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BAKU: US Based Los Angeles Times Disregards Azerbaijan's Territorial

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  • BAKU: US Based Los Angeles Times Disregards Azerbaijan's Territorial


    Feb 9 2010

    Washington. Isabel Levine - APA. The US based Los Angeles Times
    disregarded the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

    According to APA's Washington DC correspondent, the newspaper is
    planning to hold a Travel and Adventure show, where "the Republics
    of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) will be represented.

    The tourism offices of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh will share a large
    "Welcome to Armenia" booth in the Exhibition Hall of the Travel Show
    on December 13".

    The show will feature spectacular photography of the people, vistas,
    and historic sites of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, the newspaper said.

    The Azerbaijani Diaspora to US is already aware of that act of
    disrespect and expressed its deep concern about it. US Azerbaijanis
    sent a letter to Los Angeles Times saying that they urge the show
    holders and the newspaper to stop this outrageous misuse of Terms of
    Use and the international law. US Azerbaijanis stated it is absolutely
    unacceptable for any exhibitor to promote any part of land, culture,
    and heritage that does not belong to them.

    "As is well known, Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan has been
    occupied by the Armenian military since the early 1994, but has
    always been legally recognized by the UN, U.S. government and the
    entire international community as part of Azerbaijan. All Azerbaijanis
    around the world, including our own Azerbaijani-American community in
    the US, as well as the government of Azerbaijan, strongly object to
    any report, incident or event, where the territorial integrity and
    sovereignty of Azerbaijan over Karabakh is somehow misrepresented
    and compromised. As a community, we have staged boycotts and protest
    marches throughout cities in US to drive the point home, whilst the
    Azerbaijani government is known for denying visas and "blacklisting"
    known violators and alerting Interpol to assist in the apprehension
    of such individuals" - says the letter.

    According to Azerbaijani Diaspora, Armenians should promote tourism to
    Armenia only, not encouraging illegal tourism to Azerbaijan's occupied
    lands. "As a community, we strongly support U.S. government's position
    on the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and are of the opinion
    that all U.S. legal entities must adhere to the government's position.

    There is still time to prevent this outrage from taking place", -
    they said.