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ANKARA: Aggrieved Families Demand Justice At Dink Trial

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  • ANKARA: Aggrieved Families Demand Justice At Dink Trial


    Feb 8 2010

    Public anger about unsolved political murders in Turkey's past has
    spilled over at the ongoing trial of Hrant Dink's alleged killers,
    as relatives of previous murder victims came to court to support the
    late journalist's family.

    Gathering at the court in Istanbul's BeÅ~_iktaÅ~_ district Monday, a
    group of families whose grievous faces testified to Turkey's tumultuous
    political past and present observed the latest episode in the trial
    of those accused of murdering Turkish-Armenian journalist Dink in
    broad daylight Jan. 19, 2007.

    Filiz Ali, daughter of author and journalist Sabahattin Ali, who
    was murdered by unknown perpetrators in 1948, said the Dink case
    represents an opportunity to find out the "deep forces within state
    organs" that have played significant roles in political assassinations.

    "This case should shed light on all the secrets," Ali said, reading
    a joint press statement on behalf of all supporting families. "We
    are all from the same family and we do not want this family to get
    any bigger. We see all related public bodies as being responsible
    for solving these unsolved murders."

    She continued, saying: "The laws have not allowed us to defend our
    dead ones for many years now. We have also witnessed many state
    officials mobilize to protect criminals and cover up their crimes."

    Ali said the families of unsolved murder victims will continue to
    observe the Dink case.

    The families further plan to send a petition to Parliament on Feb. 11,
    asking that it establish a parliamentary research commission to
    "research organized political murders that have been committed in
    Turkey since 1948," according to a story from daily Milliyet on Monday.

    A group of people calling themselves "For Hrant, For Justice"
    joined the families and marched to the court holding banners saying,
    "We know the criminal" and "Face the truth."

    Yet more controversy

    Monday's trial was the 12th in the ongoing Dink murder case. A total of
    25 suspects were present, including those already under arrest: Yasin
    Hayal, Erhan Tuncel, Ogun Samast, Ersin Yolcu and Ahmet Ä°skender.

    Monday's hearing resulted in even more controversy, however. After
    the morning session, suspects and witnesses were allowed to sit down
    together and some witnesses were seen talking to suspects. Before
    the second session started, the mistake was noticed and the witnesses
    left the courtroom, waiting outside until they were called in.

    Witness Orhan OzbaÅ~_ admitted that he sat near Samast, who is accused
    of pulling the trigger. When Judge Erkan Canak asked whether they
    had talked before the session, OzbaÅ~_ said, "[Samast] told me that
    he has been in prison for three years and I could be put in jail for
    five years too."

    Lawyer Å~^iar RiÅ~_vanoglu asked the court to make a criminal complaint
    against those responsible for allowing witnesses and suspects to
    sit side-by-side.

    In another controversy, the police "forgot" to bring a secret witness
    to the court, the NTV news channel reported.

    OzbaÅ~_ said that he met Samast online and that Samast called him
    on the phone a day before the murder. OzbaÅ~_ said he took his three
    friends with him and met Samast in Istanbul's BayrampaÅ~_a district,
    where they walked around and then drove to Eyup and GaziosmanpaÅ~_a,
    later returning to BayrampaÅ~_a to drop off Samast.

    "Samast showed us a photo and a gun and said that he would kill the man
    in the photo. We laughed, not believing what he said," OzbaÅ~_ said.

    "A day after this incident, [Samast] called me and said he killed
    the man and was returning to Trabzon. I did not believe him until I
    saw the news on TV. I talked to my father about this and he told me
    not to talk to the police, which I obeyed," said OzbaÅ~_.

    Turhan Meral, another witness and a friend of OzbaÅ~_, said he was
    with OzbaÅ~_ when he met Samast, but added that he did not know Samast
    beforehand. Meral refuted his previous testimony, in which he said
    he saw Samast had a gun and told them that he would kill a man. "I
    did not see any photo or gun and I did not hear him saying anything
    about killing anyone," said Meral.

    Secretive attitude

    A written statement from Ramazan Akyurek, the chief of police in
    Trabzon at the time of the murder, said the telecommunication
    information of all police and intelligence officers cannot be
    delivered to court because it will cause security problems. Bahri
    Belen, a Dink family lawyer, said in response to this statement that
    according to the law, no documents or files that are related to crimes
    can be kept secret.

    Suspect Erhan Tuncel, a former police informant in Trabzon, presented
    some documents to the court - including maps and notes taken from
    the book titled "Effective Forgiveness," written by Judge Canak - and
    said he would read an 18-page defense later. Tuncel also said he was
    accused of being a member of an organized criminal gang because he had
    close relations with the political party the Great Union Party, or BBP.

    Families of political murder victims who joined the hearing included
    Hrant Dink's wife, Rakel Dink; Sezen Oz and Bengi Heval Oz, the wife
    and daughter of public prosecutor Dogan Oz, murdered in 1978; Ozge and
    Ozgur Mumcu, the daughter and son of journalist Ugur Mumcu, murdered in
    1993; Nukhet Ä°pekci, the daughter of Abdi Ä°pekci, murdered in 1979;
    Zeynep Altıok, the daughter of Metin Altıok, murdered in 1993; Meryem
    Göktepe, the sister of journalist Metin Göktepe, murdered in 1996;
    and Nilgun Turkler, the daughter of labor-union leader Kemal Turkler,
    murdered in 1980.

    More families signed the statement, which was read by Filiz Ali.

    Case timeline

    Sixty-six people have been prosecuted in relation to Hrant Dink's
    murder three years ago. Forty-seven were released after giving their
    first testimony in court; on Tuesday, five detainees and 20 suspects
    will be questioned in the 12th hearing of the ongoing Dink trial. The
    following dates represent key events in the trial timeline:

    First hearing, July 2, 2007: Out of a total 19 suspects, four are
    discharged, reducing the number of detainees from 12 to eight.

    Second hearing, Sept. 1, 2007: The file of murder suspect, instigator
    and police informant Erhan Tuncel is destroyed on the grounds of
    "government security."

    Third and fourth hearings, Feb. 11 and Feb. 28, 2008: During a
    cross-examination session, chief suspect Tuncel prevents suspects
    Yasin Hayal, Mustafa Ozturk and Ersin Yolcu from testifying after
    they accuse Tuncel of instigating the murder.

    Fifth hearing, April 28, 2008: Telephone records of suspect Ozturk
    requested by the court are destroyed on the grounds that the period
    in which the court could use them had expired. An inquiry is launched
    by the court into whether detainee Hayal had been visited by Veli
    Kucuk and Levent Temiz, suspects in the alleged Ergenekon case.

    Sixth hearing, July 7, 2008: Ogun Samast, 18, is taken in as another
    murder suspect. Hayal's brother in law tells the gendarmerie five to
    six times that he knows who murdered Dink.

    Seventh hearing, Oct. 14, 2008: A 90-page report on the murder
    suspects is sent to the court by the police intelligence bureau
    president, Ramazan Akyurek. Only 16 pages of the report are read out
    because there was no information about the suspects on the remaining
    pages. Hayal's brother is taken in as a suspect, bringing the total
    number of suspects to 20.

    Eighth hearing, Jan. 26, 2009: Three of the eight detained suspects
    are discharged. Hayal and Tuncel engage in violent physical and
    verbal conflict.

    Ninth hearing, April 20, 2009: A decision to keep Hayal, Tuncel,
    Ogun Samast, Ersin Yolcu and Ahmet Ä°skender is reached. Intervening
    lawyers ask for participants in the trial including former Istanbul
    Security Minister Celalettin Cerrah, police intelligence bureau
    president Akyurek, and former Trabzon security minister ReÅ~_at Altay
    to be heard; this request is dismissed by the court on the grounds
    that it would not bring any new information to the case.

    Tenth hearing, July 6, 2009: A witness says that suspect Samast was
    not alone during the incident. Samast denies the allegation.

    Eleventh hearing, Oct. 12, 2009: The gun used in the murder is shown
    to the suspects. "I was going to kill a man, not to a wedding; how
    should I know?" Samast says. Also in reference to the gun, Hayal says,
    "I 100 percent support it; that gun was this gun."