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NKR President Had Meetings In Pyatigorsk

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  • NKR President Had Meetings In Pyatigorsk


    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Nagorno-Karabakh Republic
    2010-02-15 15:23

    On February 13, President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
    (Artsakh Republic) Bako Sahakyan arrived in the city of Pyatigorsk,
    administrative center of the North Caucasus Federal Region of the
    Russian Federation.

    According to the Central Information Department of the Office of the
    NKR President, on the same day the Head of the State met leaders and
    representatives of business circles of the Armenian community of the
    Stavrapol region.

    A wide range of issues related to strengthening and deepening relations
    between the Motherland and the Diaspora were discussed at the meeting.

    Then the President attended the celebrations of Candlemas Day, which
    took place at the St.Sargis church of the Pyatigorsk city.

    On February 14, Bako Sahakyan met in the city of Pyatigorsk with the
    representatives of the Armenian communities of the South of Russia.

    During the meeting the Head of the State introduced the current
    situation in Artsakh, socio-economic development of the republic, as
    well as the current stage and prospects of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh
    conflict settlement. Special attention was paid to issues related to
    the development of the Motherland-Diaspora relations. Bako Sahakyan
    underlined that the deepening of these ties is important both for
    strengthening the independent Armenian statehood and for consolidating
    the Diaspora and preserving its national identity.

    Within this context, the President noted the importance of widening
    the cooperation with Armenian communities of the North Caucasus Federal
    Region of the Russian Federation, particularly those of the Stavropol
    Region, qualifying them as promising.

    At the end of the meeting, Bako Sahakyan answered the numerous
    questions of those present.