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BAKU: AzTV Broadcasts New Excerpts From President's Euronews Intervi

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  • BAKU: AzTV Broadcasts New Excerpts From President's Euronews Intervi

    Feb 8 2010

    I.Aliyev gives interview to Euronews On 7 February, the Hefte program
    on state-owned Azerbaijani TV commented on the president's remarks
    about the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

    The commentary included parts of the president's interview not
    broadcast by Euronews.

    The president said that there are great hopes for resolving the
    conflict peacefully.

    Noting that the peace talks depend on two important conditions,
    the president said these are Armenia's compliance with international
    norms and the withdrawal of Armenian troops from the internationally
    recognized territory of Azerbaijan.

    Aliyev said: "We have expectations related to the settlement of
    this conflict, because, as you have pointed out, the long-standing
    process must result in the peaceful resolution of the conflict. Our
    lands are under occupation for already about 20 years. Armenia
    violated the fundamental principles of international law. As you
    know, the UN Security Council adopted four resolutions demanding
    immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Armenian forces from the
    occupied territories. However, unfortunately, these resolutions are
    not implemented.

    "Currently, negotiations are at the stage of completion.Various options
    have been considered and not adopted throughout the whole period of
    negotiations. And now we are discussing the Madrid principles, which
    may be, shall we say, the basis for settlement. But, of course,
    this will depend on the willingness of Armenia to withdraw its
    troops from the internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan
    and to respect international law. Peace will be possible only after
    this. This conflict will end sooner or later. Our citizens must
    return to their homes. But we want to do this as soon as possible,
    because our people have been looking forward this for many years."

    The president said that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is
    the main principle fixed in the mediators' proposals, AzTV's Ibrahim
    Mammadov commented. The president said the other principles are:
    territorial integrity; the non-use of force; and self-determination
    of peoples.

    The president said that territorial integrity and self-determination
    are not mutually contradictory.

    President Ilham Aliyev said, "I am optimistic about the 2010 activities
    of the leading countries co-chairing the OSCE Minsk Group aimed at
    resolving the conflict. It gives grounds for optimism. At the same
    time, as I have noted, the proposals we are considering at present
    are based on the fundamental principles of international law.

    They are based on the principles of territorial integrity of countries,
    non-use of force and self-government of peoples. These principles do
    not contradict each other, because the principle of self-government
    can be achieved within the framework of territorial integrity.

    "We are optimistic in this sense. However, to turn that optimism
    into real results, the Armenian side should demonstrate realism and
    constructivism and withdraw from our lands which it has been illegally
    occupying for many years."