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Turkey Warns US Over Armenia Genocide Resolution

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  • Turkey Warns US Over Armenia Genocide Resolution


    Sify News
    Dec 21 2010

    Istanbul, Dec 21 (DPA) The Turkish government has warned US President
    Barack Obama that a congressional vote on a resolution recognising
    the massacre of Armenians during World War I as a 'genocide' could
    severely damage relations, the Turkish press reported Tuesday.

    The US House of Representatives has tentatively planned a vote on the
    resolution for Tuesday, just before the 111th congress concludes. In
    March, the non-binding resolution was passed by a 23-22 vote in
    the House's Foreign Affairs Committee, a move Turkey protested by
    withdrawing its ambassador to Washington for one month.

    Armenians contend that up to 1.5 million of their people were
    systematically killed by the Ottoman Turks in 1915. The US has
    approximately one million citizens of Armenian descent and the diaspora
    has rallied for recognition of the killings as a 'genocide'.

    Turkey has long denied the genocide claim, saying the number of
    Armenians killed is much lower than claimed and that the deaths were
    the result of intercommunal violence at the time that also affected
    other ethnic groups.

    The Turkish government and Turkish-American advocacy groups have
    engaged in an intense lobbying effort to prevent the resolution from
    going to a vote in the House.

    On Monday, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent a letter
    to Obama saying that the vote could cause a major rift in relations,
    according to reports in the Turkish press. 'We are expecting that you
    will step in and intervene in Congress,' Erdogan's letter reportedly

    Although Turkey refuses to recognise the genocide claim, relations
    between the current Turkish and Armenian governments have slightly
    improved over the last couple of years.

    In October 2009, the two governments signed accords to renew diplomatic
    relations and open their border. However, neither country has fully
    ratified the accords, and the process has stalled.

    Ankara has warned that the passing of the genocide resolution in
    the US House could lead to a rupture in relations with Washington
    and could harm the already tentative reconciliation process between
    Turkey and Armenia.

    The Obama administration has opposed the House resolution for the
    same reasons.

    In 2007, then president George W. Bush successfully pressured the
    House not to bring a similar genocide resolution to a floor vote,
    averting a diplomatic crisis between Turkey and the US.

    From: A. Papazian