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New media breaches Azeri, Armenian information barrier

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  • New media breaches Azeri, Armenian information barrier

    Transitions Online , Czech Rep.
    Feb 18 2010

    New media breaches Azeri, Armenian information barrier

    report by Onnik Krikorian

    With the conflict in the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh still
    unresolved, journalists and civil society activists in Armenia have
    few opportunities to meet with their Azeri counterparts, and vice
    versa. But increasingly, blogs and social networks offer new
    possibilities for dialogue across a cease-fire line in place since
    1994. Other online tools offer immediate audio and video communication
    between the two countries, free from monitoring or interception. If
    adopted as general practice by journalists and activists, such tools
    could represent a revolution in cross-border cooperation.

    For this final segment in our multimedia series on overcoming
    stereotypes in the South Caucasus, I interviewed Arzu Geybullayeva, an
    Azerbaijani political and regional analyst, about her work on civil
    society, women's, and cross-border issues using new media tools. It
    was a rare direct conversation between Yerevan and Baku, conducted
    with the voice-over-internet service Skype.

    Arzu Geybullayeva with villagers in Karajala, an ethnic Azeri
    community in Georgia. Photo by Onnik Krikorian.

    Educated in Azerbaijan, Turkey, the United States, and the United
    Kingdom, Geybullayeva worked as an Azerbaijan analyst for the
    Berlin-based European Stability Initiative until December 2009. Since
    then she has been a political officer with the National Democratic
    Institute in Baku. She also writes for a variety of online
    publications, including the recently launched Women's Forum.

    I first contacted Geybullayeva in late 2008 via her blog, Flying
    Carpets and Broken Pipelines, and remained in contact through online
    services such as Twitter and Facebook. We met face-to-face last
    September in Telavi, Georgia, to make a presentation on new and social
    media for Armenian, Azerbaijani, and Georgian youth activists. We also
    visited the nearby, ethnically Azeri village of Karajala and posted
    photographs, accounts, and multimedia presentations on their blogs
    (see an audio slide show about it here), a trip that became the
    forerunner of this project.

    The podcast can be listened to on: ref HYPERLINK
    " 21189-no-borders-here.html"
    http://www.tol.or g/client/article/21189-no-borders-here.html