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Solution Of Karabakh Problem Through Peace Negotiations Is The Only

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  • Solution Of Karabakh Problem Through Peace Negotiations Is The Only


    FEBRUARY 17, 2010

    YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 17, NOYAN TAPAN. Vice Speaker of the RA National
    Assembly Arevik Petrosian and representatives of the parliamentary
    factions met on February 16 with the delegation headed by OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office, State Secretary and Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan
    Kanat Saudabayev.

    A. Petrosian said that K. Saudabayev's visit will provide an
    opportunity to become acquainted with regional problems on the spot
    and discuss numerous issues, which are of mutual interest and are
    related to Armenia-OSCE relations. In her words, Armenia attaches
    special importance to cooperation with OSCE which assumed an important
    role in the Karabakh conflict settlement. She expressed a hope that
    during Kazakhstan's OSCE Chairmanship, steps on peaceful coexistence
    and peaceful resolution of the conflicts in the region will be taken.

    A. Petrosian expressed a high opinion about the efforts that the OSCE
    Minsk Group Co-Chairs make for the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
    conflict. She underlined the Karabakh people's legitimate demand for
    the internationally recognized right of self-determination to form
    the basis for the Karabakh conflict settlement.

    K. Saudabayev said that the purpose of his visit is to learn the
    opinions of Armenian political forces about the Karabakh conflict
    settlement because in case of good will and compromise of the conflict
    parties, a final solution of the problem is possible, while the
    international organizations and the countries concerned about this
    problem can only assist with its solution.

    According to the press service of the RA National Assembly,
    representatives of the NA factions inmformed the OSCE
    Chairman-in-Office about opinions regarding the Karabakh conflict

    In the words of Aram Safarian, Secretary of the Prosperous Armenia
    Party (PAP) faction, the Karabakh problem should be solved based on
    three internationally recognized principles, with special importance
    attached to the right of self-determination.

    Head of the ARF faction Vahan Hovhannisian expressed an opinion that
    the principle of territorial integrity should be applied in the event
    that a country interferes in affairs of another country. However,
    if a national and territorial formation within a country seeks a way
    to live independently - as in the case of Nagorno Karabakh, then the
    principle of self-determination should be applied. V. Hovhannisian
    also proposed that the OSCE Chairman-in-Office organize monitoring
    of democractic institutions in Nagorno Karabakh which would be the
    best step to solve the problem.

    Head of Heritage faction Stepan Safarian said that their faction
    has a definite viewpoint on conflict resolution: the declaration
    of Nagorno Karabakh's independence is inevitable, which should be
    accepted by international subjects. At the current stage, it is
    necessary to involve Nagorno Karabakh in the negotiations, otherwise
    it is impossible reach the problem's final solution.

    Member of RPA faction Artak Davtian underlined the importance of the
    role of Russia and Kazakhstan in the peaceful settlement, expressing
    a hope that Kazakhstan will continue to take the same approach during
    its chairmanship of the OSCE.

    K. Saudabayev stated that the solution of the Karabakh problem
    through peace negotiations is the only acceptable version, while the
    manifestation of good will by the conflict parties and their readiness
    to make a compromise are primary for a successful outcome.