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BAKU: Joseph Shagal: None Of Israeli Senior Officials Wanted To Meet

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  • BAKU: Joseph Shagal: None Of Israeli Senior Officials Wanted To Meet


    Feb 17 2010

    Interview with President of Israel-Azerbaijan International Association
    and former member of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) Joseph Shagal.

    What is your assessment of the current state of bilateral ties between
    Israel and Azerbaijan?

    In this sense, Israeli FM Avigdor Lieberman's visit to Azerbaijan
    was very significant. Israeli President Shimon Peres made a trip
    to Azerbaijan in late 2009 and FM in early 2010. Thus, we can see
    improvement in relations between the two countries. I think that our
    relations are very good.

    After Lieberman's visit, we can say the relations are constructive.

    The sides have achieved a number of principle agreements which will
    be developed.

    During his Azerbaijan visit, Israeli Foreign Minister noted a need to
    force the process of lifting visa regime for diplomatic persons. In
    your opinion, how far has this process advanced?

    I believe that this process is quite constructive. Both sides have
    come to agreement that this is worth doing. This is a small, but very
    important step. This is the first step to introduce visa-free regime.

    Of course, this will not happen in one day. I mean abolition of visas
    for Israeli and Azerbaijani citizens. This process is on the right
    track at the moment. I think a decision on this matter would be taken
    by the end of this year.

    The Armenian media reports suggest Armenia is very jealous of
    Azerbaijan-Israel rapprochement. In your opinion, what is the reason
    for this jealousy?

    There are two reasons - Azerbaijan-Israel rapprochement which boosts
    positions of both countries. Naturally, Armenia, being in confrontation
    with Azerbaijan, cannot welcome it. Armenian Prime Minister Tigran
    Sargsyan's visit to Israel was canceled recently due to illness of the
    Prime Minister. This is the official version. In fact, I think that
    the visit was canceled for another reason. The visit was canceled as
    none of the senior political leaders in Israel expressed desire to
    meet him. So, it made no sense to pay the visit.

    Actually, Israel favors normal, friendly relations with all countries
    that are positive towards Israel. Unfortunately, we have seen nothing
    positive towards Israel from Armenia so far.

    Moreover, given that Israel is building relations with Azerbaijan while
    Iran supports Armenia, Israel cannot but worry about it. Iran supports
    Armenia promoting position of the latter in the Armenian-Azerbaijani
    conflict. All these factors suggest that the Armenian side will never
    be satisfied with strengthening of relations between Azerbaijan and
    Israel. Armenia has failed to drive a wedge between our countries
    and will fail to do so.

    Kazakhstan has reiterated on many occasions that it is ready to assist
    in resolving the Karabakh conflict. In your views, what assistance
    can Kazakhstan provide?

    Very serious players have worked to solve the Karabakh conflict. That
    the conflict remains unresolved thus far indicates that all attempts
    to come to some agreement have failed. In my view, it is always
    ineffective to solve such conflicts through mediators. Actual results
    are achieved through direct negotiations without any intermediaries.

    Therefore, the conflict remains unresolved for many years.

    There are no positive results in this respect. I do not think that
    Kazakhstan's appearance may bring about any fundamental changes
    for the better. In my opinion, Azerbaijan and Armenia should agree
    explicitly, without any intermediaries, start a direct dialogue,
    clarify their goals, objectives, requirements to address this issue.

    The presence of intermediaries only delays the process of negotiations
    and leads nowhere.

    What are your comments on Armenian President's Chattam House speech?

    Do you think his speech undermined whole process of Nagorno-Karabakh

    In the context of Armenian-Turkish dialogue and refusal to sign
    the protocols, if the process of the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement
    would run in parallel with the Karabakh conflict settlement, it would
    have benefited all ... The Turkish side argued that it will not seek
    rapprochement with Armenia otherwise.

    I think that the Armenian-Turkish rapprochement has been suspended
    with the problem of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict still hanging
    in the air.