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Exclusive: Review: Glenn Beck Documentary, 'The Revolutionary Holoca

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  • Exclusive: Review: Glenn Beck Documentary, 'The Revolutionary Holoca

    C. Austin Burrell

    Family Security Matters
    February 3, 2010

    Called "The Revolutionary Holocaust," it was technically and
    professionally outstanding. It recorded over 4 million viewers,
    the largest number ever recorded for a cable documentary in a
    traditional news time slot. This documentary was intended to show
    the monstrous human price of the liberal secular progressive movement
    in the 20th century, stimulated by the works of Marx and Engels. It
    was a staggering dismissal of the true control motives of liberal
    secular progressives in the forms of the revolutions and governments
    produced by Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro and Che and the 200 million
    plus lives they took in unprecedented, wholesale murder to achieve
    their political objectives.

    The first effective point made in the presentation was that the word
    liberal was co-opted by leftist radicals, in that the people who led
    our revolution were self-described liberals in their time. Conversely,
    the progressive movement that came out of the socialist thinking of
    Marx and Engels needed credibility, and they took this word to their
    breast to legitimize their existence.

    In fact, as Beck demonstrated, beginning with Marx, progressives
    were racist savages, whose face was first seen in this country with
    President Wilson, a noted anti-Semite and race baiter who fully
    believed in the extermination of "inferiors," without regard to race
    or religious background. Wilson was the first truly offensive Eastern
    Establishment Liberal who viciously opposed the right of women to vote,
    among his offensive positions.

    The true story of the agendas of hard left liberal secular progressives
    was demonstrated by Lenin (who lived in Brooklyn under the name of
    Leon Bronstein before returning to Russia) in the Russian Communist
    Revolution of 1917. Some 40,000 active Communists successfully
    mounted a revolution that took over a country of 100 million people
    and stretched across eight time zones. How they did that is its own
    story, but what they did after they seized control is the true story.

    First under Lenin and then under the brutal dictator Stalin, the
    Communists initiated programs of mass annihilation of anyone who stood
    in their way, beginning with the slaughter of the White Russians, which
    essentially wiped them out as a racial segment. The concentration on
    the annihilation of White Russians extended into foreign countries,
    with Stalin ordering the assassination of White Russians who had
    escaped his net, the last of which was in 1952. He bragged of the
    slaughter of 20 million White Russians later in his rule.

    Next was Stalin's collectivization of Russian farms, with a
    particularly savage focus on the bread basket State of the Ukraine,
    with its incredibly productive independent grain farmers, the
    "Kulaks." In the year of 1932, to accelerate the collective farming
    plan, Stalin simply chose starve to death 10 million Ukrainians to
    death in an unprecedented slaughter to that date, so vicious it was
    given a name, the "Holomador."

    I heard these stories from children of Ukrainians lucky enough to
    escape to the U.S., and from a second generation Ukrainian-Canadian
    whose father lived through this nightmare as a child. This was the
    same country whose nationals welcomed the arrival of German troops as
    liberator in World War II, only to be slaughtered again in horrific
    numbers, with some 5-8 million murdered.

    In 1936, Stalin began the purges of the Russian military, killing
    without mercy and all but wiping out the officer corps of the Russian
    Army. In a little over two years, 5 million would die in Stalin's
    attempt to "freshen" and "cleanse" the Communist revolution. When he
    was through, only one regimental commanding field grade officer was
    said to have survived. But he didn't stop there.

    Stalin was an equal opportunity monster, killing anyone who blinked
    at his political agenda and plans for a Soviet Socialist State. He
    slaughtered millions of Armenians, his own fellow Georgians,
    Turkestans, Poles, Kurds and millions more, some 60 million all told
    before World War II started.

    The commonalities between the German Nazis and the Russian Communists
    were those of one mirroring the other. Both focused on racial slaughter
    and discrimination. Goebbels and Molotov signed a mutual non-aggression
    pact in 1938. At the same time, Hitler and Goebbels came together
    with the need to distinguish their socialist agenda from that of
    Stalin, settling on the persecution of Jews as a differentiating
    factor. Shortly after signing this document, Germany and Russia invaded
    Poland, splitting it down the middle and beginning the slaughter of
    over 10 million Poles by the end of World War II.

    To my mind, what we all must know is that this common theme of mass
    genocides was shared by all socialist states in the nations controlled
    by the Communists, Socialists, Nazis, and other Marxist-Lenin
    revolutionaries. But an eerie proof of their common grounds pointed
    out so effectively by Beck's documentary came in their adaptation of
    common symbols, political themes, posters, and colors, almost across
    the board. German and Russian (and ultimately, Chinese) themes were
    virtual mirrors of one another. There was a focus on their common
    choice of Socialist Red Flags, on nearly identical posters supporting
    their jingoism and racist attitudes, their uniforms, on political
    speech themes on the superiority of socialism to capitalism, and much,
    much more.

    Between Hitler's slaughter of the Jews, German Christians, and other
    helpless minorities of his own and adjacent countries, Stalin's
    rolling murders of his own people down to his personal staff almost
    every three years, and Mao's Revolution, Great Leap Forward and 1967
    Cultural Revolution, over 200 Million men, women and children were
    murdered, starved, shot, hung, gassed and worked to death in the name
    of Socialist Progressive Elitists.

    There was more to this entire story, far more. The point of this
    review was that I knew all of these stories for decades before this
    ground-breaking piece of documentary film, and those stories have
    never been so focused in concentrated form on the risks we face from
    hard left liberal progressive socialist/communist elitists.

    I thank my God that I was born and raised in the United States, rather
    than any other country. Anyone who doesn't feel that way should be
    shown the door or offered other, less attractive options. Our country
    was founded by a bunch of very bright, liberal, old white guys who
    were both religious and terribly conscious of the role of history
    in other experiments in governance means and methods. God bless them
    and God bless all of us.

    Make the time to see this documentary if you want this history
    imprinted on your consciousness and that of your family. In a
    democracy, every person, no matter how stupid or short-sighted, is
    entitled to be as dumb and uninformed as he or she chooses. I beg
    you choose not to be one of those uninformed. Contributing Editor C. Austin Burrell is
    a corporate finance generalist with over 30 years of Wall Street
    and related experience. He was a senior derivatives specialist and
    development stage company investment banker for more than 35 years
    on Wall Street.He is a 1968 Graduate of the U.S. Military Academy
    and a graduate of the Army's Finance Officer Advanced Course.