11.02.2010 18:41 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Construction of a high-speed broadband Internet
network will start late this year in Armenia, Vache Kirakosyan ,
head of high tech and IT department at RA Ministry of Economy, told
PanARMENIAN.Net. the Government has allocated USD 900 000 to carry out
preparatory works. According to him, DETECON International GmbH, one
of Europe's largest consulting companies specializing in information
technology and global telecommunications is engaged in monitoring of
infrastructures. "Our aim is to ensure the penetration of the Internet
throughout Armenia. The network will be combined: both optical-fiber,
Wi-Max or satellite communications in the border villages, " Vache
Kirakosyan said. According to preliminary calculations, the program
will last 3 to 5 years, USD 24 million is planned to allocate for
its implementation.
11.02.2010 18:41 GMT+04:00
/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Construction of a high-speed broadband Internet
network will start late this year in Armenia, Vache Kirakosyan ,
head of high tech and IT department at RA Ministry of Economy, told
PanARMENIAN.Net. the Government has allocated USD 900 000 to carry out
preparatory works. According to him, DETECON International GmbH, one
of Europe's largest consulting companies specializing in information
technology and global telecommunications is engaged in monitoring of
infrastructures. "Our aim is to ensure the penetration of the Internet
throughout Armenia. The network will be combined: both optical-fiber,
Wi-Max or satellite communications in the border villages, " Vache
Kirakosyan said. According to preliminary calculations, the program
will last 3 to 5 years, USD 24 million is planned to allocate for
its implementation.