Alisa Gevorgyan
18.02.2010 16:00
Workshop-discussion on issues of defense of rights of Javakhk
Armenian was held in Yerevan today. The organizers of the event came
forth with a joint statement, calling on the Armenian authorities
and international organizations to take measures to prevent the
discriminative policy of the Georgian authorities against the Armenians
of Javakhk and guarantee the security of the Armenian population.
Chairman of the "Javakh" Union, MP Shirak Torosyan said: "The Armenian
language should be given the statues of a regional language in Javakh,
the Armenian Church should be given a legal status in Georgia, the
churches and temples taken from the Armenian Apostolic Church should
be returned, persecutions should be excluded."
Alisa Gevorgyan
18.02.2010 16:00
Workshop-discussion on issues of defense of rights of Javakhk
Armenian was held in Yerevan today. The organizers of the event came
forth with a joint statement, calling on the Armenian authorities
and international organizations to take measures to prevent the
discriminative policy of the Georgian authorities against the Armenians
of Javakhk and guarantee the security of the Armenian population.
Chairman of the "Javakh" Union, MP Shirak Torosyan said: "The Armenian
language should be given the statues of a regional language in Javakh,
the Armenian Church should be given a legal status in Georgia, the
churches and temples taken from the Armenian Apostolic Church should
be returned, persecutions should be excluded."