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ANKARA: April 24 Looms Over Protocols

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  • ANKARA: April 24 Looms Over Protocols


    Feb 15 2010

    About the same time every year in Washington, a guessing game starts to
    spin over April 24, the traditional date of commemoration of the tragic
    events of World War I for Armenians. Whether there will be a resolution
    passed in the American Congress recognizing this day as a genocide
    or whether the president of the United States will avow the day as
    such, the tension rises, especially between the Armenian and Turkish
    diasporas, as well as in trilateral Turkish-Armenian-U.S. relations.

    However, "the situation this year is much different than the past,"
    according to one high Turkish diplomat because of the normalization
    process between Turkey and Armenia.

    The normalization process between Turkey and Armenia, which started
    with "football diplomacy" more than a year ago, has reached some
    successes with the signing of the protocols by the foreign ministers
    of Turkey and Armenia in front of the Minsk Group representatives
    last October. Since then, the protocols, in accordance with the
    Armenian constitution and likewise by Turkey, have been waiting for
    ratification in both countries' parliaments.

    The protocols were already submitted to the Armenian Parliament by
    President Serge Sarkisian to formally be ratified last week after the
    Armenia's constitutional court found the protocols to be in conformity
    with the constitution, even though the Turkish government saw the
    preambles to the court's decision as impairing the spirit of protocols.

    Nevertheless, after Armenia's move on the ratification process, the
    pressure has mounted on the Turkish Parliament to reciprocate. Turkish
    officials insist that the ratification process would move forward if
    there is progress on the Karabakh issue. However, since the mentioned
    issue is not referenced as a pre-condition in the protocols, Turkey
    has little to make a solid argument. The same Turkish official, who
    is well positioned to know the developments first hand, stated that
    "even though the Karabakh issue is not on the protocols, it is a huge
    psychological concern that the Turkish side has to see some progress
    to move forward."

    There are several factors for Turkey's plight going forward to
    April 24:

    1. Mr. Vigen Sarkisian, deputy chief of staff to Armenian President
    Sarkisian, stated repeatedly during a speech last Friday at a meeting
    organized by the Russia/Eurasian Program at the Center for Strategic
    and International Studies, or CSIS, that Armenia does not recognize
    the Karabakh conflict as a pre-condition for the protocols.

    2. President Sarkisian will guarantee the ratification of protocols
    in the Armenian parliament if the Turkish Parliament does so, as
    Vigen Sarkisian pointed out. Therefore, while Turkey is unable to
    push the Armenian side to show goodwill or to make progress to end
    the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh - although the sovereignty and
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was reaffirmed by the United
    Nations in several resolution (#822, #853, #874 and #884) - Turkey,
    itself feels compelled to display progress on the ratification process,
    since the Armenian side is seemingly moving on in its parliament.

    Bulent Alirıza, director of the Turkey program at CSIS, noted Turkey
    will not move on the protocols without movement on Karabakh. He
    said this was recently confirmed by Murat Mercan, chairman of the
    Turkish Parliament's Commission of Foreign Affairs, who openly
    stated the commission which he chairs does not have any timetable
    or expectations to move forward on the ratification process unless
    there is such movement.

    3. On the American front, Howard Berman, the Democratic chairman of
    the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said a week ago he intended to
    call a committee vote on March 4 on the non-binding resolution urging
    President Barack Obama to describe the 1915 tragedy during the late
    days of the Ottoman Empire as a genocide.

    Following this half-already-expected and timely development, contrary
    to what Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu found a surprising
    timing a couple of weeks ago, Mr. Feridun Sinirlioglu, a Turkish
    foreign ministry official, came to Washington to hold talks at the
    U.S. State Department and expected to state that the vote at the
    commission will further damage the Turkey-Armenia reconciliation
    process that was already damaged due to the recent decision by the
    Armenia's constitutional court.

    4. The head of European and Eurasian Affairs, Mr. Philip Gordon,
    contrary to the U.S. State Department's attitude in the past, did not
    oppose outright the "intention" of Berman to bring the resolution to
    the Foreign Relations Sub-Committee in early March. Mr. Gordon, as a
    co-author of a book on Turkey, also stated a couple of weeks ago the
    Armenian constitutional court's decision was a step forward for the
    reconciliation process, as opposed to the fierce outcry from Turkey.

    5. According to one White House reporter in Washington, an official
    from the White House stated recently that during the meeting between
    Obama and Erdogan in the Oval Office in early December, Erdogan was
    told that the normalization process has to go forward, otherwise
    April 24 might be a difficult time for especially Turkey this year.

    6. As if all these developments were not enough, Vigen Sarkisian,
    during the same speech at the CSIS, stated although "the deadlines are
    not good for diplomacy for it limits the flexibility of the countries,"
    so far, about all the progress between the two countries relating to
    the normalization process has been achieved due to different deadlines,
    such as the dates of the football games or the last April 24, which
    urged Turkey to finalize a road map just two days prior to Obama's
    commemoration statement.

    Therefore, Mr. Sarkisian argued on behalf of the Armenian president
    that the deadline is very useful so far for the normalization
    process between Turkey and Armenia and went on to state that April
    24 was an important "flag-post" for measuring progress, meaning
    another deadline for Turkey to show that they are proceeding on the
    ratification process. However, he also added that domestic political
    considerations in Turkey make it highly unlikely that there will be
    any progress on the protocols in Parliament between at least March
    and May of this year.

    A young diplomat Vigen Sarkisyan's performance while elaborating
    Armenian's position was pretty well at the CSIS, displaying the
    confidence that the Armenian side possesses going forward to April 24.

    Davutoglu argues in his book titled "Strategic Depth", pg 31: "if the
    tactical steps are not being harmonized toward to a strategic drift,
    that would change significantly the meaning and calibre of the whole
    strategic drift in time." (translation by myself)

    Did Mr. Davutoglu take the tactical steps cautiously so far and know
    where this process is going? Will Turkey be blamed as a spoiler
    for it puts forward the Karabakh conflict as a pre-condition for
    the normalization process? What happens if the genocide resolution
    passed in the American Congress and US President Obama recognizes
    it as such on April 24 because the rapprochement between Turkey and
    Armenia is stalled?

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress