    where one can get acquainted with the materials of the criminal
    cases initiated on the mass killings against the Armenians of Nagorno
    Karabagh in Soviet Azerbaijan at the end of 1980s and at the beginning
    of 1990s.

    In particular, the testimonies of the eye-witnesses, victims, their
    relatives and successors, exhibit photos and documents, list of the
    killed, kidnapped and missing people were placed in the site as well as
    the lists of the people including the employees of the law enforcement
    bodies of Azerbaijan who are accused of participating in the policy
    of Armenians' mass killings in Armenian villages and implementing
    the vandalism against the Armenians and are being searched now.

    According to the web-site, the works of creating the electronic archive
    of the materials started about a year ago in September 2009 and include
    several thousand documents. The archive was developed together with
    the NGO "Xenophobia Prevention Initiative" and a number of volunteers,
    and the web-site was created by programmer Aram Mkhitaryan.

    The web-site will be supplemented with the materials of the criminal
    cases, documents as well as new sections. In particular, "Baku"
    section will be added in the near future including the application
    and testimonies of Armenian refugees from Baku about the ferocities
    against the Armenians in the capital of Azerbaijan Baku.

    It is necessary to mention that the testimonies are partially shortened
    as according to the materials of the criminal cases the mass killings
    against the Armenians were organized by the law enforcement bodies
    of Azerbaijan as well who warned the population not to shelter and
    hide their Armenian neighbors by threatening to revenge, and taking
    into consideration the fact that in separate cases the Armenians
    managed to survive with the support and help of their Azerbaijani
    and Russian neighbors, the exact addresses of the Armenians and the
    names of the Azerbaijanis who helped them are not publicized for their
    security. The peak of Sumgait massacre committed by Azeris fell on
    27-29 Feb 1988. Dozens of Armenians were killed, hundreds received
    serious injuries and became disabled, Armenian girls and women were
    raped, over two hundred Armenian apartments were robbed, dozens of
    cars were set on fire and broken, thousands of refugees were reported.

    From: A. Papazian