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Pentagon Bracing For A Snap Offensive Against Venezuela

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  • Pentagon Bracing For A Snap Offensive Against Venezuela

    Nil Nikandrov

    The US SOUTHCOM electronic surveillance base has been functioning
    in Aruba for several years. One day, an individual looking like a
    typical American, wearing shorts, a Hawaii shirt, and sunglasses,
    walked into it effortlessly and started roaming around. The US marines
    must have been too tired of the heat and assumed he actually was one
    of their countrymen - the base has been hosting numbers of visitors
    from the US recently amid the preparations for serious operations
    against Venezuela.

    The visitor moved across the site with its standard blocks, glanced
    at the impressively proportioned radar and froze by the door to a
    large room with four giant screens in it. The screens were showing
    the contours of Venezuela's Tachira and Zulia states and the locations
    of military installations, tank parks, aerodromes, and army bases as
    well as Venezuela's industrial infrastructure including oil fields,
    refineries, pipelines, and plants. Even a brief look made it clear
    that the Caribbean coast and the west of Venezuela were under permanent
    surveillance from the base.

    The Western media say noting about the buildup of the US surveillance
    activity at Aruba and Curacao bases and generally filter away any
    information concerning the US espionage targeting Venezuela. The
    US intelligence services are spying on the country from Columbia,
    Puerto-Rica, Panama, Guatemala, Honduras, and Trinidad and Tobago.

    Washington wants to know everything about Venezuela's military
    capabilities and mobilization plans, to assess the level of loyalty
    to the government in the ranks of the country's officer corps and
    the combat readiness of its armed forces, and to find out to what
    extent those are prepared to engage in long-term "asymmetric"
    guerrilla warfare.

    The US was alarmed by H. Chavez's statement that the seizure of
    Venezuela's oil fields and refineries would be prevented at any cost in
    the case of US aggression. Did he mean blowing up the infrastructures?

    Pentagon planners are no less worried over the potential strengthening
    of leftist guerrilla fronts in Columbia and their mushrooming in the
    Latin American countries currently hosting US military bases. The CIA
    and NSA regarded it as a cause for concern that leftist groups emerged
    in Mexico, the traditional backyard of the US. Mexican guerrillas have
    already claimed responsibility for several acts of sabotage at oil
    pipeline networks. In fact, Mexico's Chiapas state has been de facto
    controlled for years by the guerrilla groups led by the legendary
    Subcommandante Marcos who clearly would not opt for neutrality in
    case the US attacks Venezuela, the country which contributed a lot
    to the Indian cause in Latin America.

    No doubt, any aggressive steps taken by the US would trigger overall
    radicalization across the continent. It is already obvious that the
    comeback of the right in several Latin American countries and the
    reversion to the ruthless liberal economic course that ensued are
    meeting with widespread opposition and that the rise of new populist
    regimes in the region is only a matter of time. Mexico and Peru,
    the countries where F. Calderon and A. Garcia were propelled to
    power by the US financial and propaganda support regardless of how
    the poorest strata of the populations felt about the developments,
    are the prime candidates.

    There will be no chance to contain the spread of populism reflecting
    mass discontent with poverty and with the prosperity being limited
    to a small cohort of "efficient asset-holders" in the settings of the
    ongoing economic crisis. As in the epoch when Latin America was - with
    the US democratic blessing - run by cruel dictators, it is going to
    take bloodshed to impede the onslaught of populism in the region. Will
    the greedy operators of the XXI century world order with its permanent
    predatory privatizations and asset seizures dare to order shooting at
    the furious crowds of disillusioned people? After the very first shot,
    nations will have the moral right to respond to force with force.

    This is the reason why Obama's Administration needs to get rid of
    Chavez already in 2010 - it regards Venezuela as the epicenter of
    Anti-Americanism in the western hemisphere. Washington hopes that the
    demise of Chavez's regime would set in motion a cascade of likewise
    falls of the regimes it believes he has helped to come into being. At
    the moment, the global propaganda campaign backing the preparations
    for an aggression against Venezuela is at full swing.

    Venezuela's leading analyst Diaz Rangel said the media grands have
    unleashed a new round of a carefully coordinated propaganda war
    against Chavez and his socioeconomic alternative known as the XXI
    century socialism. The liberal media keep holding that no alternative
    to capitalism deserves to exist and unabashedly denies Chavez the
    right to social innovation.

    Rangel criticized Newsweek, Associated Press, and BBC for bias and
    downright lies in covering Venezuela. Their projection is that Chavez
    would be displaced already this year by the military (that is, the
    Venezuelan military, but assisted by their US and Columbian "peers"),
    that his socialist experiment will collapse, and that thus the county
    will overcome "disorder and chaos". Evidence of bias in Western media
    abounds: they never report pro-Chavez rallies attended by thousands
    of people, pretend not to know about his stable 59-60% support rating
    (which the West claims to reach only 45-48%), and avoid mentioning the
    implementation of a range of social missions in Venezuela including
    social residence construction.

    Instead, the West never stops airing its list of grievances concerning
    Venezuela. Allegations are made that Chavez uses petrodollars to
    support terrorists and supplies weaponry to Mexican and Columbian
    guerrilla groups, where Russian-made Kalashnikov assault rifles have
    recently been confiscated. Western media maintain that Chavez is the
    key figure behind all Latin American drug cartels, though it is an
    open secret that the US Drug Enforcement Administration is the actual
    number one player in the business in the region.

    Until 2000, the US propaganda used to portray Cuba as the worst
    evil in Latin America and called for its isolation and eventual
    elimination. The strengthening of Venezuela's positions, its
    endeavors in the framework of the ALBA integration project and calls
    for upgrading it to include a military alliance, as well as other
    Venezuelan initiatives unacceptable to Washington led the US to
    declare Venezuela the center of evil.

    Since the very inauguration of Chavez the Western media have kept
    talking about chaos in Venezuela, the divisions in the Venezuelan
    army, etc. Statements concerning the army could contain an element of
    truth till the 2002 attempted coup during which a bunch of US-trained
    officers managed to displace Chavez for 72 hours and intended to
    kill him on the CIA order. Since then, the Venezuelan army has
    been reorganized and at present the majority of its officers uphold
    revolutionary-nationalist views. To ensure control over the country's
    armed forces, the Venezuelan government pays the officers relatively
    high salaries and provides housing and medical care for them and their
    families. The army appreciates the government's efforts to modernize
    the country's defense potential, which is done largely with the help
    of Russia. Nevertheless, the illusion that Venezuela is weak in the
    military sense is so widespread that Obama's Administration expects
    to rout Chavez's defiant regime in a snap offensive. The corresponding
    plan is akin to those Germany had at the early phase of World War II -
    the US will rely on Venezuelan fifth column, Columbian ultra-right
    paramilitary groups, and its own special forces which are already
    launching raids in Venezuela's border regions.

    The infrastructure for the aggression is ready. The Pentagon seized
    every opportunity to set up military bases along the Venezuelan
    borders. Washington sent a heavily armed expedition corps, an aircraft
    carrier, and several warships to Haiti using the recent earthquake
    as a pretext, thus effectively securing another military base in the
    Caribbean. Experts suppose that the military group now based in Haiti
    can be used by the Pentagon to prevent Cuba from helping Venezuela
    in case it comes under the US attack. Chavez and the Castro brothers
    spoke a number of times about their common military obligations.

    Venezuela will hold parliamentary elections in September, 2010 during
    which the opposition is going to compete with desperation. Chavez
    already addressed the nation with the statement indicating that loss
    of control over parliament would be a catastrophe for the Bolivarian
    regime. In the run-up to the elections, its foreign and domestic
    foes are resorting to the standard set of instruments including the
    scenarios of color revolutions and the Honduran coup as well as to
    calls for military intervention against Venezuela.

    The coup in Honduras is by no means bloodless - simply the killing
    of supporters of the overthrown M. Zelaya are disguised as ordinary
    street crimes. As for the scale of repressions awaiting Venezuela in
    the case of a successful coup - they evade imagination.