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Taner Akcam: No Closed Borders And No Rival Countries (Part 2)

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  • Taner Akcam: No Closed Borders And No Rival Countries (Part 2)


    Dec 21 2010

    Turkish historian, sociologist and columnist Taner Akcam, who
    arrived in Yerevan to attend the international conference on "Crime
    of Genocide, condemnation and elimination of consequences", gave
    exclusive interview to "" news web site.

    - Do you consider Azerbaijan as an obstacle to the normalization
    process of Armenian-Turkish ties?

    - It seems Azerbaijan is an obstacle. But I'm not as much informed
    on this, as it is out of my field of investigation. As a citizen of
    Turkey, I would say the following - Turkey must differentiate between
    relations with Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The conflict
    of Karabakh is a different conflict, diplomatic ties with Armenia -
    quite different. Turkey should not anticipate resolution of Karabakh
    conflict as a precondition. If Turkey makes certain changes in his
    political course, Azerbaijan will no longer be an obstacle.

    - Does it mean that anyway Azerbaijan is an obstacle?

    -The reality is that those in Turkey who are against ties with Armenia,
    use this factor as a tool.

    - So, if Turkey wanted to normalize ties with Armenia, Azerbaijan
    would not be an obstacle?

    -Surely, they couldn't.

    - Does it mean that Turkey does not want that?

    - It turns to be so.

    - Do you think the ratification of the protocols is possible and when?

    -It seems the process is frozen. Turkey links ratification of the
    protocols with Karabakh issue, and if no advancement is made here,
    the ratification will be left unprocessed. And in Karabakh issue,
    when we feel threat of war, we can't anticipate any advancement. In
    this case we have two versions - either advancement is recorded in
    Karabakh deal or Turkey changes its policy. I think Turkey should say
    "No matter what happens in Karabakh, I open the border".

    -In that case don't you think Turkish-Azerbaijani ties would suffer?

    - I don't think the relations will suffer. Azerbaijan's Government
    needs relations with Turkish Government. Generally, if a country leads
    a second country to war against a third party, they can't advance as
    far. In this respect Azerbaijan can't advance as far.

    - What do you think about Armenians and Armenia?

    - Every time I feel happiness to come to Armenia. I am from Ardahan.

    Walking through Yerevan streets, I feel as if in Ardahan. I find much
    to resemble my hometown. I feel I'm a cosmopolitan. To find friends
    in Armenia is of special significance for me.

    From: A. Papazian