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F18News: Turkmenistan - Work not even begun on new Religion Law

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  • F18News: Turkmenistan - Work not even begun on new Religion Law

    FORUM 18 NEWS SERVICE, Oslo, Norway

    The right to believe, to worship and witness
    The right to change one's belief or religion
    The right to join together and express one's belief

    ========================================== =====
    Friday 12 February 2010

    Shemshat Atajanova of the government's National Institute for Democracy and
    Human Rights has admitted that work on a proposed new Religion Law has not
    even begun. "We were working on the NGO Law first," she told Forum 18 News
    Service. She then admitted that the proposed NGO Law has not even gone to
    Parliament yet. Both were among the "priority" laws marked for "reform" in
    January 2008. Religious believers told Forum 18 they remain sceptical that
    any legal changes will end the violations of religious freedom. "Nothing
    good for you will come from the new Religion Law," one Protestant cited
    Nurmukhamed Gurbanov, deputy head of the government's Gengeshi (Committee)
    for Religious Affairs, as having told them back in 2008. Nor has any
    non-Muslim community been able to gain legal status since September 2007.
    "We don't understand why they won't do it," members of the Path of Faith
    Baptist church in Dashoguz - which applied in 2005 - complained to Forum
    18. The church was raided during worship in December because it is


    By Felix Corley, Forum 18 News Service <>

    More than two years after the Turkmen government announced that the current
    restrictive Religion Law will be revised, work on a draft text has not even
    begun, Shemshat Atajanova, a head of department at the government's
    National Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, admitted to Forum 18
    News Service from the capital Ashgabad [Ashgabat] on 28 January. Religious
    believers told Forum 18 they remain sceptical that any legal changes will
    end the violations of religious freedom. "Nothing good for you will come
    from the new Religion Law," one Protestant cited Nurmukhamed Gurbanov,
    deputy head of the government's Gengesh (Committee) for Religious Affairs,
    as having told them back in 2008 as discussion of amending the Law was
    first raised.

    The proposed new Religion Law was declared to be among the "priority" laws
    needing improvement back in January 2008. The then Director of the National
    Institute, Shirin Akhmedova, claimed to Forum 18 that the process would be
    "transparent", but was unable to see any violations of Turkmenistan's
    international human rights commitments in the current Religion Law and
    angrily denied that religious believers faced any restrictions (see F18News
    14 February 2008 < 1088>).

    It remains unclear whether the recent change of leadership at the National
    Institute will make any difference. President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov
    removed Akhmedova as Director in early February after she became a member
    of the Mejlis (parliament). Appointed in her place was Yazdursun
    Gurbannazarova, who had been named Chair of the Mejlis Committee on the
    Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms in January 2009. Forum 18 was
    unable to reach Gurbannazarova at the National Institute on 11 and 12

    Forum 18 was unable to reach Gurbanov at the Gengesh between 8 and 12

    No "reform" as restrictions continue

    The failure to reform the Religion Law to remove restrictions on religious
    activity which violate Turkmenistan's international human rights
    commitments - particularly to end the ban on unregistered religious
    activity - comes as religious believers face continuing raids, pressure and
    interference by the government. It is all but impossible for communities
    that want to receive state registration to get it (see below).

    Path of Faith Baptist church in the northern town of Dashoguz [Dashhowuz]
    and Peace to the World Pentecostal church in the south-eastern town of Mary
    have faced recent raids and threats by Police and religious affairs
    officials (see F18News 1 February 2010
    < e_id=1401>).

    Religious believers are among many Turkmen citizens on the country's exit
    blacklist, while religious communities have been denied permission to
    invite foreigners for religious purposes. Even the 188 Muslims allowed
    annually to travel on the haj pilgrimage to Mecca (out of a reported quota
    of 5,000) were banned from travelling in 2009. Religious literature is
    routinely confiscated from travellers arriving in Turkmenistan and often
    destroyed (see F18News 2 February 2010
    < e_id=1403>).

    Conscientious objectors to compulsory military service continue to be
    imprisoned (see F18News 3 February 2010
    < e_id=1404>).

    Government "reform" claims

    The government claimed in its 11 January 2010 report to the UN Human Rights
    Committee under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
    (ICCPR) that "a process of reform of national legislation, including on the
    Religion Law" is now underway (see report CCPR/C/TKM1 at
    < cs_future.htm>). It said (in
    Paragraph 589) that with the help of USAID and the International Center for
    Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) an analysis of international practice on
    legislating on religion was underway and a series of seminars are to be
    held. After this recommendations of any changes to the Law would be drawn

    The government report also claimed that recommendations on improving the
    Religion Law and the registration system by UN Special Rapporteur on
    Freedom of Religion or Belief, Asma Jahangir, in the wake of her September
    2008 visit to Turkmenistan were being studied.

    Although the ICNL submitted its analysis to the National Institute in July
    2008 while Jahangir published her report and recommendations in January
    2009, the Turkmen government report to the UN Human Rights Committee gives
    no explanation of why no progress has yet been made.

    Why the delay on legal changes?

    Although Atajanova of the National Institute agreed that the proposed
    Religion Law was one of the priority laws, "we were working on the NGO Law
    first". However, she then conceded that the NGO Law has not been adopted
    either and is unlikely to be adopted soon. "During the first quarter of the
    year we will hand over the NGO Law to the Mejlis [parliament]," she told
    Forum 18. "Our National Institute has given its recommendations which will
    be handed over to the Inter-agency group soon."

    Atajanova told Forum 18 that only when work on the NGO Law is complete will
    the National Institute start to work on the proposed new Religion Law.
    Asked why there has been such delay, she pointed out that UN Special
    Rapporteur Jahangir had visited Turkmenistan and made her recommendations.
    Asked why Turkmenistan has not enacted any of Jahangir's recommendations,
    given that she had visited in September 2008 and issued her report and
    recommendations in January 2009, Atajanova responded that the National
    Institute had been concentrating on the NGO Law.

    Civil society activists in Ashgabad told Forum 18 in early February that
    none of them has seen even the draft NGO Law text, let alone any proposals
    for a new Religion Law.

    Atajanova pointed out that plans are underway to hold a "first, initial
    seminar" in Ashgabad at the end of February or early March as the start of
    the process to adopt the new Religion Law. However, she stressed that the
    seminar will not discuss any draft text as no work on it has yet begun and
    will merely examine the practice of other states in legislation on
    religion. "We will then discuss recommendations from the seminar as to what
    changes will be put forward," she told Forum 18.

    Atajanova had put the phone down before Forum 18 could ask why her National
    Institute had not saved time by using for example the Guidelines for Review
    of Legislation Pertaining to Religion or Belief, produced in 2004 by the
    Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Council
    of Europe's Venice Commission.

    No progress on registration

    The lack of progress on amending the Religion Law is paralleled by a lack
    of progress in registering religious organisations that wish to gain legal
    status. The government's report to the UN Human Rights Committee admits in
    Paragraph 587 that only 123 religious communities currently have
    registration, a far lower figure than officials have previously given. It
    says 100 of them are Muslim, 13 are Russian Orthodox and 10 of other

    Shia Muslims, the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Catholic Church,
    Protestant and Jehovah's Witnesses are known to Forum 18 to have had
    applications rejected or to have decided that they should not submit
    applications because of the tight restrictions imposed.

    The government report to the UN reveals that no non-Muslim communities have
    been granted registration since September 2007, when the Source of Life
    Protestant church was registered. It mentions the registration of the main
    mosque in Mary Region in May 2009, implying that no mosques have been
    registered since then.

    The government's report also notes that the Adalat (Justice) Ministry "is
    studying the materials of a further four religious communities which have
    expressed the desire to register" without explaining why they have not been
    given state registration.

    One of the communities that has applied for registration is Path of Faith
    church in Dashoguz, an independent Turkmen-speaking Baptist congregation.
    It lodged its application back in 2005. "We don't understand why they won't
    do it," church members told Forum 18 on 25 January. "The Adalat Ministry
    finally said they would register us in January 2009 and that a commission
    would come here to Dashoguz to examine our documents. But nothing has

    The Path of Faith church was raided by police and religious affairs
    officials during Sunday worship in December 2009. Officials, who questioned
    church members and confiscated their literature, told them meeting for
    worship without registration is illegal (see F18News 1 February 2010
    < e_id=1401>).

    Another community which has been unable to gain registration is Peace to
    the World Protestant church in Mary. "We went to the Adalat Ministry in
    Ashgabad on 4 February 2007," the church's pastor Ilmurad Nurliev told
    Forum 18 on 25 January. "We corrected all the mistakes they told us to
    correct and there are now no mistakes." He said Kumish Gurbanniyazova, the
    head of the Adalat Ministry's department that registers religious
    communities, had written in November 2009 to say the application is being
    considered. "We don't understand why our church has not been registered."

    Members of Peace to the World Church have been interrogated and pressured
    by the local Ministry of State Security (MSS) secret police (see F18News 1
    February 2010 < 1401>). Pastor
    Nurliev has been on Turkmenistan's exit blacklist since October 2007 (see
    F18News 2 February 2010
    < e_id=1403>).

    The woman who answered Gurbanniyazova's telephone on 12 February, who
    refused to identify herself, told Forum 18 that it was a wrong number.
    However, she then referred Forum 18 to Maral Bayramova in the department.
    Bayramova told Forum 18 that she was not informed about registration of
    religious communities and said she would have to consult Gurbanniyazova.

    Government report admits restrictions

    Although the government report blandly assures the UN Human Rights
    Committee that religious freedom is guaranteed in Turkmenistan, it also
    makes clear that restrictions abound.

    "The activity of unregistered religious organisations is banned," Paragraph
    577 states. "An individual carrying out religious activity in the name of
    an unregistered religious organisation bears responsibility in accordance
    with the Law of Turkmenistan."

    Paragraph 573 declares: "Teaching of religion privately is banned and is
    subject to responsibility in accordance with the procedure established by
    the Law of Turkmenistan." (END)

    For a personal commentary by a Protestant within Turkmenistan, on the
    fiction - despite government claims - of religious freedom in the country,
    and how religious communities and the international community should
    respond to this, see < 728>.

    For a personal commentary by another Turkmen Protestant, arguing that
    "without freedom to meet for worship it is impossible to claim that we have
    freedom of religion or belief," see
    < _id=1128>.

    More reports on freedom of thought, conscience and belief in Turkmenistan
    can be found at
    < mp;religion=all&country=32>.

    For more background information see Forum 18's religious freedom survey of
    Turkmenistan at < 1167>.

    A compilation of Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
    (OSCE) freedom of religion or belief commitments can be found at
    < id=1351>.

    A printer-friendly map of Turkmenistan is available at
    < s/atlas/index.html?Parent=asia&Rootmap=turkme& gt;.

    © Forum 18 News Service. All rights reserved. ISSN 1504-2855
    You may reproduce or quote this article provided that credit is given to

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