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ANKARA: The Armenian Resolution Strikes Back

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  • ANKARA: The Armenian Resolution Strikes Back

    by Omer Taspinar

    Today's Zaman
    Dec 20 2010

    The season for the regular tension between Ankara and Washington came
    earlier than expected. We should not be surprised if Turkish-American
    relations soon enter "crisis management" mode.

    The issue at hand will once again be the usual predicament: the
    Armenian genocide resolution. Every year it is the same story. The
    sense of deja vu is becoming painfully cyclical. Despite this familiar
    routine, there are a couple of factors changing the dynamics this
    year. The first one is the early timing. The Armenian issue usually
    enters the agenda before April 24, the date for "Genocide Remembrance

    Considerable pressure on the president of the United States begins
    usually a few weeks in advance by congressional attempts to pass a
    non-binding resolution first from the Committee on Foreign Relations
    and then from the floor of the US House of Representatives. Earlier
    this year, as you will remember, the resolution narrowly passed the
    House committee with just one vote. So, it was up to Speaker of the
    House Nancy Pelosi, from the Democratic Party, to bring the resolution
    to the floor for a vote. Pelosi did not do so, probably because of the
    busy political agenda of the House and perhaps because the resolution
    did not have the support it needed to pass. I was personally surprised
    that she did not try before the November mid-term elections.

    The circumstances appeared optimal around September. The Democrats
    desperately needed all the votes they could get from the American
    people. The Armenian lobby also must have had a sense of urgency. It
    was obvious that the Republicans would win and that chances of an
    Armenian genocide resolution would diminish. And, of course, most
    importantly, there was the dismal state of Turkish-American relations.

    After all, it is no secret that Turkey's image in the American Congress
    hit an all-time low this year. Over the last six months, two major
    developments poisoned Turkey's perception among US legislators.

    The first was Turkey's identification as a close ally of Iran.

    Turkey's "no" vote in the United Nations Security Council concerning
    sanctions against Iran not only damaged its already tainted image in
    Congress, but it also infuriated the Obama Administration.

    The day before Turkey voted no, President Barack Obama called
    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and tried to convince
    him during a 45-minute conversation to vote either "yes" together
    with the transatlantic (NATO plus EU) community or in the very worst
    case abstain. The fact that Turkey voted the way it did clearly
    demonstrated that Ankara was more concerned about its leverage with
    Iran or its relations with Brazil than setting back its relations
    with Washington on a very critical issue for which President Obama
    had spent considerable political capital.

    To expect that there would be no consequences for defying the American
    agenda in such a blatant way is naive. In that sense, there is nothing
    surprising in the way the Armenian issue will become more difficult
    to surmount. The second development, which somewhat unfairly turned
    Turkey's image from bad to worse, is the Mavi Marmara incident.

    Despite the fact that Turkish citizens were killed by Israeli soldiers
    in international waters, the whole affair came to be seen by the US
    Congress as pro-Iran and pro-Hamas and as Turkey challenging Israel.

    Given the influence of the pro-Israel lobby in Washington and
    particularly in Congress, it should not be surprising that Turkey's
    version of the story falls on deaf ears.

    At the end of the day, on two crucial issues - Iran and Israel -
    Turkey is on the wrong side of the House of Representatives. Under such
    circumstances, the Armenian lobby should not face a major challenge
    getting its way in passing the genocide resolutio n. Now, just before
    Christmas, Pelosi must be calculating that there is one last chance
    before the new House, with its new Republican majority, begins the
    new year. We will see on Tuesday if the House of Representatives will
    have the numbers and the will to vote on this issue. The next couple of
    days will be critical. Needless to say, the whole situation is highly
    embarrassing for a country like Turkey, with such high ambitions on
    the world stage.

    From: A. Papazian