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Miss Universe Canada Alice Panikian: Bulgaria Means So Much to Me

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  • Miss Universe Canada Alice Panikian: Bulgaria Means So Much to Me, Bulgaria
    Feb 14 2010

    Miss Universe Canada: Bulgaria Means So Much to Me

    Views on BG | February 14, 2010, Sunday

    Bulgaria-born Alice Panikian is of an Armenian origin. She has been
    crowned Miss Universe Canada 2006 and ranked sixth among the finishers
    in Miss Universe 2006.

    Following is Eurochicago interview with her.

    What is your most memorable moment from the competitions?

    Alice: The Miss Universe 2006 competition was the most memorable part
    of the pageant experience for me. I felt honored to be given the
    chance to represent Canada, the country I have called home for the
    past 19 years. Meeting the 85 other contestants was such a remarkable
    experience as well. I learned so much about the contestants as well
    as the countries they represented. Though it was a high-stress time
    for everyone involved, I enjoyed the fast-paced life, participating in
    the events as well as the thrill of being on stage.

    Please tell us a little about yourself, what were you doing before the pageant?

    Before entering the Miss Canada pageant, I was modeling. I love to
    travel so modeling gave me the opportunity to do that at a young age.
    I was also going to York University where my major was English and

    Did your life change after the contest, what will you be doing now?

    My life has changed dramatically because of the contest. My dream is
    to be involved in broadcast journalism. Because of the competition, I
    was able to network with many people in that industry and it was an
    opportunity for me to get a lot of exposure. I am currently still
    studying broadcast journalism in Toronto and I will be graduating in
    the spring. I hope to be involved in broadcasting very soon in some
    capacity, whether it be hosting or writing.

    What advice would you give the thousands of girls, who wish that they
    were in your place?

    The best advice I can give to any young woman who wants to compete in
    a pageant is to always be herself. The things that make each of us
    unique are the things that are most memorable. Embracing yourself for
    the person you are, having confidence and not conceding to the
    pressures of outside forces are all important to achieving success not
    only in pageants, but in all areas of life.

    What role did your Bulgarian mother play in your successes?

    My mother is, and always has been, my number one supporter. She was
    the one who raised me, and because of her I am the person I am today.
    She is the reason behind all of my success.

    Have you been to Bulgaria and what does Bulgaria mean to you?

    I was born in Bulgaria and I have been back several times. Bulgaria
    means so much to me. Not only it is my heritage, but also, most of my
    family still lives there. I have many relatives and friends in
    Bulgaria, so of course it remains a huge part of my life.

    What do your friends know about Bulgaria and what do they associate it with?

    Many of my friends are from Eastern Europe as well so they have either
    been to Bulgaria or they know about it. They know it is next to the
    Black Sea. They know about ancient cities like Plovdiv as well as the
    beautiful mountains we have. Bulgaria is known for many things and
    each time I meet someone who has been there, they always have
    something different to share with me.

    Do you have anything from Bulgaria in your home, like a souvenir or
    memory from Bulgaria?

    We have pictures/paintings of Koprivstiza and Plovdiv, books,
    Bulgarian music (CDs), martenizi, embroidered things, many photos, and
    other small souvenirs.

    Do you use Bulgarian cooking recipes? If so, what is your favorite one?

    I like Bulgarian cuisine a lot, especially baniza, red peppers and
    cabbage rolls stuffed with rice, tarator, ljuteniza, and French fries
    with shredded feta cheese (Bulgarian cheese). During my visits in
    Bulgaria I like to eat kebabcheta, and lukanka.

    Are you familiar with some of the Bulgarian traditions and do you
    celebrate Bulgarian holidays?

    We celebrate the National holiday of Bulgarian culture, language, and
    literature on May 24, (I was born May 23rd), March 1st Baba Marta,
    Christmas (Budni Vecher and Koleda) and Easter (Velikden).

    What are your future plans and dreams? What do you hope to accomplish?

    One day I hope to be the host of my own television show. Because I
    love to travel so much, I would love my show to be about travelling to
    different destinations and experiencing the best that each country has
    to offer. I also love to write and I have always wanted to write a
    novel. Once I find the time, I hope that I will achieve that goal.

    Is there anything you would like to tell the Bulgarian people and Bulgaria?

    I am proud to be born in a country with such rich history, and to be a
    descendant of such strong spirited people as the Bulgarians. I think
    of Bulgaria and Bulgarian people often and wish them the best!

    What are you expecting for the upcoming Valentine's Day?

    I plan to spend it with someone special.

    A question for the mom: What is the most special and strong quality in
    your daughter?

    Svetlana Panikian: My daughter is a very compassionate, intelligent,
    sincere, warm, and outgoing person. Also, she is a loyal friend and
    likes to help others.

    To the mom and daughter: Would you be willing to come visit us in
    Chicago? What about in Bulgaria?

    We hope to be able to come and visit at the first opportunity in the
    future. At the moment I am in the process of finishing my degree in
    journalism. .php?id=113143