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BAKU: Armenia's New Concept Of Population Policy: Cloning High Ranki

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  • BAKU: Armenia's New Concept Of Population Policy: Cloning High Ranki


    Today s/60800.html
    Feb 3 2010

    The Armenian government has tried to settle historic Azerbaijani
    lands on many occasions during their occupation. To do this, some
    resettlement or settlement programs were elaborated and some funds were
    allocated from time to time. They have attempted to settle people in
    the occupied and unpopulated territories after military action. But
    very few people agreed to live there. Only those who sought at least
    some shelter have settled in these areas.

    They were mainly Armenians, but not other nationalities. However,
    Armenians from Karabakh and other parts of Azerbaijan and Armenia
    refused to live in the occupied territories.

    However, the sick mentality of the Armenian rulers kept them thinking
    about the unsettled occupied territories. As a result, recently, I
    dare to assume, being in despair after another failure (due to their
    own fault) in the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and
    the normalization of relations with Turkey, they decided to develop
    a so-called "concept of governmental demographic policies" designed
    exclusively to settle Azerbaijani lands.

    It is not clear what the concept implies. Local authorities studiously
    keep silent about their plans. They claim "this document will be
    fundamental for government and community authorities in addressing
    issues related to fertility, health, education, migration, demographic
    development and so on."

    Such a description arises even more interest in the concept. The
    government of this neighboring country is truly intriguing since it
    still remains unclear how they will increase the population of the
    occupied lands.

    You can, of course, guess, because there are not so many ways of
    increasing the population. Of course, cloning would be the ideal way
    of settlement. So what?

    For example, Defense Minister Seyran Ohanian, Deputy Foreign Minister
    Shavarsh Kocharian, or Diaspora Affairs Minister Hranush Hakobyan
    can be cloned. They can be cloned in large numbers to develop the
    vast expanses of Azerbaijani lands.

    Unfortunately, today, cloning is still a very expensive form of
    reproduction. I am afraid that our neighbors will not be able to
    afford to clone even the very Serzh Sargsyan. So, this method of
    increasing the population does not suit the Armenian authorities.

    There is also a more natural way of doing it as in the case of China
    or India and across the world. This is the cheapest method.

    Unfortunately, no one will take this step voluntarily in a neighboring
    country. But if you insist, you can be held accountable for it.

    We mentioned ways of resettlement above. The prospects of inviting
    foreigners, who can lose their property once Azerbaijan recovers
    control over these territories, to live in the occupied territories,
    do not seem optimistic either.

    Theoretically, it is possible that Armenia has come up with some way
    of increasing the population. Perhaps, they have decided to do it by
    division, pollination, or budding. One can expect anything odd from
    this country. After all, it was them who a few years ago announced to
    the world that they have allegedly found a cure for AIDS. In fact, they
    only stirred the faded hopes of people suffering this terrible disease.

    Well, we have no choice but to observe how the concept of demographic
    policy will be realized. We are watching this process with a smile
    on our faces ...