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BAKU: Armenia May Ratify Protocols Without Turkish Ratification - Ar

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  • BAKU: Armenia May Ratify Protocols Without Turkish Ratification - Ar

    Kamala Mammadova
    Feb 19 2010

    Manvel Sargsyan News.Az interviews Manvel Sargsyan, an expert at the
    Armenian Centre of Strategic and National Studies.

    How would you describe Armenian-Turkish relations today?

    The initial inclination of Turkey and Armenia to use different
    prerequisites and preconditions has created a complex situation in the
    normalization of relations between these countries. In particular,
    Turkey underestimated the interest of the superpowers in the rapid
    normalization of relations with Armenia. By binding this process
    to progress in the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, Turkey has,
    in fact, intensified the process of international recognition of the
    genocide by Western countries, in particular, the United States. In
    addition, it has faced demands from the EU to withdraw its troops
    from Northern Cyprus.

    In fact, the claims set before the world community on Nagorno-Karabakh
    caused claims to be made in response on Turkey. As a result, Turkey
    is facing a difficult choice: either to continue setting prerequisites
    to Armenia and facing pressure from the superpowers in response or to
    give up on its prerequisites. Turkey seems not to have taken a final
    decision yet. Armenia has no special problems with the conditions.

    Parliament has started ratification of the protocols and it will
    probably ratify them without their ratification by the Turkish

    Do you think the Armenian-Turkish border will open this year? May
    Turkey improve ties with Armenia, ignoring Azerbaijan's interests?

    The development of Armenian-Turkish relations is becoming more
    dependent on the logic of the overall development of political
    processes in the region and the world. Turkey's choice will be dictated
    more by the influence of Turkish relations with the superpowers
    than the impact of Azerbaijan's problems. If problems that outweigh
    the problems of Turkish-Azerbaijani relations emerge inside and
    around Turkey, Turkey will be obliged to take decisions that bypass
    Azerbaijan's interest. We should take into account the fact that US
    policy on Iran is leading to an extreme situation in the Middle East.

    Certainly, all the countries of the region will have to voice their
    attitude to this situation and take a stance. These positions will
    affect Armenian-Turkish relations. In the end, the open border
    between Turkey and Armenia is not just a reflection of the interests
    of the two neighbouring countries. Its geopolitical meaning is also
    transparent. Therefore, the opening of this border can be expected any
    minute because the narrow interests of Armenia and Turkey do not play
    the most decisive role here. The interests and predominant processes
    in the region have changed too much, causing changes in the room for
    freedom of manoeuvre of each country in the region.

    Do you expect any progress in the Karabakh settlement in the near

    The state of diplomacy on the Karabakh conflict settlement is currently
    unclear. Azerbaijan and Armenia have treated the proposals made by
    Russia at the recent presidential meeting in Sochi differently. It
    was suggested that the conflict parties present within two weeks their
    proposals on issues of difference. Against this background, instead of
    presenting its proposals the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has reported
    that it agrees with the updated Madrid principles. Therefore, Russia's
    proposal to introduce new paragraphs to the text has been rejected.

    As opposed to this, the Armenian Foreign Ministry reported that it
    would make its proposals and the negotiations would continue when
    Azerbaijan proposed its position on the points of difference under the
    Sochi agreements. It means that Armenia has supported Russia's new
    initiatives. The threat of a split has emerged as a result of these
    different approaches to the diplomatic process. It is clear that it
    will be difficult to overcome the situation. The mediators' decision
    seems to be crucial in overcoming the emerging difficulties. Yet,
    there are no signs that the mediators have already expressed their
    attitude to the situation. This means that another stage of stagnation
    in negotiations is possible.

    Do you think it realistic that Azerbaijanis and Armenians can live
    together, if the conflict is settled?

    Historically, there have been numerous conflicts between Armenians
    and Azerbaijanis.

    Peaceful life together has been restored only when mechanisms to curb
    mutual claims have appeared. Anyway, both peoples should come to a
    single scale for the assessment of justice. Every people understands
    the concept of a "fair solution" differently. It is time to review the
    current state of affairs and recognize each other's rights. Peaceful
    life together is impossible or possible when peoples are suppressed
    by third powers.

    A similar situation existed in the Soviet period. This situation
    does not ensure lasting peace. The conflicting people should learn
    to conduct direct negotiations without any prerequisites, as it might
    improve the climate of relations.