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Ten Reasons Why Turks Won'T Allow Their Leaders To Ratify The Protoc

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  • Ten Reasons Why Turks Won'T Allow Their Leaders To Ratify The Protoc


    FEBRUARY 17, 2010

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 17, NOYAN TAPAN. In earlier columns, I pointed out
    Turkey's deceptive designs in negotiating and signing the Protocols
    with Armenia on October 10, 2009.

    In addition to planning to deceive Armenia and international public
    opinion, Turkish leaders tried to mislead their closest ally,
    Azerbaijan, and the Turkish public, about the potential benefits of
    the Protocols. Even though the Protocols were clearly in Turkey's
    interest, its leaders tried to oversell the benefits of the negotiated
    agreement in order to overcome possible objections from critics at
    home and abroad, particularly Azerbaijan.

    As expected, the Erdogan government did get into trouble with
    Azerbaijan when Pres. Ilham Aliyev complained loudly that by planning
    to open the border with Armenia, Turkey would be abandoning its
    "Little Brother" which would remove the key incentive for Armenia to
    negotiate the return of Karabagh (Artsakh). Azerbaijani officials,
    not appeased by Turkish assurances, retaliated by tripling the price of
    gas exported to Turkey, taking down Turkish flags from public places,
    banning Turkish movies and songs from Azeri TV, and shutting down
    Turkish-financed mosques in Baku!

    Meanwhile, opposition forces in Turkey, seeing a golden opportunity
    to diminish Prime Minister Erdogan's Parliamentary majority,
    immediately accused him of betraying Turkey's national interests by
    siding with their perennial Armenian enemies, rather than with their
    Azeri brothers!

    In order to counter such accusations, Turkish leaders were forced to
    make a series of unsubstantiated claims, exaggerating the benefits of
    the Protocols to both Azerbaijan and Turkey. They assured the Azeris
    that they would pressure Armenia into returning Artsakh to Azerbaijan
    before the Turkish Parliament would ratify the Protocols and normalize
    relations with Armenia. Furthermore, Turkish officials reassured their
    own public that the Protocols would put an end to "Armenian claims"
    of genocide and territorial demands in Eastern Turkey.

    The Turkish and Azeri publics were not fooled by Ankara's
    misrepresentation of the Protocols. Here are ten major reasons why
    the Turkish Parliament could refuse to ratify the Protocols:

    1) Despite repeated announcements by Gul, Erdogan and Davutoglu that
    the resolution of the Artsakh conflict is a precondition for the
    ratification of the Protocols, the United States, Russia, the European
    Union as well as Armenia have repeatedly pointed out that there is no
    such stipulation in the Protocols. In addition, they have counseled
    against linking the two issues or holding hostage the negotiations
    on the Artsakh conflict to the ratification of the Protocols. Armenia
    has steadfastly refused to link the Protocols to the Artsakh issue.

    2) There is no truth to the Turkish claim that the Protocols would
    put an end to Armenia's pursuit of genocide recognition and its
    acknowledgment by third countries. It is also untrue that the
    Protocols would set up a mechanism for the study of the Armenian
    Genocide. In fact, the Protocols have triggered renewed efforts by
    Armenians in recent weeks to seek acknowledgment of the Genocide by
    the British, Bulgarian, Israeli and Swedish Parliaments. Moreover,
    the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee has scheduled a vote on
    the Armenian Genocide resolution on March 4. A similar resolution is
    pending in the U.S. Senate.

    3) Contrary to Turkish assertions, the "historical commission"
    mentioned in the Protocols would serve not as a genocide review board,
    but as a platform for Armenia to present demands for restitution
    from Turkey.

    4) The Turkish claim that the Protocols would end Armenian territorial
    demands is belied by the fact that no mention is made of any past
    treaty that requires Armenia to renounce such rights. Rather than
    abandoning Artsakh or Western Armenia, Pres. Sargsyan raised for the
    first time in his last week remarks the depopulation of the Armenian
    region of Nakhichevan, after Soviet authorities relinquished it
    to Azerbaijan.

    5) Armenia and the major powers have rejected Turkish demands that the
    Armenian Constitutional Court "correct" its January 12, 2010 ruling
    which limited Turkey's exaggerated interpretations of the Protocols.

    The Court insisted that the pursuit of Genocide recognition cannot
    be abandoned, and Artsakh's status cannot be negotiated with Turkey
    due to the bilateral nature of the Protocols.

    6) Turkish leaders have no reason to protest against the Armenian
    Court's reference to the Preamble of the Constitution on pursuing
    the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. This Preamble is based on
    Article 11 of Armenia's Declaration of Independence which has existed
    since 1990, long before Turkey first opened its border with Armenia.

    Indeed, Turkey's leaders were well aware of this provision before
    signing the Protocols in 2009.

    7) Turkish officials have falsely stated that the Protocols
    acknowledge the Treaty of Kars of 1921, which Soviet Armenia was
    forced to sign. There is no reference to the Kars Treaty in the
    Protocols. Furthermore, the Constitutional Court of Armenia ruled that
    only those treaties that have been ratified by the present Republic
    of Armenia are valid.

    8) Rather than achieving its lofty objective of "zero-problems with
    neighbors," the Turkish government, by signing the Protocols, has
    created a serious rift with neighboring Azerbaijan, where no problem
    existed before!

    9) It is noteworthy that Turkish officials have not expressed any
    objection to Armenia's demand that Turkey be the first to ratify the
    Protocols. This is a humiliating imposition on Turkey as it implies --
    for good reason -- Armenia's lack of trust in Turkey!

    10) Likewise, Turkish leaders have not responded to Armenia's threat
    to rescind its signature should Turkey not ratify the Protocols by
    the end of March -- one month before April 24! This is yet another
    humiliating imposition by Armenia on a country whose leaders espouse
    grandiose neo-Ottoman fantasies!

    The foregoing 10 points demonstrate a serious credibility gap between
    the Turkish government and its own public as well as the international
    community. Ankara has tried to deceive everyone within and outside
    Turkey by creating the false impression of wanting to normalize
    relations with Armenia. Turkish officials have no one but themselves to
    blame for this predicament. They thought that by bluffing they could
    extract more concessions from Armenia! It did not work. They have
    now fallen in their own trap and no one is too eager to rescue them!