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Albuquerque to Armenia!

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  • Albuquerque to Armenia!

    The Examiner
    Feb 20 2010

    Albuquerque to Armenia!

    February 20, 11:35 AM
    Albuquerque Travel Photography Examiner
    Edward Cardona

    Why Would Albuquerque Travelers Want to Go to Armenia?
    Why for the chance to take great photos of Mount Ararat where
    archeologists have been searching for Noah's ARK. Armenia is ageless
    and as the cradle of civilization wants to rock you. It is like
    finding a treasure map of culture. Go to experience nature's healing
    power. Year round you will take home a trip to remember.

    Armenia is a Photographer's Paradise!
    Take a lot of film or digital memory cards, because there is a picture
    waiting to be taken around every corner. A trip worthy of taking a
    tripod, which often a nuisance, but this time well worth the hassle.
    See the slide show at the bottom and this link for photo examples: ml and here is a direct link
    to the photographs,

    How to Get From Albuquerque to Armenia
    Several airlines like United, U.S. Airways, Continental, Delta,
    departing (ABQ) Albuquerque for Washington D.C. Then on to London,
    Zurich, Paris, or even better Rome where you can connect with Armavia
    Airlines, BMI, or to (EVN) Yerevan, Armenia. Or, go in the other
    direction via LA to Moscow and onto Yerevan using Aeroflot Russian
    Airlines! What an adventure!

    At the LA Times Travel and Adventure Show
    While at the LA Times Travel and Adventure Show last week you may have
    noticed that exhibitors from Armenia and Karabakh made their first
    appearance and were greeted by more than 40,000 people. Their booth
    was so crowded that you had to wait for a while before getting a
    chance to talk with an Armenian and received your DVD of photos and
    travel literature. On the first day of the show, every person received
    a flier that exclaimed "Welcome to Armenia" and come see the natural
    beauty, history, and culture.

    You may have seen video clips about Armenia and Karabakh. Enjoyed
    Armenian dance groups in native attire performing folk dances each day
    of the show. The travelogue and slide show presented by the authors of
    an Armenia travel guide, "The Stone Garden Guide: Armenia and
    Karabagh," attracted a standing-room-only crowd. They are putting
    Armenia on the map reaching a lot of people who may not have heard of
    Armenia before. Are you one of those?

    Global Beat Stage
    On the "Global Beat Stage" the Gevorkian Dance Academy
    ( performed modern and folk
    dances in traditional attire, and by a band of folk musicians. The
    Lilia Dance Studio and the Dynamic Duo Dance Studio
    ( performed Armenian folk dances
    on the second day of the show, as well.

    Movie Stars Anyone?
    Actress Charlene Tilton made a special guest appearance at the Armenia
    booth on the show's opening day. Armenia's participation at the travel
    show was featured on KTLA-TV News with Gayle Anderson
    ( tla-news-bio-anderson,0,2532206.story),
    and also on the Armenian American cable channels USArmenia TV and
    Horizon TV.

    Courtesy Photos provided by
    Take a virtual tour of Armenia at

    The Armenian American Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1999 and can
    be reached at, and at 818-247-0196. buquerque-Travel-Photography-Examiner~y2010m2d20-L A-Travel-Show-is-Abuzz-By-Armenias-Strong-First-Ap pearance