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Policy Forum Armenia Unveils the Agenda for Its 2nd Annual Forum

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  • Policy Forum Armenia Unveils the Agenda for Its 2nd Annual Forum

    Policy Forum Armenia (PFA)
    1250 I (Eye) Street N.W., Suite 710
    Washington, D.C. 20005, USA
    E-mail: [email protected]

    February 12, 2010

    Subject: Policy Forum Armenia Unveils the Agenda for Its 2nd Annual Forum

    Policy Forum Armenia (PFA) is pleased to announce the opening of its 2nd
    Annual Forum: "Armenia-Diaspora Relations" in Washington, DC on February
    28-March 2, 2010.

    Armenia-Diaspora relations have never been more strained in the 20 years
    since independence. The Forum will provide an opportunity for policy
    practitioners, academics, and the public to discuss perspectives on and
    approaches to the present-day challenges facing the Armenian nation.

    Day 1 of the Forum (February 28) will be held at the Cosmos Club,
    Washington's premier venue for social and policy events, and will feature
    the presentation of PFA's Report on `Armenia-Diaspora Relations: 20 Years
    Since Independence.' Day 2 of the Forum will be held at Georgetown
    University. This part of the Forum is open to the public, and we invite you
    to join us in Washington for a full day of deliberations on this important
    issue. We are very pleased to inform you that Mr. Raffi Hovannisian,
    Armenia's First Foreign Minister, will deliver the keynote luncheon address
    on Day 2 (March 1). The program for Day 3 (March 2) is limited to young
    professionals and will include thematic meetings with various relevant
    agencies and organizations in order to continue the discussion on
    Armenia-Diaspora relations and offer young professionals opportunities to
    network in Washington.

    For detailed agenda and visitor information please visit our website: <>

    * *

    Policy Forum Armenia (PFA) is an independent professional non-profit
    association aimed at strengthening discourse on Armenia's economic
    development and national security and through that helping to shape public
    policy in Armenia. Its main objective is to offer alternative views and
    professional analysis containing innovative and practical recommendations
    for public policy design and implementation. Through its activities, PFA
    aims to contribute to the creation of an informed public and more effective
    and accountable government. PFA's main asset is its worldwide network of
    professionals and leaders in their respective fields, with dedication to

    * *

    For its 1st high-level Forum on the global economic
    crisis< s/single-event-view/high-level-economic-forum-in-y erevan/>
    , held in Yerevan on May 25, 2009, PFA brought together an unprecedented
    line-up of academics and policymakers from Armenia, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine,
    and UAE, including Armenia's five former Prime Ministers, to discuss the
    implications of the crisis for Armenia and help devise policy prescriptions
    to mitigate them.